Greeks, Romans or Egyptians ?

Your cunt ?
Greeks or Romans ?

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Or egyptians ?

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britain was a successor of athens

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Romans ofc.

Romans. Not even debatable.


Romans. Ottoman Empire were the continuation of Roman Empire and Troy.

>Portuguese Empire
>French Empire
>Spanish Empire

All Latin based and European and you think the Ottomans are continuation of anything?lmao

Germanics and Romans

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All very based, but if I have to rank them Greece > Egypt > Rome

Greeks, but not the way you know them.

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Ancient Greece
They are characterized by philosophy, science, literature...etc. That gives them higher status.


Greeks. Everything romans had were stolen from the greeks.



Magna Grecia

Persians aka my ancestors

idk dude
nostalgia is cool and all but they lack pathfinding which bothers me severely

thats a feature

i can't stand all the clipping of the new world... engine.

Sh+talians and Gr*eks are the same shit
Egyptians were the real brothers

Romans. Fuck Greekoids.

Romans, of course.
Turbo cringe Orthodog.

sparta >>> thebes >>> other poleis >>>>>>>>>>> athens

greece >>> egypt >>> rome


egyptians, they are the whitest of the three and also achieved the most

Late Rome is pretty cool too

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Phoenicians were the superior semites

And this is how I know that you've never had sex.

Rum, alhamdulillah

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Britain was clearly the successor of Rome. Germany is new Greece.
You fags got it all wrong

As a kid I loved Rome
As a teen I loved Greece
Now as an adult I love Egypt

Especially this crazy bastard

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your brother are raping your daughter, stabbing your friends.

o wait you are probably a muslim, my bad

Keeping that greek tradition of fucking young boys alive

>also achieved the most


Romans are the successor of Greek heritage. Romans admired Greek civ (thus the architecture) and a Greek surgeon/doctor was greatly valued by Romans. In military terms the Roman Legion or unit was superior to the Macedonian Phalanx, and anything else of the time, as it was an advanced tactical unit who could move and fight on uneven land. The Phalanx was dominant as part of an unbroken line and on flat ground.

off the top of my head, they invented libraries, lighthouses, sail boats, achieved massive architectural feats, and all this several millennium before the greeks or romans

>Greeks. Everything romans had were stolen from the greeks.

seems like a sort of WE WUZ KANGZ african built the world white stole our stuff.

cope roman conquested greece more easily than north africa.



Rome for "id would actually like to live there" and staying power but Egypt for Aesthetics

ROMA 753 BC - 1453 AD

Syracuse > thebes >>>> athens >>> sparta >>>> shit >>>>>> corinth

Greeks of course

Also their sculpture inspired greek sculpturing

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Gotta go with Greece here, although I like Rome a lot. Inventing philosophy is just an unbeatable feat. Egypt is not bad either.


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indus valley civilisation

Druid Britain is the thinking man’s ancient civilisation

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and a small pinch of greeks

Greater Ancient Lechina Empire

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ok i see we have more options here so actually minoans

t. corinthnigger

>Lechink Empire

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753 BC-284/630 AD


The Mongols

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My ancestor :)

Phoenicians were Canaanites

retarded spastic cunt