
Chief Sosa edition

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good lord

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we're a herd
moooooo haha

Might sleep might not every day is the same now

love sosa
hate being sober
simple as

has that style of the semi-white recent immigrant family type in philly
like the albanians, greeks, and near easterners
I hate foreigners

currently masturbating to this prime piece of ass

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people who have their minds warped by the obsession with sex to the point where they become predators should be castrated.

They've done it, USA overtakes China with the most confirmed 'rona cases.

rooooo lol


anyone over the age of 13 using tiktok is a nonce

more like baaaaaaaar


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if people didn't want nonces to exist, teenagers would stop being so damn sexy

calling my 14 year old nephew a nonce for using a social media app

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BASED edition

are you seriously telling me if that bitch started grinding on you in the club and then asked you to shag her at your place you wouldn't? bunch of fucking virgin hypocrits

tik thots are my fav

When shit collapses I'm going to shoot every man's genitals clean off

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amazing post

be quiet you ape

Want to go buy a £3 meal deal but the popo are outside

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just came back from the paki shop with 4 litres of strongbow
fuck the police

holy shit what happened to nasim? she stopped posting ages ago

Tyson Fury cooms 7 times a day and has 5 kids
Nofappers btfo

>NOOOOOOOOO you can't just depart for a new life in a new country! you don't belong there!
>an American

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Why does Germany have almost 4 times more cases than us? Are we just not testing enough?

don't get it


t. hispanic white nationalist

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spot on

Oi mate, there can only be one czechlad in /brit/ and that's me, do one yeah?

I was clapping my pelvis against a NHS nurses' cheeks at 8 o clock

thought china was lying

you said you went to get beer. you lied. you came back with soy juice.

Citation needed

>implying billy no mate rorke would be in the club
>implying any female would ever give him attention anyway

literally yes, most people are self diagnosing and staying in

He went into a deep depression and gained 250lbs because of nofap

You're also reporting deaths much differently than other cunts

she tried and failed to shoot up the youtube officers and got shot dead m8

he has 5 kids because hes a roman catholic and they dont believe in abortions or contraception

yanks are #1 now lads

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I'm Anglo

>nur scran at hoose

I have questions
first and foremost is, am I breaking the law

Not even Czech. Got fooled into taking a job here in your cunt and now I'm fucking stranded here.

God is dead, but apparently we've replaced Him with the NHS.

Wish I had an NHS gf now

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how has no one else noticed trump's voice is quite effeminate and mike pence's hair and style is like a lot of older conservative gay men

China is still #1 they're just lying through their teeth

you would ask for her age? bullshit you'd be too busy looking at her tits

doubt it

don't care, decided to get cider instead cause i'm a west country bloke
pipe down

she's Croatian

the brown rapists in the comments section of any white female on social media validates every racist thought I've picked up from Yas Forums or Yas Forums

so you think you know better than FEMA what to do with this month's ambrosia shipment?

Brit culture related snookums

literally google it

Clapping won't solve the problems in Britain, primary problem being bourgeois rule.

>I'm Anglo

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If deep down you always felt like this idea of 'asymptomatic covid-19 victims' was a bit of a meme
The truth is, you were right

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which part?

he was right?

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Does this mean they’re lovers in secret? Ahahhaha drumpfy faggot drumpfer btfooooo

it's your hypothetical
fill in the blanks if you want

How are Japan still doing so well? Right next to the Chinks, seem to ignore most of the public health advice, and they have an average age of 86 - and yet they've barely been affected by 'rona

would love to shag a sweaty and exhausted 20 something nurse in the on call room

ancient, silly, gimpish gimmick
need to pee, but don't want to get up

wish god didnt gift me with a vicious right hook

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i can't

knowing steve harvey he probably got the name mixed up with some one arab hellhole

Look at this fucking thread. All people are the same. All men are the same. Fuck them all horrible pieces of shit

The NHS is like the downy kid trying his best but can do no wrong

cheers for awareing me ill check Yas Forums to see what theyre saying too

is it safe to assume that trannies who post porn of themselves on the internet are AGP?

want have a tragic romantic relationship with an advanced AI cyborg that wants to, but cannot fully understand love.

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See my ring chain and my Rolex when I’m flexin'
Bitch I got to get mine, nigga get outta line, I check 'em
See this gangsta's shit done to perfection
Nigga better believe me, I make it look easy

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nah i'm just sure comedy a few years ago would have latched on to it and finished them but because the media now support benders they can't do anything

every scandinavian has got an american flag, probably why they are all degenerate freaks

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Are you Anglo, Cambro, Caledono or Hiberno?

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you should meet my ex wife!

>Our cases rose by 2129 today

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you don't have a vicious right hook, I do

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Trident got absolutely btfo this month, its going to get scrapped to pay nhs workers better

Prague. Where else, really?

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lmaooooo he's cheesin hard

want to have sex more often but girls keep complaining that my cock is too big and hurts them (9.5 inches)


only heard about this clapping thing about 2 hours before it happened and happened to be walking alone in a secluded area when it happened so couldn't hear if anyone got out and did it, but they did it on the radio and, because they're all basically broadcasting from home atm, all the stations had just ONE person clapping by themselves in their improvised hot-press/utility room studios for a minute


yeah ok


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Lads, I’m scared about the aftermath of this virus. This is going to change society forever, isn’t it?

I don't have a place to shag her at

is there an irish NHS

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>awareing me

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bit mental how much of Yas Forums has 9 inch dicks and are 6'8


sorry to disappoint but i'm not black

I take that back, dont want an NHS gf anymore

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I'm a bit Cambro but I'm mostly a euromutt of continental stock

Absolutely. Things will never be the same.

depressed because ive broke me hand

yes but possible in a good way
muh individualism cancer might finally fuck off for good

imagine her falling asleep on a 24 hour shift while you slip it in

you called me, because that's an accurate description of me ngl

kek fucking loser

why's that?
around average, isn't it?


people yesterday were almost celebrating we had a lower than expected death rate and today it made up for it, people are gonna be in for disappointment when they realise its gonna last longer than they think


I imagine this is essentially where Chief Keef got the inspiration for hate being sober


I am unironically 6'7" and have a 7.8 inch willy

thank you. all i needed was any corroboration

5'4 with a 3" pecker what of it

blue board
sorry lad

perform a healing spell


was just about to say can someone post some new aisha pics from her insta because i feelin like having a wank to her

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We’re still not at the point where the lockdown will have any meaningful effect. We’re projected to peak soon.

Revised my penis measurement to 6" after pushing the ruler into my pelvic bone

hello lads
just woke up

hello chang

mental how the kiwi and aussie woke up at the exact same time

link her insta will you

gonna short the fuck out of this dead cat bounce


i like her tits desu especially after she put on a bit of weight

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why do all nurses that don't marry a doctor get so fucking fat and haggard?

Clocks go back Sat night/Sunday morn
EU wanted to get rid of the whole daylight savings SHITE and so did Cameron.

What do you lads think?
I see absolutely no benefit to the sun going down at 4pm in the winter so I say abolish it.

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alright mate
you missed a happeneing we all clapped for the NHS at 8pm gmt

>waking up at 9.25pm
Don't you think you're taking this NEET stuff too far?

the antipodean brain link

same. i always push as much blood as possible to make it fatter for the circumference reading.

how can small chebs sag that much

ayy to, this has fomo legs yo
also, why would the market care about old people dying anyway yo


I work in the NHS, as an admin in a mental health trust. Probably the least relative role to the coronavirus. Still thanks for clapping lads.

we just walk it off

You’re gonna buy high and sell low, kid

aw mental that would have been mad ahaha
aye but in AEST its 8am and I woke up for WFH at 9

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Life is always more fun when you're fat and being a nurse seems like it sucks.


My wank output has reduced by at least 50% due to the scarcity in toilet paper

kanban board updated
VM running
vs code open
yup, it's work from home time

she doesn't look after herself. classic case of only hot while she's young

genetics/lifestyle also its just that those kind of tops that expose a lot of sideboob can make tits look saggier than they are

for me it's old socks where the toe part has holes in them


I'm a cleaner in a GP's office
it's an agency that's technically employed by the NHS, still I get some credit too

Go back to sleep and just wait for the world to start turning again

ah yes, WALLED.COM

>bulls reassuring their long positions
get ready for the pain

The only good Aussies are the bogans

don't let me catch you lying on the internet again.

we're all a little bogan, deep down

>only 869 followers

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how did u get an invite

Love the little Easter egg film uploads on porn sites

HD Hollywood films with intermittent wank breaks is the apex

everyone shut up
the G20 were talking today

How'd that cunt Charles Windsor get tested for corona when he isn't stuck in ICU? Me cousin's sister-in-law's aunt is a nurse in a hospital in Chelsea and she can't get tested despite old cunts sneezing on her

um, MILF!?


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