/lat/ hilo latino

hilo anime

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como le hablo a una cami o sofi choris?

hilo de pepas


hilo lisérgico


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hilo anime yurifico y pro-semita

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si un dia voy a LOS y me abren la maleta prefiero que me encuentren 5 kg de cocaina que ese plushie, te dan la pena de muerte los nigga

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pepa me moggea

Since I'm already here and the tab is open.

Where do you guys live, how's life in your city? Is it dangerous how I imagine it to be or am I too much influenced by the media?

How are the people in your country? Any special characteristics you'd like to point out?

To start with my country, we are Slavs, all of the memes are true.


el bosniANO sres.

when are you niggers gonna fix your country and join the EU?
I mean, Serbia will be joining in the next few years so I thought I'd ask

Santiago is the dangerous shit hole here

la mala gente dirá que eso es racista

>Where do you guys live
oj oj
no te lo voy a decir
>Any special characteristics you'd like to point out?
hablamos el castellano mal

hilo CHADtólico

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qué idioma hablan en bosnia? y qué parte es herzegovina?

Que bueno no ser de santiasco

los gachas son literalmente para enfermos mentales
como yo

en herzegovina hay serbos pero musulmanes

peor es ser s*reño

I felt more insecure in Kosovo tbqh

>how's life in your city?
>Is it dangerous how I imagine it to be or am I too much influenced by the media?
Latter. I've never been mugged. there are parts of town I'd never venture into though
>How are the people in your country?
dumb as bricks, arrogant, entitled, fake

Are you a bydlo?

Me gusta mis mujeres como me gusta mi café... Negra

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que bien se siente ser NORTINOBVLL

>y qué parte es herzegovina?

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y graneros donde chucha queda

y bosnia


0n porque no te haces youtuber de conspiraciones? digo, es mas facil ganar plata con eso

Eso se mira más color café que negro pero entiendo tu punto

es el resto


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in 15 to 20 years probably,

it's unfixable, too much corruption over the years, money from post-war donations went into private pockets, the economy is ruined with privatization, not because privatization is a bad thing in itself, but because people are milking money with the infrastructure that's in tact, without improving it, and it's not going to last, on top of that, air pollution, health-care is shit, rivers are polluted, a lot of area covered by mines,

everything is held together with duct tape, people are leaving, and I have no idea how the country is even functioning

also, we're not going to survive corona if it stays until may

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es un espresso, solo la parte de arriba se ve cafe por la espuma, mira el fondo


0n es un simp

el rata debe estar metale culiando con la polola

You are not cute

>15 años
noooooooooooo quiero cogerme una hijabi pero blanca de ojos celestes

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not based

piro juli se quiere cojer a la hija

no hay algunas "refugiadas" en Suiza?


Solo lo estaba tratando de confundir al aussie. Ahh ya me dio antojo de una tasita de café

he is very cute tb h

>no FratiCHADlli

la mayoría se fue a suecia y no creo que sigan siendo musulmanes creo

6 muertos
8 recuperados
tasa de letalidad: 75% al menos no estamos tan mal como holanda, donde llega al 99%

>Suecia no Suiza
mala mía, perdón

conserjes de mierda


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no igual creo que hay montones de balkanitas en suiza, en austria hay y son suiza version lidl

>tasa de letalidad: 75%
eh?? no se hace el porcentaje de acuerdo a infectados??

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esca sólo vengo a decirte que me cago en tus muertos

I've read articles from Charles Bowden about the situation in Juarez, but I heard that if one wants to live in Mexico, Mexico City is the place to be.

noooo, no sabemos su "outcome"