USA, the first world country!

Attached: firstworld.jpg (1270x795, 717.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

USA is doomed but it is their fault anyway. They created the virus to destroy China and Europe but thanks to the Karma, we sent people in USA to spread this shit.
Karma is bitch

us is not first world

Can't wait for easter

Ha! Just like Sweden

t. Piérre Zhang

The same thing happened here in many places

OP is being sarcastic, dumb mutt. Everybody knows you're NOT first-world.

>be country of 325 million people spread out over an area the size of the entire continent of Europe
>have one ghetto hospital somewhere in all that
>People assume the US is just that ghetto now
Why are you like this?

Attached: 1581272393654.jpg (821x1024, 103.18K)

>m*xican calling others mutts

Trump lied, people died.

Attached: 1584223698270.jpg (550x309, 26.94K)


Almost half of the cases are in New York which has a 7 times smaller population than italy.

NYC is routinely touted as the capital of the world by Americans since the late 80s and its your president's city. Pretty embarrassing all things considered.

Oh yes, and in a short while you'll begin to blabber on how NYC and California are cancerous shitholes while the Midwest is true, prosperous America.

do americans really

is this more daily mail shit?

Written by Sarah Al-Arshani

>be ameriKKKa
>engineer bioweapon to cowardly kill scores of innocent chinese civilians
>virus backfires and overwhelms the third-world healthcare system of your crumbling empire

>Trump lied
No he just genuinely didn't think it would be a problem, he also banned travel from China immediately. He just thought it would be like SARS and it would get shut down fairly quickly by the Chinese and yet still took precautions.

He was called a racist for it, but pretty much everyone in the medical field here thought that was a good early move. His media appearances where he is trying to play down the numbers instead of cause everyone to panic means nothing.

I suppose now you will fire away with comparisons to tabloids and post some shady links about how it's funded by Soros/Putin/Xi.

they're near the end, you know nothing

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Yes, because New York City is extremely densely packed. It's an airborne illness I fell I shouldn't need to explain this to you

You are so fucking delusional.

Half of Italy's cases are within Lombardy which is 12% of the population and within Lombardy half of them are in Milan.
It always works like that

>his health tsar

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>NYC is routinely touted as the capital of the world by Americans since the late 80s and its your president's city.
It is one of the financial capitals of the world. Objectively. Also, other countries are doing the exact same thing with trash bags. There is a severe shortage of PPE internationally right now which is why Trump used the defense act to up the production of things like n-95 masks

it's a muslim name

NYC isn't the same as upstate New York, neither is California like all of LA. Unless you've been to those places you really don't get it.

The Midwest isn't just corn and farmers either.

>I shouldn't need to explain this to you

should just ignore finns

What is this Facebook tier garbage

they look hard all over the internet to find that shit

Soros and Trump are best friend though, united by their hate against China.

it's everywhere

It's incredible how rotten your brain must by now, if even in the face of a national (and global) catastrophe, when a journalist does the dutiful and alarms about how dire the things are, you somehow weasel your way out of this by focusing on his presumed ethnicity.

>USA created the virus

Attached: NElCud1B_400x400.jpg (399x399, 24.79K)

it's all cherrypicked for a reason

>Random user makes comment about how it sounds like a tabloid headline
How much of a coping brainlet do you need to be to take something so innocuous so seriously while trying to psychologically analyze a shitpost.


It's like a poetry... it rhymes...

>No date
>No source
>just a .jpg with some text on it
At least Yas Forums niggers will link you to a shitty blog or something. That reminds me of those "Occupy Democrats" memes you saw on Facebook making outrageously unsourced claims all the time.

>he just genuinely didn't think it would be a problem
He still doesn't though.

>but pretty much everyone in the medical field here thought that was a good early move
First off, ask any epidemiologist and they will tell you that closing boarder's will never work when dealing with an extremely infectious virus. Just look at the hong kong flu and the asian flu, there weren't any flights between China and the US, but the virus still reached the US. Secondly it wasn't a early move, he banned flights in late January, long after the virus was already inside America spreading. And after which he did nothing for months to help the situation while Obamas administration declared swine flu a public health emergency on april 26th 2009 after 20 cases and no deaths

On april 28th 2009 a initial funding request was made to Congress for 7.65 billion dollars for vaccine development and other measures.

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Damn they go fast.

Damn... this Finn is laying down the law.


THIS! Obviously fake article. Woman is probably photoshopped with a trash bag on. Or it's a staged photo of a Brit since it's dailymail. FAKE NEWS!

So why is that nurse wearing a trash bag? If it costs $30,000+ for coronavirus treatment, why couldn't she afford better medical equipment?

Attached: price.jpg (1080x1401, 439.72K)

>USA is doomed
You can find European newspapers from 1862 saying the exact same thing lmao, Euros have been seething at the USA's mere existence since day 1, and continue to seethe.

Pure cringe.

>every news outlet is fake
>name from a country I don't like? also fake
>heh, that's a shill article
>another negative article about the US? fake as well

>New York
>ghetto hospital

Every single country is having problems and US is no different, especially when the federal government doesn't give a fuck and tells states to buy things themselves

Why indeed

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>First off, ask any epidemiologist and they will tell you that closing boarder's will never work when dealing with an extremely infectious virus
Ah yes, the esteemed epidemiologists that spent January snarkily reminding us that "flu season is deadlier lol" before doing a complete 180 and acting like jaded cassandras that spent every day since December telling us we needed to prepare lmao.

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>He still doesn't though.
Is... is that tweet actually your source because he's just making blase statements about keeping calm and getting ready to work again after April 15th

>Ask any epidemiologist and banning travel (a form quarantining) won't stop the spread of the virus
Right, but the purpose is to slow down overall exposure rates not eliminate the virus. The main issue is that this disease has 10 times the disease burden of an ordinary flu and in a country like the US,where we have large populations of people with pre-existing conditions that could complicated with a major lung infection due to COVID-19, slowing that rate so hospitals don't become overwhelmed is extremely essential.
>there weren't any flights between China and the US,
Citation needed , also again that's not the point. The point is that it's a form of quarantining and slowing overall exposure
>And after which he did nothing for months to help the situation while Obamas administration declared swine flu a public health emergency on april 26th 2009 after 20 cases and no deaths
Swine Flu has nothing on this
H1N1 was first in the USA in 2009 so we were the first to know what we were dealing with. Not the case with COVID-19 and while I agree the response was slower than it should've been Trump has been taking all the right steps thus far.

So trump won't win the electionafter the corona right?

>borders don't work lol, it'll spread anyway
>you have to limit yourself to your home to avoid spreading this disease
how many levels of clever-silly do you need to be on to square the circle on those two sentences

So... this is the power of the best health care system in the world.

Actually Trump enabled the Defense Production Act last week so we're about to mass produce essential PPE like respirators, gloves, etc

Actually his approval rating has been improving

You're underestimating the average American. I believe he might have dipped a bit, but he'll get re-elected.

He's giving money to most Americans who've paid taxes in the past year. He's shifting the blame of ill preparedness on China. He's getting Americans back to work. The stock prices are "going up". Easter is Jesusfest. Letting his religious base celebrate it is a boon to his re-election chances.

He'll win. He'll even get the popular vote.

>Mount Sinai Hospital, founded in 1852, is one of the oldest and largest teaching hospitals in the United States.
>The entire Mount Sinai health system has over 7,400 physicians, as well as 3,815 beds, and delivers over 16,000 babies a year.
>In 2019–20, the hospital was ranked 14th among the nearly 5,000 hospitals in the US by the U.S. News & World Report.
it's literally in the top 20 out of 5000