With coronavirus ravaging the useless Yankee states, how would you see a new Civil War in the US play out...

With coronavirus ravaging the useless Yankee states, how would you see a new Civil War in the US play out? Would your country ally with ours?

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>west virginia
pick one

wasn't it just NY and LA?
that's what pol says

>implying anything has changed since the last civil war
Still underpopulated, still no industry, still poor as fuck lmao
I hope you obese mouthbreathing Elmer Fudd sisterfucking fat fucks step up again so we can be strong where General Sherman was merciful

Southerners are overrepresented in the armed forces and the South has major industry now, yanks would be doomed

How will you stop us when you're all dying of Coronavirus lol

im not from the south im from the midwest but youre wrong on that account

>that's what pol says
Into le trash it goes

>the most densely populated areas have the most cases in a pandemic where disease vectors spread by proximity

I will sneak into the South and infect everyone to stop the Southern Menace

Funny how except for Louisiana, the South has weathered COVID-19 well. Is it our diet? Our superior medical facilities (Emery, CDC, Rice, etc)?

not everything of what pol says is wrong
contrary to popular belief its not a hivemind of one ideology

God is punishing the Demon-crat states for all the homosexuality, abortions and marijuana

Most of the southern states just aren't aggressively testing for it the way NY/Illinois/Cali are. Gives the impression that your number of cases is far lower than it actually is.

Compared to the Northeast and West coast? California has 40 million alone and the NE urban axis from DC to Boston has another 50 million. I think just the Northeast + west coast (without Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin) is 150 million. IIRC

Texas is being ravaged by coronachan then?

We won't ever test for it so... ;)

The black people will outreproduce whites people down there pretty soon.

nevermind i misunderstood the question

You won't do shit faggot.

For its size it is above the average population density of the us

Texas will take all the industry (LOL) or whatever is left of productive industry from California. Houston has replaced LA as the main port for the US and Austin will replace Silicon Valley, and San Diego's military will all move en masse to San Antonio

Florida will take Wall Street and all the knowledge industries from the Northeast

>t. Yas Forumstard
You have to go back

No Zimzam chimpout
No QAnon niggardry ever coming true
No pedophile ring under the pizza parlor

And that’s just the shit I know from crossposters. Yas Forums is only ever right by virtue of a broken clock being right twice a day

worst case scenario is boomer deaths increasing twofold imho and then herd immunity
don't see it as a reason to go all civil war

Ny, La, and Seattle. Chink states got hit the hardest, and warm weather supposedly helps stop the virus. Georgia has one of the busiest airports in the world, and has parts filled with gooks, but it's faired better for now. 1525 cases as of today. Of course, hearing that Carter contracted it is heart breaking.

I dont browse Yas Forums though.

The lowest circle in hell is reserved for traitors, so if God’s dishing it out Dixieniggers better scatter.
Although TBF nothing He could do can actually compare to having to live in the South around other Southerners

Compared to Wyoming and Alaska maybe.

The federal government betrayed the states though...

Mmmm hmmm yeah ok ;)

no I mean the density of the us.

If a Civil War happens I most assuredly will

why do you think i do?

Too much of the population is black and it would be difficult to recruit a sufficient amount of blacks to the southern side. I think Hispanics, especially Texas Mexicans, would be more willing to fight for the South but there would still probably be a decent population unwilling to align with Southern Whites.

Just come back.

Its funny, now that West Coast and Yankee fags are dying en masse, they want our help and want our money

I say its time that when they need us the most, that's when you kick them down the hardest. There's no such reaction quite like a Southern reaction. You despise us to death, and have for years

Now its you doing the dying. It is time to leave this country once and for all

>starting a war by firing the first shot so you can kill hundreds of thousands of your former brothers just so you can OWN OTHER HUMANS
>rebel high command breaking their oaths to protect their country and constitution
>while using their training to fight the people that trained them
Nope I’m pretty sure oathbreaking is universally frowned upon. As is turning against your brothers-in-arms from previous wars (e.g. Lee). There’s literally no mitigating circumstances. If there’s a hell theyre absolutely burning in it I’m sorry to say

The overall density of which is considerably skewed by stares like those I mentioned.

Maybe. I think what you are saying is true, but also don't forget that many of the Northerners who fought in the war were just as racist as Southerners.

Ok? I still said the South has an above average population density. Did I ever say the rest wasn't skewed by those places?

Go on Yas Forums enough to care about defending them on another, separate Fijian bull prepping symposium, and then lie about it

Hey, don't pretend to be me. Wtf is this maybe. That's all northern bullshit.

>Thinking the South is going to handle this well at all.

Ohohohoho hahahahhahahah

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What help and what money? You inbreds take more taxes than you give lmao
You don’t have any industry, so I can’t imagine what you think you have to offer. Sweet tea? Insulin? Doublewides?

I don't browse that board dude.
>separate Fijian bull prepping symposium,

Attached: Dixie - One Fight.jpg (908x648, 112.57K)

I would help my Texan brothers in battle

Oh to be sure they were racist. But the war had nothing to do with racism. It had everything to do with slavery and don’t let anyone every claim otherwise.
>mfw we let them include slaves as 3/5 of a vote
>which is analogous to Rhode Island getting 5x as many electoral votes because they INSIST on counting washing machine population as votes
>do this and they STILL start a war

Why would we want help from a Spic infested hellhole prone to natural disasters?

>Be gook in USA now
>Get shot
When? We are in the countdown of this year's biggest meme boys

I said they were underpopulated and you said they were higher than the average US density, which I tried to explain was a worthless comparison as there are a lot of sparsely populated states. Which would (falsely) mean that most states would be decently populated because the bar you set was so low

summerfags coming here a few months early I see

The average population density of the us is like 90 per square mile. The average of the south is like 120

isn't lousianna getting dabbed on right now

as if the south isn't infested with minorities lmfao

This. Southerners will try and spew their propaganda that it was about state's rights. It was...about state's rights to own slaves. And they've been dragging our country down ever since we let them back in.

>Is it our diet?

Because unlike most Americans we can handle natural disasters and fight against more than one country at the same time and win, unlike your ancestors

We also have more money than you. So...yeah.

Uh sweetie, the northeast is finished. Do you know how many New Yorkers have homes and families in the rest of new england? RIP

USA #1

Attached: USA.png (1905x1049, 463.64K)

What's left, we will plunder. We will set all those cities on fire.

Might actually be an improvement

Most of that in the blue states. Sorry, can't pin that on us