How long until they start killing each other again?

How long until they start killing each other again?

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2 day 4 hours 34 minutes 35 seconds.

We don't know, but it could be any moment between this second and the end of time.

Not going to happen. Croatia and Slovenia are in the EU, the others are utterly irrelevant

>implying they ever stopped

On the next shift of power between west and east, when amerika falls

they are all desperate to join the EU now, makes you think whats the point of killing eachother 30 ago just to join another union and rule by other 30 years later


>10 what?

Soon as the economy takes a serious dive. There is no better opportunity for some genocidal nationalism like that.

I am sharpening my knives as I write.

which ethnic groups are going to genocide?

What other territories can we take away from Serbia? Nothing makes me happier than watching them die a slow and painful death.

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Fuck off Madeleine, you old crazy twat


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they need to be ruled by an outside power. Yugos are literally incapable of governing themselves

never. We love eachother now

did a chad balkanoid fuck your sister ?

If CIA don't meddle, not soon really. Only risk spot is Kosovo, all others are pretty friendly to each other.

there are legitimate tensions in kosovo, rep. srpska (bosnia), and macedonia
by legitimate tensions i dont mean random football hooligans and highschoolers or i dont know
i mean ultra nationalist paramilitaries with serious equipment who could fight local governments for a few months

also albanians, croats and some such states openly celebrate past killings of serbian civilians

>croats and some such states openly celebrate past killings of serbian civilians

well its true..
also if serbs didnt spend so much serbian soldiers blood to liberate your countries, your countries wouldnt even exist in this century just like they never existed in any previous century
i wonder what did serbs gain from liberating all these areas in first and second world war

serbs, just like russians are way too forgiving and foolishly believe there is good in the world

>serbs liberated Croatia in first and second world war
What is this, comedy night?

who do you think liberated croatia? surely wasnt croats lol, you have less population than belgrade, less soldiers than random shopping center has security guards, and less tanks then well.. you cant even build cars there let alone tanks, your "industry" consists of waiting for rich germans on your beach and then gently licking their genitals aka tourism
kinda fitting for the whore people who never self ruled, i bet even today in croat parliament there are foreign put politicians doing what brussels tells them to

they seem to do it once every 50 years, so we'll probably see something go down in 2045

they wouldnt exist otherwise and its wrong for you to judge them for it
they secured their existence as croats by foreigners and foreign power, that is how they have to live

imamo novogpedera

if berlin wall didnt crash in 89 and russia collapsed in the 90s, croatia also wouldnt get born in the 90s

now as nato is collapsing and china and russia grow, i bet we will destroy croatia and muslim parts of kosovo/bosnia just with air and missiles like nato was destroying serbia, and these inorganic puppet countries will no longer exist on serbian lands

>who do you think liberated croatia?
From what, nigger? In WWI you little faggots ran off to Greece to wait for the war to end so you can invade us. Who did we need liberating from? We were free until you cocksuckers walked in. As for the Partisans, Tito was a Croat, like plenty of Partisans were. Were it not for Tito, you retards would stay in Chetnik warbands who'd be slaughering each other eventually. And even if Partisans didn't exist, the Germans and Italians would have left because the Allies got them. Partisans' biggest achivement was running around forests and hills until the war ends so they can play the last man standing and gain political legitimacy.
>less soldiers than random shopping center has security guards
Couple of security guards are literally all you need to take care of the Serbian "army", as evidenced in the 90s.
>less tanks
No one in this forsaken shithole had tanks in WWI and WWII, and no one needs them now.
>your "industry" consists of tourism
Only 18%.
>licking their genitals
Wrong, sex tourism is a rarity here, people go to Belgrade for whores.
>whore people

Serbia a shit. Obsessed with Croats. Jealous of Croats.

Idk but my dad has been angry for the past couple days for no reason and mentions those wars alot.

Question: if a s*rb converted to islam would the bosniaks accept them?

yeah, its literally what they are lmao
no seriously they pretend they dont understand how come they are all speaking serbian and understand serbs, bosniak national identity is the biggest meme on the balkans unless montenegrins start making an imaginary made up national identity as well, they have some massive protests going on right now because their state is trying to rename serbian monasteries and churches into "montenegrin" ones


the British unironically did more to liberate my village in Gorski kotar from Germans and Italians while Serbian troops were too busy taking farm animals from villagers and after they left the partisans just bombed the place because they thought Chetniks were stil there

May 9th is a fucking European holiday

>croatia probably not soon or ever the serb population is 1/3 of what it was in 91 and most that left are old people.
>bosnia could erupt if serbs decide to secede but unlikley
>kosovo is firmly in albanian hands and its less than 10% serbian now days

>loving the noneuropean, russo-arab culture of the hooknosed southern invaders


why are bosnia and herzegovina one cunt?

mate you made all that shit up, we are all confused here
literally where was this shit in the 20th century?
how about 19th?
can i get a 18th?
17th anyone?

made up countries lul, only purpose to house nato bases

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serb population in croatia in 1991-650000
in 2011-180000 wonder what will it be next year probably below 100000 :)
whats the population of serbs in kosovo?

How long until they put their tribal differences aside and reunify?

100 years

croat population under 20 years old outside german factories: 3?
belgrade is already full of croat companies begging young people to go work over there

>serb talking about diaspora

>mfw i realize every croat flag is minimum 60 years old as all youth left the country to never return, cleaning toilets in some eu dildo factory

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> it's a ex yugo thread degenering into Serbs vs croats rants

Why can't you act as civilized beings once in a while
You basically are the same people. You speak almost the same language. It's like an Italian and a Spaniard, or a German and a Dutch were eternally butthurted over things (horrible things Ofc) happened 30 years ago. How come only in the balkans such things happens,why are you so belligerant and stuck in the past all the time

> but muh turks
> muh wars
> russia
> nato

Just behave ffs

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Fucking cringe

because of warm water ports
russia is essentially landlocked country (cant send the boats through the ice)
bosphorus and danish straits are blocked by nato countries

nato works overtime to create these inorganic made up puppet countries (albania, croatia, montenegro) so serbia cant access warm water ports which would result in massive naval bases for russia

fucking kek

>Partisans' biggest achivement was running around forests and hills until the war ends so they can play the last man standing and gain political legitimacy.
Totally wrong.
Yugoslavian and Greek resistance were the biggest resistance movements in WWII, and inflicted serious casualties, sabotage and infrastructure destruction upon the nazis.
What was you alternative? Stay quite and shouting "Jawohl" while liking nazi boots like a cυck?
Resistance movements sacrificed a lot to fight the nazis. They don't need to "gain" political legitimacy by pretending, they earned it with their blood.

>yugoslav thread
>dutch flag
sorry cunt, cowards are not welcome here

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Or once China allies with Serbia

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I'm Dutch kankermutt.
But unlike you, we learn history in school here, even when it doesn't portray our country in a positive light.

>be 1st worlder
>die for some toothless, 70 iq, 3rd world muslims from a random country you cant even pronounce
>fighting chest to chest with ultranationalist paramilitaries who read warcime laws as a guide on what to do instead of what not to do

why would anyone do this?
if i was 1st worlder UN peacekeeper i'd just step aside too, i got weed and paychecks waiting back home who wants to die for some muslims who will just ruin both weed and paychecks when they get to my country?

>I'm Dutch kankermutt.
so.....a I said...

>But unlike you, we learn history in school here, even when it doesn't portray our country in a positive light.
nah, we learn plenty about the native genocide
I always laugh too!

>inflicted serious casualties
Go count Partisan casualties and then count German casualties. They were a minor nuisance.
>infrastructure destruction
Literally what infrastructure?
>What was you alternative?
Not the topic or the point I'm making.
>They don't need to "gain" political legitimacy by pretending
They needed to impress British officers on ground to be officially supported by the Brits over the Yugoslav Royal family and the Chetniks so commie Yugoslavia could be internationally recognised instead of Kingdom of Yugoslavia being restored. Most of the battles revolved around Partisans taking massive losses while retreating from Axis encirclements. The absolute main goal of their war was to keep Tito alive until the war is over so the commies end up in control of the country.

And the Germans didn't do shit but put Ustashe in charge. Most of the WWII in Yugoslavia was essentially a civil war with South Slavs killing each other.

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suck my dick

This is why we don't get along. Serbs are what you would get when you'd have a country full of conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones.

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unlike croatia, serbia had railroads and serious factories and heavy industry of strategic importance and all of these things needed to be sabotaged so the soviets and allies could penetrate the front
at one time, so many regional garrisons and communication stations and railways and things got sabotaged that hitler had to pull 4 divisions, almost 40 battalions of soldiers just to pacify the serbs alone

casualties came from civilian population, germans had a rule of executing 10 civilians for every soldier and 100 civilians for every officer as well as executing any sabotagers/partisans/civilians caught with weapons and explosives without a trial

>Kingdom of Yugoslavia
>serious factories and heavy industry