Apart from language, are they more spanish or italian?

Apart from language, are they more spanish or italian?

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Spanish by far, Italians fucked the indios en masse when they went over there. The only pure white people you find there, are Spanish creoles or other less race mixing inclined Euros

on average, going by dna results, more spanish than italian. They are more italian than the rest of latin america though


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every fucking time

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Going by surnames, I think Spanish?

>only pure white people you find there, are Spanish

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no, uruguay is more

Spanish of course.

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>Italians fucked the indios en masse when they went over there.

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Depending on the province. This is italian immigration

Attached: Inmigrantes_italianos_en_Argentina_(1914).svg.png (492x899, 143.77K)

And this is spanish.
So you'll prbably find many people who are more italan than spanish, but you'll also find many people who are more spanish than italian.
Which population is bigger? Dunno, but probably very close

Attached: Inmigrantes_de_EspaƱa_en_Argentina_(1914).svg.png (492x899, 142.41K)

Sadly both, we wanted Germans but we got southrons, even British would be a better option

rude self-hating faggot

I'm talking about the wave of immigrants of the 20th century, I live here a longer time than that

>now they get bolivians and paraguayans


uruguay is more spanish than italian as well, and in turn, less italian than argentina

>I live here a longer time than that
Are you immortal?

Why are there little to no blacks in Argentina, no memes?

They mixed with their slaves.

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Americans of Yas Forums do deserve the hate they get

There were like two and argies used them as cannon fodder during their independence war so most of them died.

Weren't Spanish there way before Italians?
And the map show they continued to emigrate, so of course, Argentinians have a lot more Spanish blood than Italian blood.

Stop spewing bullshit you stupid burger, stop pretending to know about other countries

As for your question, it's because we sent them all to die in war

When did your family arrive to Argentina?



Sounds like every non-american posting about America

Italians mixed with the locals and adopted spanish surnames/language so now is literally impossible to know if someone is part italian and all our common surnames are spanish with a single exception "rossi".

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stop being retarded
there are millions of people here with Italian surname
Italian surnames are not repeated much like spanish ones.

italians racemixed heavily with the native population (mestizos)


he is probably some tehuelche mutt who larps as native

do spanish argies act different than italian argies, and do they have different cultures?

we are all argentinians, Johnny. There is no larping, anyone claiming ancestry would be looked as a retard

Note that there is a difference between being proud of your ancestors and claiming retarded shit like "I am half italian half irish"

For all I know, the latter only happens in your country

based answer
i'll upvote it if i can find the button here

the latter does happen here because no one knows what it means to be american here other than based on dumb ass concepts our boomer parents told us

idk but i if they have some blood from both countries, they are more proud of (and like to show) their italian side, wich is fine really

I heavily doubt those samples are representative of the general population, at least for Venezuela

>the latter does happen here because no one knows what it means to be american

They haven't embraced their new worlder identity. I think it is an interesting phenomena.

Here people either hate this country to the bone and will eventually leave, are apathic about it or just very patriotic but not in the way american patriotism works

As I said claiming ancestry is not really common. Only recently I have heard a coworker claiming he is italian without knowing how to speak italian. And everyone in the office, even foreginers looked at him like he was a retard

Culturally, It's mostly a mix of both but the Italian half is more palpable in the central provinces. Ethnically the same, Italian decendants have a tendency to be a more white than the spanish ones, but there is also a decent diasporo from other Euro nations, like Germany, and Croacia.
One day I remeberd talking with a dude, he was a fat mestizo, dude look like a fucking walking rosted meatball yet had the most german surname I'd ever heard in my life. Wish I could remember it now.

>They haven't embraced their new worlder identity. I think it is an interesting phenomena.
eh i wouldn't say people have failed to embrace the identity, but more or less failed to even identify the identity, because we got so many different types of people it's like "where do we go form here to classify these people when they speak a similar language and practice similar nuances in their daily lives, but have vastly different backgrounds that affect their practices in how they approach things."

>Here people either hate this country to the bone and will eventually leave, are apathic about it or just very patriotic but not in the way american patriotism works

gotcha, that helps with understanding it

Gib milanesa sandwich pls

The middle class are mostly a weird form Italian mestizos from what I've encountered. Italian migrants mixed with the natives more than the Spanish settlers did. The Spaniards are either poor hicks or a minority of urban rich now. But a lot of the richfags are aforementioned Italian-Indio mixes too. If I had to make a pie chart about Argentine racial/ethnic identity I'd probably say it's about 40% Spanish, 45%Italian and 15% Indigenous. I'm a Mexican-Italian muttoid who goes to Argentina regularly so my opinion may be biased.

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We are actually Welsh.

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Obviusly spanish, we have almost nothing in common with the Italians

>If I had to make a pie chart about Argentine racial/ethnic identity I'd probably say it's about 40% Spanish, 45%Italian and 15% Indigenous

>Source: dude trust me


who are you replying to?

From my experience , their women aren't nearly as pretty as Spanish or Italian women. They're not super ugly though

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>Can't even quote the right user
Confirmed for Castillian. Jokes aside, that's what it looked like to me, I'm part Mexican-American and part New Yorker eye-talian and part of my family are actual Italians that live in Northern Italy and plenty of Argies I've interacted with just flat out look and act like Italians and a lot of them in Argentina are mixed with natives. That's all. No need to get defensive.

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Most Argentinians who have spanish background are from Galicia or Basque country, which is northern spain and not swarthy like the rest of AssPain.

Plus we had less important but yet significant migrants from other countries like poles and crhistian arabs (syrians and lebanese mostly)

depends on the region in question
Centre including buenos aires is mostly shitalian and spaniard
North-west is either Incan indians or criollos (spaniards)
North-east is the poorest area with jungle indians and some Ukrainians scattered around
south is mapuche territory, with a high percentage of germans, welsh, british, galicians and french

>Most Argentinians who have spanish background are from Galicia or Basque country, which is northern spain and not swarthy like the rest of AssPain.

Based. I didn't know that. About half of my Mexican side are Basques that settled in Durango and Nuevo Leon in Mexico and crossbred with Tepehuan soldiers and metal workers. Durango and Nuevo Leon are a lot moredeveloped than most of Mexico are both heavily Galician and Basque. Funny how the Basque Country and the Galician and Catalonian parts of Ass-Pain are so much better than the rest of Spain as well. Almost makes one wonder if Basques and Northern Spaniards are the only Spanish worth anything. No wonder Argentina is more based than the rest of Latin America.

I've been meaning to ask my grandparents to teach my Basque. I should get on that.

Attached: basque.gif (384x256, 5.62K)

>Confirmed for Castillian. Jokes aside, that's what it looked like to me, I'm part Mexican-American and part New Yorker eye-talian and part of my family are actual Italians that live in Northern Italy and plenty of Argies I've interacted with just flat out look and act like Italians and a lot of them in Argentina are mixed with natives. That's all. No need to get defensive.
Shut up chicano, you dont know about argentina culture and demography.

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>south is mapuche territory, with a high percentage of germans, welsh, british, galicians and french
What are doing those faggots on indian territory?

Huincas get out

Basque language sounds like a pain, it doesn't have any equivalent, it's one of the last living variations of weird indo-european isolated linguistic group that's almost extinct. good luck with that.

Accurate. The only italian in my family is from Santa Fe.

>Basque language sounds like a pain, it doesn't have any equivalent, it's one of the last living variations of weird indo-european isolated linguistic group that's almost extinct.

That's kind of what makes me want to learn it. My grandparents didn't speak it fluently until they were in their 30s but they want to teach others. There are also a few enclaves in Northern Mexico where the Basque language is actually growing and a few rural towns in California and Oregon where Basque is still spoken. It was dying but now it's making a slow uptick like Irish. Dude that runs a liquor store near me actually fought as in the Basque army in the Spanish Civil war and still has his helmet and uniform. Dude was born in Spain, his kids were born in Mexico and his grandkids in the US.

Attached: basque soldier spanish civil war.jpg (367x513, 33.23K)

American IQ

Wow, it looks like argentina was settled really late compared to the rest of America

>Dude that runs a liquor store near me actually fought as in the Basque army in the Spanish Civil war and still has his helmet and uniform.
That's actually pretty bad ass. Imagine the stories he's got.

based. not many people know that Welsh make up a lot of southern argentina

Leo DiCaprio's current GF - LA born Argie Camila Morrone. She is half Italian half Slav Jew.

She acts 100% percent like a guido Italian from the Jersey Shore. Leo has been fucking her since she was 19.

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>The only pure white people you find there, are Spanish creoles or other less race mixing inclined Euros

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