Cityfags in spain getting harassed by their neighbors if they are not seen clapping at 8PM or receiving notes under...

>cityfags in spain getting harassed by their neighbors if they are not seen clapping at 8PM or receiving notes under their door

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The inquisition is back

holy BASED


Normies are sick in the head

Whenever I hear the word normie, I am just smell the lack of sex

Good thing you read it and didn't hear it, retard.

>Propongo que todos llamemos a la policia
how fucking bored do you have to be to seriously consider this lmao


>Whenever I hear the word normie, I am just smell the lack of sex

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couldve written:
you weren't on the balcony. are you immobile or ill? can we help you?
call us if you need anything!!"

instead does this.
virtuous people everyone

>I am just smell
alri 'sheed

Based curtain-twitcher passive-aggressively enforcing the law

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Can someone translate this from bean into human please?

oi mate heard you ain't been clapping, got a reason for that?

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To be fair, it also says that the person is walking his dog 4-5 times a day.

Hold up, I recently saw my neighbor clap outside on the balcony. What's up with that?

You better learn now before it becomes the majority language here. Tick tock.

burger burger nigger burger bitch nigga bitch burger
i think thats how its said in the american vernacular anyway

dog people should be shot but it's obvious that the one posting that shit is some 60 year old insufferable cunt working as a bureaucrat for the government or in HR

Yeah like hell spic, it's too cold up here in New Hampshire for your amigos.

DEAR NEIGHBORS The neighbor of the 2°B and those of the 4°C never go out to the balcony to applaud the doctors at 8 o'clock in spite of being always sick making use of the health services. However, every day they go out with the dog up to 4 and 5 times and sometimes it takes them more than 20 minutes to come back, going all over Oviedo. I propose that we all call the police every time someone leaves these floors with the dog or without justification so that they can be sanctioned and learn to respect the thousands of doctors and police who are dying for our country out there. iiWhat less than applauding them every night! iThank you to all those who comply!


and it's anonymous, how courageous!

Basically, they're saying that some of their neighbors aren't going out on their balconies to clap at 8pm for doctors and cops. But they still go out each day to walk the dog. This person is suggesting that everyone call the cops the next time they walk their dog so that the people can learn how to clap for the doctors/cops. It ends with a passive aggressive "thank you everyone".

It's fucking insane.

>clapping for doctors
why? do they applaud the mailman everyday too?

perfectly normal, the tribe would throw you out to the wild if you werent cooperating, go the fuck out and clap, fit it, fucking autists

The neighbour from 2nd floor door B and the neighbours of 4th floor door C never go out the balcony to clap for the doctors and nurses at 8 even though they are always sick and using the public health system. They even go out to walk their dog 4 or 5 times and sometimes they take more than 20 minutes to come back walking through all of Oviedo. I propose that we all call the police each time any of those flats goes out with their dog or without justification to be sanctioned and learn to respect the thousands of doctors and policemen that are dying for our country out there. Clapping for them each night is the least we could do!!!
Thanks to all those who comply!

Translating is hard

>he thinks he'll have a choice

We're everywhere dude. I'm a spic and I'm from northern Maine.

And then Europeans wonder why Americans don't want to all live packed in a shitty apartment where your "neighbors" involve themselves in every aspect of your life.

Okay? You're still like 2% of the population and always will be.


But why are you all clapping again? Is the star spangled banner playing or the American flag waving at 8pm?
Claps doesn't kill corona-chan my mexifrens.

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if you're socially accepted clap your hands!

>always will be.
cope more whitey
your grandkids will speak spanish

tbqh it's not just apartment blocks.
Small villages are also terrible with there not being any privacy and individual freedom.
I'll take suburbia any day.

>always will be
You never know. In 1980, latinos were 5% of the national population. We're now at nearly 20%.

>El Califato Lesbofeminista de Aplausostán

>be yuro
>don't clap
>go jail

>We're now at nearly 20%.
Yeah concentrated in California and big cities. Rural New Hampshire not so much.

You will never feel the community bro, you will be lonely

Big cities are the heart of a country.
Once we fully control them you farmcucks ain't gonna be able to do shit.

Solitude is my way of life fren

We're kind of everywhere. Our numbers are still low in NH, but again, only 40 years ago our numbers were low everywhere in the country. Who knows what things will look like 40 years from now?

Attached: Percent_of_Hispanic_and_Latino_population_by_state_in_2012.svg.png (1024x645, 131.5K)

People though the black population was going to skyrocket back in the 30s and 40s too, look how that turned out.

:( that is sad bro, but I hope u change ur ways

having retarded nosy boomer neighbors are not a good thing. i recently got complaints from my neighbors for cutting down a tree that was on my own property

>Once we fully control them you farmcucks ain't gonna be able to do shit.
Able to do what? Stop you from turning those cities into unlivable shitholes? You already did that. Enjoy them though.


it will surely fall once the illegals and their hangers on get deported en masse



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Basically saying thanks to police or doctors

damn this shit is 1984 tier

You always smell like that



What kind of culture is this? Why is showing off you are a normie so important?

its the same thing that when a country becomes communist and neighbors snitch on each other because of jealousy or petty rivalries
we are such a tiny step from being cuba-tier

Hmmh, veo que los españoles estan aprendiendo de nosotros. Vale, vale....

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This reminds me of "el que baila pasa" (if you dance, you pass) in Chile, people block the road and you had to dance to pass, if you don't dance they throw stones to your car and call you nazi

>El Reino de Clapespaña

Remember kids, when you have the opportunity to cut the throat of a fucking commie, do it whitout mercy

what the fuck
closest thing in spain was when catalan independentists blocked the roads and public transport and thousands of people couldnt go to their jobs

Yeah I’m a chicano and can confirm, we don’t shit out 5 kids per family like our parents, I myself am having zero kids, don’t want them.

>thanking people for their service

Dios mio... el americano de las europas...