Non-native English speakers say the following and I’ll rate:
Rural, phenomenon, colonel, three, depth, penguin, sixth, squirrel, choir, chores and tangerine
Non-native English speakers say the following and I’ll rate:
Other urls found in this thread:
Rural, phenomenon, colonel, three, depth, penguin, sixth, squirrel, choir, chores, tangerine
How did I do?
9/10, you struggled a bit with rural but you did really well in general
0/10, did not even try :(
I don't want to wake up my parents
Come on, go for it
9/10, good job fren
7/10, although it sounds like you recorded your dad saying this
I can't say rural in english accent
> it sounds like you recorded your dad saying this
I'm old and somewhat drunk
is tangerine a difficult word for some foreigners? i don't get why it's in the list.
i absolutely can not pronounce rural.
and i say three the same way i say tree
depth is just dep...
but i'm kind tongue tied in portuguese too
I'm not speak inglish
had the same issue with english until I moved to the UK and studied there for 1 year.
Isn't it hard working as an English teacher like that?
8/10, you said colonel in such a cute way desu but you struggled with squirrel a bit
>is tangerine a difficult work for some foreigners?
I don’t think so, I just wanted to hear you guys say it
just say "skwirl"
Everything except "Chores" was fine.
8/10 cause you messed up the word chores but otherwise you did pretty good. The ch sound in chores is different from the ch sound in choir.
Thanks. Someone give me some French.
Phenomenon is a greek word
A ver
How's that?
9/10, good job
6.5/10, you messed up on a few words like three and tangerine but overall it was a good try. Tangerine is said with a hard g sound not a soft g.
6.5/10, basically for the same reasons as the guy above but good try overall. Pretend that colonel is spelt with an r instead of an l, so “coronel”.
9.5/10, how is your english so good?
Nvm, I just realized you said three as tree so 9/10, still good tho
That voice.. sounds too good to be true
the following and I’ll rate:
Rural, phenomenon, colonel, three, depth, penguin, sixth, squirrel, choir, chores and tangerine
posting in an NSA datamining thread
rate pls
8/10, you messed up the word chores but overall you did well.
thx :3
S'il vous plaît, pissez sur mon visage
Based af
You should say "sixths" instead of sixth
i feel you
9/10, good work bud
bump, wait for me OP. posting in a few minutes
You are a nice user. You rated everybody as you said you would. Would post mine but I don't want to wake up my parents. 10/10, good work buddy.
there ya go
Aww thanks my fren :)
8/10, you did good overall except some minor errors
9/10, good job fren, you just struggle a bit with the word depth
for a long time i thought i was the only person in this planet that could struggle with his own language. After coming to this place i learned that social distancing and not speaking to people have a major part in it, i also can barely write because i exclusively type
Was I that bad?
Now say: All Heil The Fourth Reich
Non-native American speakers say the following and I’ll rate: about, progress
Poor Icelander fella being ignored :(
For what it's worth, I think you did pretty good. Even pronounced three correctly.
i made a burp worthy of gods a split second after hitting stop
you probably grew up on nothing but american entertainment
you were burger up until that point
no mames
I don’t know how I missed yours, sorry fren :( but I give yours a 9/10. You did really well.
8.5/10, tangerine is with a hard g not a soft one but otherwise you did good
5/10 for at least posting something