User, you are going to protect me against those barbaric hordes of rapefugees right?

user, you are going to protect me against those barbaric hordes of rapefugees right?

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She looks adorable

Sure, how much do you pay for it?

No im not

So, when’s the BLACKED RAW premiere?

Lol wanna live in my bunker. Saskatchewan doesn't have black people. Just on the football team.

Choke on my Big Purple Curved Maghrebvll med cock

As long as you hold on to my cock

i will rape you myself

Did Yas Forums simp themselves for her or tell her she's down there with the fugees


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why are french so racist? They are a germano-roman mulattos themselves

Yes my dick is purple/blue

Only Yas Forumstards use this term

>matter of fact, I'll tell them where you are

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Nobody likes blacks

t. Frieza

thanos? what are you doing in france

shouldn't have colonised africa then

I'm gonna put BLACK babies inside of her instead

nice meme

what are you dick colors ?

pasty little chubby male hands wrote this post. quit fantasizing about beating big bad refugees hans and go to the gym instead to do it really before I destroy your bussi with my BIG SLAVIC COCK

She is Danish not French. And yes she did turn out to fuck black guys

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nice meme

Its just... nobody likes niggers. Oh lemme guess, you're some wigger who wants to be a rapper sooo bad ?

We got too cocky, bros...

No, I’ve met like 5 women that are against immigration. They deserve the treatment they’re getting from our new countrymen that they love so much.

What meme newfag ? You dont know elisabeth ?

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>feeling the need to write this statement in english
Now you might be calling migrants invaders, but I think I know who the real colonizers are here. The real winners.

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>And yes she did turn out to fuck black guys
>far right female
>fucks black guys
it's an inexorable law at this point

Thats kinda racist

I live in the rich part of town. No refugees here.

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I'm as pale as it gets and listen exclusively to rock music. Doesn't change the fact that this shit is cringy as fuck especially knowing this post was written by a guy sitting alone in his room saving a pic like this on his PC. If you dislike niggers make them hate you by working on yourself instead of larping on 4chin.

>fuck black guys
this meme

But german women hate us

not a meme at all. you dont remember her but its not all surprising in nordic womeme. that all alone means you are not excused

like i said nice meme nigger, stay mad

ok newfag

>OMG she looks so pure, innocent and autistic... just like me! And on the top of that, she's heckin TRAD! Guys, I'm sure I've a chance with her!
She got unironically BLACKED, Yas Forumscel. Stop deluding yourself with simp fantasies.

>She got unironically BLACKED

gypsy-bro said "it"

eh pink white?

why does everyone keep saying this without proof? You faggots always obsess over white women mixing

I need to see photos and videos right this instance.

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Shut the fuck up Yas Forumstard bitch black people are based

Where is the link of her getting blacked

Unironically one of the best BLACKED videos I’ve seen in my life and I’m not even a cuck

Baits, baits everywhere

Her name is elisabeth. Try searching on Yas Forums archives or twitter

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itt: seething niggers

holy based

His ass these subhumans are lying

There's something about seeing a ''racist'' grifter getting her pussy absolutely demolished by a big black cock that just turns me on. It's no longer cumming for the sake of cumming, but a primal, exhilarating scene.

This post was typed by brown or yellow hands.

wh*toid manlet cope

All the same poster

That's rich coming from a brown immigrant, who are known to be much shorter than the average white Canadian

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No you racist bitch.
*stomps on skull until well mushed*

>Shut the fuck up Yas Forumstard bitch black people are based

Attached: 1561757616644.jpg (320x383, 59.42K)

*packs you by the throat*
Back the fuck off??


*it's a hologram*