This pandemic will be the end of the usa, mark my words

This pandemic will be the end of the usa, mark my words

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there's way too many of them


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finally they get defeated by their own individualist bullshit

But boomers are a huge tax burden so it will be good for us

not so fast

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Not even. If all of US gets infected, 3-9 million will die. That's nowhere need enough.

What we need is civil unrest. Americans shooting each other over toilet paper roll rations. People killing each other over trivial matters (more than usual). THEN it'll be the "end" of the US.

>an unknown Chinese guy who ate bat soup will be the reason for the collapse of the American empire

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This pandemic is the end of you.

You already passed us and we have it way longer than you.


Rutherford Alcock, British diplomatist, "The Capital of the Tycoon (1863)"
>I have no hesitation in saying that the Japanese are, upon the whole, a cleanly people, wash often - live in houses open to the air, and look on wide and well-ventilated streets, where nothing offensive is allowed to rest. In all these things the Japanese have greatly the advantage over other Eastern races, and notably over the Chinese, whose streets are an abomination to any one possessing eyes to see, or a nose to smell with. (Vol. I, p. 189)

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>a larger country has more confirmed cases as more tests are done

Literally the only country to kick the virus' ass

Russia and China will be THE main powers when this is over.

I wish

They already survived the kansas flu, thewill survive the CIAflu

>What we need is civil unrest.
I give it 1 week tops

south korea

Just to own the commies.

surely i cant be the only one who thinks "some guy just ate bat soup" is a bit too convenient for china in relation to the effects the virus has had and will have on the world, particularly the western world?



Japan? They're unscathed through this and they're already top-5 in power. South Korea somewhere there too.

south korea had way more cases, but they have it under control now yes

Yes after two weeks you're still saying it will be like Shitaly and Spain and it still isn't

Also I'm glad more wops are dying than they can count

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ok sure, but that's just barely
i know you wish it was a lot higher, given how confident i am that you shitpost about the US being fat and unhealthy at least once per day

how is that convenient for china?

I think he means it's a bioweapon.

The USA can expect about 4-4.5 million corona-related deaths over the course of the next years. Not bad for a country this size, I guess.


Just wait a couple of weeks, amerimuttino, you'll drop like flies

Nah. Russia is incompetent poor and China's economy will crumble. This is India's chance.

Have sex

south korea, taiwan and japan are the only countries here who can talk shit
and if your country isn't one of those 3, or germany and the US, then you aren't testing enough to get a better idea of how many infected there are
especially given that iceland has claimed through mass testing of the symptomatic and asymptomatic that 50% of the people who have it show 0 signs

>this is india's chance

the western world is in chaos and facing a recession, whilst china had is easier

You said that last week and the week before that. The cases go up but the deaths aren't anywhere near Europe levels


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just wait, you went from 5k infected to 80k in a week

Unironically yes. A ton of medicine comes from India and them banning export is hurting the US a lot. If they can get their tests out in bulk and make them cheap, they can gain a lot from this.

But of course, are they willing to sacrifice their own citizens for money?

Do you really think the us healthcare system can handle this? Unless the government does something, a lot of people are gonna die because thay can't afford treatment

why is this shocking to you when people and businesses are ordered to stop working?
that isn't a result of a financial crisis

i can't right now because of the lockdown, but once it's over you'd better get out of my way if you don't want some

>what's the point of this .gif?
>it's moving up and down and trending up slightly every year
>so what?
>last frame

Why would I, people here are getting fatter and more unhealthy by the day as well, you don't have a monopoly on that. I'd rather poke at your conceitedness.

you do realize that the ones most at risk, the 70+ year olds, have access to medicare right?
i don't think you do, because your knowledge of what happens in the US is based solely on what you read here or on reddit


i'll never stop thinking i'm better than you though
as much as you want me to

this, or at the very least im entertaining the possibility

Not like China literally directly hurting our corporations. And causing a complete and total hault on our production. They make everything, they're not going anywhere. India isn't even close to the level.

Ok the real question is what should happen to China given they covered this up initially

Also mutts and euroids, stop you retarded flamewars - you should unite together to fight this virus

>why is this shocking to you
Because we don't have dismissals at will

I think I read somewhere that 50% of all medicine in the US is made outside the US. When Puerto Rico got hit by a hurricane, the US suffered quite a bit because almost all their saline bags came from there.

I think you may have no idea how insane americans actually appear to more civilized countries.

Anyone thinking China lies about their numbers remember they went into lockdown on Jan 23rd.

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youre acting like those people were fired and not laid of

no, you dont understand what industrial capacity and infinite money can do

im watching the press conference and orange man gave his usual redneck speech for the 20 IQ ppl, then the actual ppl come and explain what they gona do

dont ask why is it worth it to get into a crisis first then solve it instead of avoiding it, but thats what they do

>deaths growing 30% daily
italy at 1000 deaths was growing slower than that

more liike they let whoever had it die in their house like the hive they are

Trump's trade war was already taking some wind out of economic growth in China, an economic depression will ripple back and hit them extremely hard. Not to mention the major economic impact the virus has had in China already. I imagine economists in China (and everywhere else in the world) are very worried about the coming months and years.

Fair to say that China massively under-reported their real numbers, the real problem tho is that the yellow pest is spreading like wildfire and the fatties are inept at controlling it.

But Americans have started dying from this disease

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India will never be a china lol the chinese built a whole hospital in just 10 days. India will never be able to compete with that uniform insect-like mentality and work ethic. Not to mention they're low IQ. Most of their "high performers" are those who got there by cheating on test.

>Not to mention they're low IQ.
Got much tech support in Brazil?

they're kissing

sounds plausible, china just had a better reaction to the virus than the west and the effects of it are just so huge globally..

to add to your comment, there will be the general issue of trust, or the lack of it towards china after this

how does xi keep getting away with everything lads?


We're low IQ too nigga but atleast we don't try to fraud intelligence by having entire class sessions of cheating mother fuckers


based chinks saving the world from great satan and its jewish clan

Imagine being from B7az1l and thinking you can look down on anyone

>Boomers will be dead, chinks fucked off
>This will lead to no more homeless in California
I dunno

Are you the manlet German who spergs out and posts like 10 America threads a day?

well, we have protections against that too

on average you need 2 weeks to die... give it time


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>Claims someone else is conceited, proceeds to be a hypocrite
>Claims that Americans don't hear euros bitching and whining about everything down to fucking shoes.
You should see how euros react outside of this site, they're just as fucking autistic as Yas Forums, always obsessed.

>do as much as south korea
>still have 10x more cases

Why is he so offensive and always to seek who to pick on? Can he stop shitt' on other countries?

We're the BEST at getting infected, aren't we folks? We're TREMENDOUSLY good at avoiding quarantine rules. We're the best at it, some might say.

>Why is he so offensive and always to seek who to pick on?
Because he is a populist. He will blame it on something until the whole house of card collapses.