Honest thoughts on the USA? In general and on how they're handling the current crisis

Honest thoughts on the USA? In general and on how they're handling the current crisis.

Non-Americans only, please.

Attached: USA.png (265x140, 13.91K)

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good people but can be too collectivist in thought, all genertations but especially 15 to 30 year olds. We have a lot of nature which is cool.

>Non-Americans only, please.
How about no.

Decaying, enemy of humanity.

We have drown the ire of mt.nigger, we truly are fucked



Attached: amerigoblo72.png (244x207, 11.47K)

Awful people. I sincerely hope they all die

We will nuke your shithole

shut the fuck up leaf. your country can't do anything compared to us. you will always be america's hat. you will always be dry, boring, insufferable retards with a bad sense of humor


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Nothing as loathsome as your run of the mill canadian.

Handling the case very well. Especially the red states with >1000 cases and no social distancing.

When they inevitably collapse under their own weight, I will make a special point of turning over the refugees that flee to my town to border police.

I hate americans but they are still better than chinks

I hope they all die as well

This. I have no idea where the 'nice Canadian' meme came from. Just look at their posters if you don't believe me.


so we're clear, the french are also canadians

Well, this thread is sobering as an American. So, what, everybody hates us?

Everyone is your enemy except for your brothers. Never forget that.


I don't. Yeah, I may find you guys too annoying and self-involved at times, but I certainly don't want anyone to die. This is fucking horrible. I'm really worried for you. :(

>and on how they're handling the current crisis.
they've screwed the pooch. spent too long claiming it's fake/just a cold/democrat plot. not tested enough. not isolating enough.


Ah they'll be fine, now they're getting a little shocker and they now know the extend of the danger.

we would never harm your beautiful and superior country.

Hat on a skeleton by the looks of things.

Maybe they should give power back to UK so that they can make america great again.


fucking baaaaased

I'm an only child..



We could get more people infected if we wrote an app to highlight nearby high-transmission spots and to guide infected people to different locations to maximize exposure.

I used to hate "America" in the geopolitical sense, but once I got to know American people and spent some time in your country I realized I hate you in a literal and visceral sense. Your culture is trash, your women are whores, your government is run by scheming kikes, and I'll be glad when I get to watch your country collapse in ashes.

settle down chang

yeah, i'm thinking based

I like how they not notice the entire world lock close all borders to them.
Fidel Castro would have a hella time thinking of the irony.

good one. nobody even knows your country exists here. must be why you have to cope so much

please turn yourself in to the nearest canadian peace officer

Fun thread, thanks for the feedback guys!

We closed our borders first, Jose

Rather have usa numba 1 than china tbqh

the US closed travel with china before anyone outside of south east asia
the US also closed travel with the EU before the EU did it with anyone

too much testing, just make panic

As close to something positive as it'll get. I'll take it. Thanks.



How is Japan faring on the whole COVID front? Are you all past the worst of it?

not a huge fan. Quality of life is not significantly better than in latin america

I think they are good people but have been corrupted by external forces.


Giant with feet of clay. The political system is a joke, the population fully polarized, the institutions corrupted or undermined because of this, no health care system or social security to speak off, half the country is stone age conservative and the president is a populistic hot air merchant that is frantically trying to save the stock market and his re-election instead of the country.
Just this time there is no fake news out of it, people will get sick and people will die, no matter how many lies he tells.
I expect the US to get hit worse than any other developed country and I hope they at least learn a lesson from it.

japan, south korea and taiwan are the only countries who have handled it well
they aren't closed down to the extent the US or EU are

>Quality of life is not significantly better than in latin america

cool story bro

Attached: Johnny Public.jpg (2100x1146, 2.05M)

americans are narcissistic brainwashed pigs and proud of it

do you think the current situation highlights the issues with the american healthcare system?

they have cute women who need proper men to fix their degenerate trajection. dunno about the virus, Trump is based for telling the people to die for economy I guess.

>spic illegals infest towns and turn them into mini versions of favelas back in their home countries
many such cases!

I hope they get through this. I wonder what effect it will have on the election.

no, it is just memes

Louisiana is literally third world

I've never seen that, but then I don't live in california, in my state they catch those people at the hospitals

made me kek

>implying NYC was ever good
This is true about California though.
As for Chicago, Mexicans just took over black favelas instead and nothing much changed.

You need to go back
Zhang you just jelly

There won’t BE an election, Hans. Elections are OVER. The only leader the world has now is Corona Chan. All hail glorious Corona, may she guide us to a more insular, isolationist future!

I wish they were more White.

Attached: American_Nazis (8).jpg (1600x1153, 201.32K)

opinion on its effect on the election is widely set, some think it will be easier to get the democrat's message for an alternative to the public since many people are home. Others think that might be optimistic, and that this will stall the momentum they might have established earlier in the year and last year now that their actions, and polling rallies are suspended.

Solid truthbomb

Isn't there also a low total death count in Germany and overall cases in England?

We are the greatest nation on earth. It's hilarious to watch all this envy unfold.

>Honest thoughts on the USA?
My book was released on the last 7 months of the lockdown.
Perhaps I'll make my life or I'll fail and crash. Time will tell.

Nice analysis. I completely agree.


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>Non-Americans only, please.
my thoughts exactly

conservatives and democrats are two sides of the same coin, i dont trust anyone that isnt independent

You mean the same democrats who tried to deny $1200 for every american? Republic is done, all hail Emperor Trump.

as far as i am aware germany is shut down, same with the UK now
and the UK hasn't done the amount of tests that the US, germany, etc have done yet

>just give everyone a tiny sum of money and they'll be cured lol

It's because this is a repulican democracy that the """democrats""" already don't enjoy dominance.


Drumpf, Biden and Sanders. The age of those candidates says everything, doesnt it? Even all the memes aside, a decaying cunny. Dont know if the world after them becomes significantly better though.


l have American family and have enjoyed going there several times. They produce a lot of bad things but also a lot of thing l like.

it's more a measure to try and offset the furlough of many sectors in the economy as people stay home. Having a pool of special leave, and insurance also is incentive for people to stay home when they're sick, so it could have a measurable positive impact for public health in general. No need to post like a brainlet this late in the day.

>Honest thoughts on the USA?
They are truly a great power. Now they are basically owning this planet. I could have applauded to them, but they fucked Russia pretty hard as well, so all I feel towards them is dislike. Not denying their technoogical, cultural and economical achievements, though.

>how they're handling the current crisis
Their inner politics is too specific to make comments from the outside. For me it's all looks just wierd, but for them their autorities' acions may seem logical and consistent.

If you think we will be hit worse than the UK you're wrong.

I should add that I'm not referring to health insurance, which working Americans typically have in triplicate, but insurance for unemployment of this scale. I know how weasel int posters think.

you already chose the dow over your people


To be fair, considering the education system, that's not saying much.

But you should still come over to Little Lithuania in Los Angeles to meet us. Kappa

this, people should just lose their jobs, miss their payments, and then get evicted and shit on the streets


No, it's because Democrats are liars, dreamers and weak. I know that you're young, but give it time, once you're 25 and older you will become disillusioned with this world. You'll see people who preach one thing do the exact opposite. And you'll see them take advantage of someone younger and more naive. And you'll see your past reflection in the eyes of the fooled, and it will rip your heart with sorrow and disdain for all the lies perpetuated by shameful and corrupt left-wing ideas.

>getting 1200 dollars fixes all those things

nobody chose anything, a few crackpots saying "die for the dow" is not a government direction or anything. the government has passed bills to help people and businesses for the pandemic though