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Why is a qt native girl the representation for Brazil when the average Hueape is a Mulatto druggie?

Wow rood

Did you have a stroke there, Ahmed?

is cute :)

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Real question is why are Brazilian man and female so sexy. Damn sexy nation.

No, the average Brazilian is a white Portuguese person. Trust me

false too

>Mulatto druggie
ugh, my cock...

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This. Brazil is lowkey white.

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God i wish i were born in jungle favellas with qts

She represents like maybe 1 out of 100 brazilians.

47 out of 100 actually

I bet I would pass as a local in Brazil. I can tan and if it did, I think I would fit right in


thank you, my cock was getting way too hard thinking about brown women

upper class spoiled white women, now that's what I call a boner killer

Do girls like her feel insecure in Brazil ?

I like both


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Nah, Brazil is lowkey asian actually

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Why ?

This, kuruminha would fit peru bolivia or even mexico better


get a clue bro

i hate women. i want a nice brazilian boyfriend

That's a beautiful woman.

No, those all rich jew chicks.

Only São Paulo

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>have yellow fever
>hear all the time how Brazil has the biggest population of japs outside of Japan
>They are all in fucking São Paulo

It's not fucking fair.
I can't even get a asian prostitute where I live.

Brazil has been receiving a lot of positive posts and threads made by Americans this week. I am starting to fall in love. Go away, America. I am supposed to think you are evil.

Americans did nothing wrong.
What, bombimg japs twice? It was not enough.

I made two of them. Three including this thread

nao, eu amo brasileiros, voce e fofo

Brazilians are white

Brazil is pardo but there are more whites than blacks.

You are predominantly european, your negro and amerindian blood is negligible

Depends on the region.
I'm a full mutt.
Mother's family has portuguese heritage and my father's family is amerindian and black.

Pardo 4ever.

You are white

I'm really not.

Post skin, you are probably lighter than me

Yakuza 3 is an alright game.

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Pure med, thats not amerindian or negro skintone


is there a reason you can't just travel there?

It's not that cheap and the family money is kinda tight at the moment.
I could like call some friends into a massive road trip through the country to get there as an excuse for "one last hurrah" but then they would never agree with me to go fuck whores.

Brazilian ( white girls) are like brittish slags but more attractive and have wayyyyy better bodies

It's like 300 bucks to go, some additional cash to get somewhere to stay for a few days, let's say 1000 bucks to get a good week of whore sex and then some 300 bucks to leave.
It's not that cheap for me.

>1000 bucks to get a good week of whore sex
Absolutely degenerate

If I'm going to travel to a whole different state to explicitly fuck prostitutes then I am going to spend some cash in it.

It's not like SP has anything interesting going on as a city. It's just a "big city"

those are a different kind of indians
amazonians look like little SEAmonkeys

We got white, black, arab, asian, indigenous we got the whole fuckin shit

We are the master race

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where what my opressed east european friend
if your talking about the girls you'll find them exclusively in São Paulo state

Why the fuck Brazil mfs complaining while they live in paradise

There are plenty of japs in Paraná as well. Mainly in Curitiba and Maringá.

It's a beautiful land with beautiful people.

But the personality of those people tho,

thats just natural, everyone complains about their countries in some way or another

The best looking white girls are in the last two southern states. Best German and Northern Italian types.

and how would you know that?

Spent plenty of time in Porto Alegre for work and Floripa for play. I am from Miami, well travelled, and have a good eye for women.

ok, fair

Have you heard of Scandello?

No, why

why do brazilian mma fighters alawys wear that stupid yellow color?

Famous nightclub in SP with top notch hookers

Kuriminha is so cute


I'm not from SP, so It's not like I know any joint.

All whorehouses in my city are shit.