
Civil libertarian edition

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I clapped. Did YOU?

boring yank shite edition

Birst indian itt

thank you for your service.

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

>people clapping in Belfast


>stop showing respect to health care workers, it is cringe!

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Heart sank as I heard the m*ther open the front door a minute before 8, can't believe she did it.

Da glabbeding

lets never mention that event ever again yeah cheers

>can't call Americans Americlaps anymore
for fucks sake

Christ almighty how cringe wish people clapped for my job

What's wrong with clapping in this extreme circumstance?

These people are literally going face to face with a grim virus killing people off and wrecking the planet and we're trying to say thanks and lift their spirits.

Have a word you bunch of edgy teenagers. No this isn't bait. I clapped and I'm proud of the NHS.


I wonder if Diego or 190 clapped

this can't be real life can it? surely?


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>forgot to film it
There goes my YouTube career/millions ffs

>BBC News
>Folk clearly not 1M away from each other

It's all on its arse

>not clapping/NHS related edition

wasted opportunity mong

dont remember clapping for the greenfel victims

not a single hand smacked against another in aberystwyth

can hear people yelling and whistling outside, hope the lockdown police get them

dogs going absolutely mental round here

had no idea the clap was a thing. thought people were riding horses up my street

Fireworks everywhere
Dog's going mental
Not happy

street dragged out a self-isolating man with a cough and sacrificed him in front of a 10-foot idol of a nurse

fireworks still going off in hull 5 mins later STATE

my mum went out and clapped, had to give her a big slap when she came back in

never felt more embarrassed in my entire life

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just went outside to clap and got laughed at by both rorke and leftypol, why the FUCK did they tell us to humiliate ourselves like this???

The more you clap, the closer I get

imagine how many lives were saved by those claps then

liked and shared

Yeovil is deadly silent

Literal unironic textbook social conditioning. Literal 1984 shit.

This is both cringe and terrifying.

You cant even criticize it either so it has to stay in your thoughts

>Government man on TV said clap so we clapped

*claps your cheeks*

I only refused to clap because the govt told me to lmao. I respect our NHS staff but I'm not going to join in some weird ritual to celebrate them.
This entire situation is honestly crazy.

okay so some runt thought fit to honk his horn none stop for like 5 minutes

All the dogs barked haha

Good effort lads,

That'll show the virus who's boss.

Wait, you did clap didn't you? No? Oh fuck boys we got a non-clapper over here

Fucks sake now we'll have to do this all over again tomorrow

They won't give us test kits and are running a PR campaign to stay in the good books

warm tomorrow

everyone around me was filming it apart from me

thought there was a march or something coming up my street

was about to phone the rozzers to sort them out

this but i smashed her front teeth in

ok fine but now lets hear it for the NEETs yeah

This clapping is the kind of propaganda shit Orwell warned about. I’m genuinely disgusted at this.

Unironically this post 100%. Really makes you realise that /brit/ are just edgy teenagers.

of course the fucking yank has to make a pathetic unrelated thread to the clapping, of course he does

just fuck off and die you smelly nigger mutts


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brave and stunning

woooo clap clap clap clap wooooo

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i didn't hear any claps

Silence in Cheadle

As is most days...


no awful yank editions

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i hope you clapped, lads. you do love the nhs, don't you?

>Literal 1984 shit.
Yeah alright mate, that means you clapped as well on punishment of death then I take it? No? Not 'literal 1984' then is it.
Try actually reading it you thick cunt.

Fuckin hell lad calm down just some normies clapping

am I dead?
did people seriously just
bloody hell

the only thing the clappening has proven is whether you live in a grim area or not


extremely good post

mum just helped the vicar crucify a tory MP

i dont enjoy being alive lads.

lol STATE of question time.

shitting at this

No clapping in Leeds

Any videos? It was too far from me to be audible on my phone.

rnhs has been saved from the tories

Me? Clap?

Sat here in my dark room about to do a wank when suddenly an eruption of claps and "oi oi" followed by erratic whistling. Did i dare clap? not a chance.

's alri i suppose

What does clapping do? It's a meaningless gesture.
If they did some kind of national event for donating to the NHS, like Comic Relief, then that would be different.
Clapping is pointless.

i'm completely loyal the nhs state. EVERYBODY should work for the nhs it can never be too big

Hope this becomes a daily thing

That's the most interaction I've had with my neighbours to date

yeah lad

gonna head to twitter to see the most epic clips of it the clappening

the bab

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lmao fucking fireworks


took a shit on my doorstep and smeared it across my door for the nhs

i concur with that previous post however. that incident just clearly illustrated how many cynical non sex-haver (but unironical) nasty little cretins there are in brit

are we brothers?
i was literally mid wank then i fucking froze in fear when i heard this bizarre whooping and clapping outside

might do a clap

right that's it
I've had enough
privatise the nhs
vaporise the working class

stick a fork in me
I'm done

closed the blinds topless and the whole street started whistling and clapping fuckin mortified

No it's not, it lifts spirits and makes people feel more united.

What's the point in doing anything like singing, or having army musicians?

These things have a HUGE effect on the psych, obviously a load of neuron fried teenagers on BRIT can't understnad that but most can

This is the funniest /brit/ happening in years for some reason

tell you what that fucking woke me up