
25 mins to go edish

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SO this is it fugly lads, Goodbye, you all have the bug, you're gonna wake up dead this coming weeks

think we need to create some kind of rota system for the news

35 minutes till I give a NHS worker the clap aha x

do it again uncle billy

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Consider this: the night before a day off is more satisfying than the actual day off

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my thread...

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What if the ICL paper is wrong

There's an Emmett photo for every occasion

anyone actually gonna go their window and clap the nhs?
can't stand britain getting americanised
americlaps are the ones who clap everything

*wakes up dead*

never identified with a post more


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Who's clapping at 8 bong then?

farsley away some do

please tell me this is a joke
I think I'm in hell



Only 20 minutes to go!!

I will

cheer up misery guts

>Why yes I do realize that if the virus mutates in South America which it appears to have already done so judging by the new symptoms of COVID being reported as well as reports from Brazilian media confirming that it has in fact mutated, we'll be looking at a 15% mortality rate which will completely tank the global economy and this recovery we're witnessing right now is simply the biggest dead cat bounce in history, how did you know?

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hes a versatile chap is are em

>trying to steal america's clapping culture

just took the bins out
traumatic experience
shall be drinking a beer now

Hate chinks
Love cock
Simple as

>get a text from the lads
>know the lads are thinking about me and want to chat and have a bit of banter cuz im a legend
>get a text from a girl
>start wondering if she's just so desperately bored that she actually had to resort to texting me just to pass the time instead of texting the person she really wishes she was talking to but hasn't been replying to her

You WILL clap for are NHS you unpatriotic bastard

God I wish our flag didn't have the cuckstamp. How can I be patriotic with it when it has another country's flag on it?

been utterly mesmerised by this for 3 days now



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it is literally just a flu bro
peter hitchens is right

you WILL clap for are NHS and you WILL enjoy it

already bought loads of shite off amazon

clapping my arse cheeks for the nhs lads

move to england

Cant tell if I pulled a muscle, slept awkwardly or have the rona
My chest aches but it's only my left pect that aches

this really can't be happening lmao
these past few weeks have just felt like a bizarre fever dream
I feel like the whole world's just winding me up

post norf fc man please

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oh well, as long as I'm getting more NEETbux who cares

all patriotism comes from memes

Londoners still packing in the tube on lockdown day 3

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will spin the jaw of anyone I see clapping

>bizarre fever dream
>stay inside watch nextflix wash your hands please

only if u sing wif me u bastid

seek help you utter gimp

wont see many locked away in your runt pen will you

I don't understand. None of the NHS workers can hear our claps. What's the point?
Is this what social conditioning is? Being taught to clap or do whatever they tell us to do at a whim

make sure you wash your hands x

do they have CHUDs in london?

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had hot dogs for din dins x

yes, but also how the worlds governments have so cackhandedly handled this whole mess
they could have done so much better

dont you dare question it you shitlord

Going to clap so loudly

Sandra HAS to finish her new marketing campaign for that hip new health juice start up.

It's ESSENTIAL she's in the office to design the Tweet portfolio to ensure they get a high hashtag engagement rate.

London is finished.

clockwise or counterclockwise

The guy from the last thread who's mother thinks he's talking to people online but he's actually talking to himself?

Yep, that was me. It was I who made that post.

im sorry. Thats gross. Hope you get better food in the future

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made an instagram, who do I follow?

i just love her truly she is impossibly fit

Didnt know they work 24/7 now

Please help lads

absolutely terrified of meeting my neighbours in 15 minutes the only time i ever hear of them is when they're shagging against my living room wall

holding in a poo so i can go at 8pm

yeah, you've been posting this for at least a week now yet the only source you've provided thus far is screenshots of some lad on Yas Forums

yuan herong



ever pull your wire to the sounds of them banging?

my insides are gurgling i may be joining you

its ok bro you just slept wrong. If y had the roni you’d be cough cough y’know.

I’m a key worker so I’m not going to clap I’m just going to stand there in my doorway and bask in the applause

does breathing feel more difficult? no? then you're fine

got coronavirus just googling this

Showing appreciation for the staff treating patients during a pandemic? Simply must be a wind up

A serf

mad how people are like "yeah we need to protect our nhs!!" despite the tories being in power for the past 10 years and winning several elections in a row despite repeatedly and systematically failing millions

and you've got people going mental on social media, calling people evil and stupid for DARING to go outside like it's a fucking crime against humanity and that their own personal livelihoods are being affected by this

worlds gone bad

implying anyones actually gonna be clapping

convinced that covid-19 was created by crossrail in order to find another way to delay it

you WILL clap

Peter Hitchens is 68 and borderline suicidal at the utter STATE of not-so-Great Britain, he wouldn't mind catching the ol' 'monia for the sweet release he's been yearning for.

can't believe i'm getting paid to wank

Mental how Allen Ginsberg was an openly pedophilic NAMBLA supporter but hippies just kind of overlook that

literally shrieking at simps
aaaahaaaaahahahashaahahhahahahahahaaaaaaa fucking hell

Going to let the air out of all the neighbors cars who aren't clapping at 8

>Cave find shows Neanderthals collected seafood, scientists say
Yet the irish couldn't do it

then would you mind changing the verbage you have there moite, THanks


But I also have a cough

wtf the heddlu are transporting us to aberystwyth high street for the mandatory clap

yeah definitely read all that

i fucking wish but it's looking less and less likely


yeah and that's just why i don't want to meet them. it would spoil the illusion

Their own personal livelihoods are being affected

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furiously wanking in my garden to show my support for are nhs

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