
dirty diana

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Oxford bender has shagged more women than me

bit FUCKING early

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bringing back >alri posting one thread at a time

Yes it is, it's the same lips
He confirmed they met up

wtf oxford was anticipating it months ago


what a runt

reckon i've shagged more women than oxford bender

So just so I understand the Oxford bender situation
>from Oxford
>is a bender
>may or may not have aids
That sum it up?

Win a Barratt home

for me its youtube.com/watch?v=EmIOBjqviKs

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corr the chebs on him

A tad bit too gay for my tastes

Homosexuals are disgusting

it was literally a random lad that posted pretending to be Oxford and knowing summer

the state. the absolute state.

oh my days the state of this, reckons hes an absolute unit

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just joined the National Bolshevik Party of Britain

thought we were over with benderposting?

if he's in the gym why does he look like he's never touched a barbell in his life

Won't be long before he's Oxford Tranny

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this is not fashion

That's based lad.


do you guys have corona fights?


unironically would shag if he shaved
+ cleaned his arsehole 2bh

This is all you need to know about the Oxford Bender


post body

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??? The guy in that picture is Oxford and the girl in that picture is Summer
Oxford and Summer are actual people who are aware of /brit/'s existence and have posted here you know

Are you face blind?

aisha and the palestine lad pic, looks like shes got a nice tidy ass on her, wonder if she does anal


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shan't, might give you corona

couldn't make it past the first 10 seconds
holy FUCKING cringe

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My man jorts with a karate belt it literally the opposite of fashion

Prefer the version where her fanny is censored by Kev's face

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he looks like what comes out if that lad on the right fucks a hobbit

why does this general have so many cringecase freaks

Why was Diana murdered? Why do the brits not seem to care or remember?

going out in a large group lads. anyone want anything

deary me

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have you lads checked in on people after this pandemic started to make sure everyone's okay?

Yes the lad is oxford the girl is some random bint from his Uni then some lad took the pic and started posting pretending to be him and that they knew eachother

there's a severely disabled spastic next door and the neighbors leave him outside at 8am and give him a squeaky dog toy to play with and the fucker wakes me up every morning with
and it goes on for HOURS straight, the cunt must have massive muscles in his hands and fingers from squeezing that thing so much. even with my headphones on and my window closed i can still hear it, it's really loud. he used to have a maraca or a baby rattle or something and he'd rattle that around all day and that was annoying but it was nowhere near as loud as this fucking dog toy.
what the FUCK do i do? my mum won't let me call the police and do a noise complaint thing because it's "wrong" because obviously spastics are allowed to do anything they want, they're allowed to wake me and the neighbors up and do my fucking head in all day with SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK
Fuming. WHY would his parents give him a fucking squeaky toy? is this some way of getting back at society because they gave birth to a fucked kid and it's ruined their lives so they're bitter and taking revenge on everyone else by waking them up early and annoying the fuck out of them. I know for a fact i'm going to be woke up at 8am with SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK *garbled noise* SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK and i'm already pissed off.

On the Global Health Security Index, a report card that grades every country on its pandemic preparedness, the United States has a score of 83.5—the world’s highest. Rich, strong, developed, America is supposed to be the readiest of nations.

Because it's the most autistic general on the board

£60 please

she became problematic

thats a big fanny


can you really say that if you don't speak all the other languages though

and look like a full on cringe case weapon like you infront of the men, nah nah you midge

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Oxford and I unironically have the same dance moves, this is how I dance in the club


Do all generals have this many freaks or are we special in that regard?

Yes because I can't read the other threads for evidence against that

this is normal compared to the utter freaks in

Does your ring hurt the next morning after bumsex?

literally one of the least, yank dog

same remember genuinely being infuriated when he posted it

imagine being absolutely done up by the bradleyposter of all people
utterly grim

wish i could have taken aisha to celtic park on our first date before i die of 'rona lads

what are your final regrets

Here's the thing, this isn't about a pandemic, it's just a little flu

given that the rest have homoerotic roleplay and anime, 'no'

is this... the fabled cope?

Fast moving, lots of 'personable' responses (lad, mate, etc), so they seek attention


better than homophobia and machismo

How tall is Oxford? He looks like a big guy


More Oxfokino

mate that was almost two years ago. /brit/ is practically normie these days

for every turtle you get a ribena
for every alan you get an emmayank

Fucking howling at this. What is Mrsnail4 doing

for you

stop getting obsessed with brit personalities you sad wankers

newcunt here. is oxfordlad bent?

'post body' accompanied by no timestamped picture of the poster's body is the last desperate refuge of the beaten, misshapen Yas Forums poster. it's the calling card of the fat, and the stick, and the ugly.


God I miss him so fucking much

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of the two thaiposters I much preferred Thailad over al

having a stretch

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Alan is alright but he's just a bad Taleb imitator at the end of the day

alan >>> thainonce

never said the king's a bender, lost my respect for him

not even close

Seriously when the fuck did he last post here?

You'd think with the lockdown he would be here with us. Hope hes alright.

Anyone know if the police are stopping people on the M62 and what area/junctions?
Asking for a friend

Daily reminder

him not doing it was part of the gimmick

hes not thailad anymore, hes thaiman

Years /brit/ has existed: 8
Amount of trans women of color who have posted here in that time: 1

/brit/ needs to confront its diversity issue

what degree did oxford study?

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The real genius produces nothing. He does not need. He already knows.

Just gave rona a quick one two

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seems like a perfect time to start going on nightwalks again

what's up dudes how's it hanging

Thanks mate, likewise

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fancy a wank but don't fancy watching porn

alan is a dickhead to be fair

reckon most of the world's issues would be solved if every healthy male had a mandated gf to pork now and then

about to start work

I wish I had an Oxford degree in classics

We have made the start. When, at what date and time, and the proletarians of which nation will complete this process is not important. The important thing is that the ice has been broken; the road is open, the way has been shown.

Now is the perfect time for rapists to prowl at night lad be careful

i have one of those

why would I need a mandated gf when I have a wife?

mens bums


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Just shagged some Latino aka Romanian bird there. Fuck me she was peng

bloody hell, married and on /brit/

You need to go back to America

not saying he's not a cunt. but what's nice about that photo is the dwarf isn't denying the king is a nonce and isn't trying to convince you he's a technical wizard computer hacker who knows more than you about everything and he's not having sex with a child.

nah he likes spray painting
sprayed some gimmicks somewhere in oxford once i think

>I-I'm not gay, look!

But I have a life and a job

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there's nothing worse than getting deodorant on your fucking HANDS

there's a few posters like that on here
always boggles my mind, unless they're lying there's posters on here with kids


FACT: Welsh are the most POWERFUL race in the world

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hello oxford

When all this bollocks is over there's gonna be so much sex and debauchery. It will be our generation's VE Day. Everyone will ask what you did on that day.

in his imagination

What's your goal in life?

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I’m not
In her house

after danes

to be happy

Yeah thought so too

>The US has now overtaken China and Italy as having the most total cases of coronavirus in the world with 81,378, according to a Reuters tally on Thursday.

for me, it'll be going to the pub and having a pint (several)

So I was just in Tesco and here's what changes have been made
>Instead of a security guard there was a fucking POLICEWOMAN in there, keeping an eye on us so we don't rub up against each other I guess
>There is this black and yellow striped tape about 1.5m apart ALL across the floor - I guess one person is allowed per 1.5m but no idea how the fuck they'd regulate that shit.
>There's a sign on the front door prohibiting more than 5 people in the place at once


Lol bendre

week and a half ago they had less cases than us

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The point is that you don't feel like strangling every woman you meet because your needs are satisfied

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How much does she charge for an hour?

the same thing we do every night, post on /brit/

to live innit

It's 10:06 lad. I'm not at work until 8am tomorrow.

What the FUCK are they doing in the US?


No idea. Probably be £100 or something. Don’t know who the fuck goes and asks for 1 hour

Perfidious Columbia getting what it deserves.


Who raped Duffy and held her captive?

no idea what's happening in this video

is beer an essential item?
I think so

calling it a dem hoax and saying they'll lift lockdown by easter because it's such a beautiful time

what have benders contributed to brit?
unless they are on here posting the same repetitive shit day in day out its as if they dont even exist
no one ever posts anything they have said again
they dont contribute any pictures or anything funny
because they dont have a personality any of them
their entire existence revolves around them being bent any telling everyone about it
its mad when you think about it

testing more than anyone now
turns out you'll find a lot of positive cases on a virus that has been circling the globe since january, if not a bit sooner

love coronavirus and also corona beer
dead old farts freeing up property together with euro runts flocking home should reduce house prices nicely

Me I'm on a tight schedule

>No Alan
>No Thailad
>No Oxford
>No ulster
>No good aussies like jordan and ed
>Not even fucking melvin posts

What has happened to /brit/?

to get out this fucking house again

nah just here an unhealthily long time

people fighting over a bag of flour

What's her name then?

rorke on the ropes

Fallen in love with Joao Felix's gf


just logged onto blacked.com

Miss the phantom typer myself x

>total deaths: 1177
>4 per 1,000,000
not to the extent you want, obsessed freak

surprised you didn't claim the other Bale too

dumb soap opera poster

Wouldn’t less time be better then?