/cum/ Canada USA Mexico

hunting with the boys

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Found a nice vintage Seiko 5 in my dad's drawer, polished it up nice, managed to get all the scratches out of the jewel as well. Too bad the face has some weird discoloration on it.
I mean they're only like 80 bucks new anyway lol but still...it's VINTAGE...

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Us leafs ain’t no bitch niggas

vintage shit

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ummm stop being wasteful
it's from 1975 and works like new...might as well USE it...

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is the American accent popular anywhere?

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You guys secretly love us. I can tell.

>toil truck pulls up beside me
>lose cell service
Reee go away I was trying to hide

I used to have it
now that chinese Canadian does

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well look at that

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>Billionaire investor Bill Ackman turned $27 million into $2.6 billion by betting that the coronavirus would tank the market

>The hedge-fund billionaire Bill Ackman turned a $27 million position into a $2.6 billion windfall as the coronavirus outbreak dragged stocks to multiyear lows and threatened deep economic recession.

>Pershing Square Capital Management turned to credit protection on investment-grade and high-yield bond indexes to bet on an increased risk of corporate default.

this on top of corporate bailouts. the rich get richer

Is there a Chinese /cum/poster?

Why do black people have kitchen roll in the bathroom?

You're replying to him

That's to dry your hands off

in germany wut

>That's to dry your hands off

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yep, we are fucked beyond belief

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dems take next cycle, will have to raise taxes to fund this bullshit. repubs will go back to muh tea party libertarian mode. the cycle from 2008 will start all over again

>he doesn't use paper towels to dry his hands
>using a towel that someone else has most likely touched

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who cares, trumps going to send everyones back to work anyway

Everyone here could have turned 10k into 1M if only you’d listened to my investment advice

I'd love you more if you weird leafs didn't make a dozen bait threads about America everyday

>he lets other people use his towel


>t. 16 year old political scientist

sidewalk chalk is making a big comeback

Im personally voting for trump again because I want him to crash this country so bad we stop being the world police

You use the shower towel. Nobody is gonna touch my towel because where could it have been?

that's going to happen regardless of who's in office because of china. we can't even rally our so-called allies anymore

Wasn't me bud. I like Americans for the most part

we need to nuke china ASAP

>you use the towel you dry your ass off with to dry your hands off with

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control the chinks

bit late

Very popular in Scandinavia. All the normies speak in a Californian accent over there.

never too late

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there is no californians accent

we are NOT all surfers or valley girls

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I mostly just dry my hair and my chest/back. The rest takes care of itself in a minute.

I read that in an upward inflection

bros how often do you wash your ass?

just dabbed on the haters

Are there people who don't wash it every time they shower?

every time I shower?

what if you get poop on your towel
that's hard to come off and you don't want poop on your body when you wash again

oh but of course a random fucking AUSTRIAN knows it better

Get a westie to take of it. There's not a ton of them here

based scandinavian scholar

sure there is. try listening to a spic speak english

if you wash your ass right you wont have poo on your ass, stupid

Do you shove the towel between your asscheeks? Sounds like a pretty bizarre scenario to me


it's just weird because some people take showers after they poop but like if you wash your ass and there's a poop stain on your towel what would you do? do you continue or like

Is that not what you're supposed to do? I usually put some soap on the towel and rub between my asscrack really hard

LA doesnt count

>I usually put some soap on the towel and rub between my asscrack really hard

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I'm serious is that not how you're supposed to wash your ass? I was the outside too btw

Should the CUM nations unite and have a currency called the Amero?

no, you imbecile

Use your fucking hands

just learnt that a coworker who worked in the same room as me tested positive before work closed

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