

Attached: 311-3111975_france-italy-spain-portugal.png (920x693, 41.93K)

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Med brothers

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Why no Belgium and the Swiss romance provinces? :C



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You're mad because you're not in it

Belgium, Luxembourg and Greece can join since they're supporting us against G*rmany. Romandie is not in the EU and they will never leave Switzerland.


If this were natives only it would unironically super comfy.

luxembourg has to apologize for the elusion first

unironically based


Attached: italy-is-now-even-more-anti-eu-than-the-uk.jpg (2459x1844, 238.88K)

Imagine all this countries with a debt/gdp level of 60%

imagine what they could achieve all combined

When I was a kid I thought spain was on par with brazil

How does that even happen? I know kids think retarded things but still. I though most Americans were white until like 8 lmao.

A classmate of mine in middle school used to think that Spain and Argentina were the same thing.


are we in? :(

holy based



>Berlino ha invece ribadito che "si stiano mettendo in piedi già una considerevole serie di misure per contrastare gli effetti economici del Coronavirus a livello europeo". Stanno dalla parte di Italia, Spagna e Francia anche Belgio, Grecia, Irlanda, Lussemburgo, Portogallo e Slovenia.

I would be ok with that. Fuck Germans, med union now !

You belong at our side.

you know what's extra based. I read all that and understood it all without translating.

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Can we have a fucking schism already, I don't want to be with the n*rdoids anymore, I want to rack up denbts with my med brothers

Unfortunately the most likely outcome is that Germany will realise that they seriously run the risk of splitting the Union in half and will just backtrack.

I unironically would prefer a real Southern Federation though.

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to be fair 76% is still most so you where technically correct.

>I unironically would prefer a real Southern Federation though.
Romania and Latin America will join, yes Haiti too.

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There is no WAY the US is 76% white.

They are not on par or the same thing, they are each better than this shithole

Lmao no fuck off

corona alliance

then fuck you

me when I see nordoids in my thread

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It we ll be shit and poor af but kino

>All that economy

You're only poor because you pay for Eastern European infrastructure and Nordoid cuts to your economy.

How can a country so small be so BASED

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It's 20% Portuguese.

Pls Germany be nice just for once

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I dont like nordoids bro, but lets be honest with each other

look whos talking, you get gibs too poortugal
also we want more eu gibs, its not enough, it will never be enough
pay up shitaly

I'm being honest, you're just living with Southern Italian and Southern Spanish stereotypes. All of that can be fixed.

I never put Portugal on that list did I? I'm well aware.

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oh ok, sorry then

Portugal is a never-ending hole lad. With a lot more than it should have and that people realize.

Why would a respectable country like France want to join with thirdies like Spain and Italy? A French-German-Dutch coalition makes more sense.

why is portugal doing so bad, especially when its a western country, also why is spain richer than you, same geographical position etc

So long as it only uses French (with It*lian, Sp*nish, and P*rtugese all banned from use)

Abhorrent post by the leaf as usual

Dumb leaf
>The letter is signed by the leaders of nine countries – Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Slovenia and Ireland – all members of the euro area.

true, i wouldnt really consider france a med/latin country, probably only the southern part of the country but thats about it

It's complicated. Portugal is a complicated country. In a lot of things we're a lot better than other Western countries. In a lot of things we aren't. Portugal is a like a hybrid.

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Add switzerland and you can be the five (brown) eyes

The French see themselves as French first. But if they have to choose between Italy and Germany the pick is obvious. At least in my experience.

t. Frenchoid parents from Northern France, born here

Nobody cares about eyes, money only matters now.


Right because brown eyed Germanics don't exist.

only if you teach me how to say "yes" in Romanian

you wont get shit mario, germany and netherlands are right, you're gonna blame eu for this virus?

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based brainlet

not really no, those are so*th germans, aka mutted slavs

only north germans are true germans

Include me in the screencap.

>based brainlet
Say this, when your economic goes to shit.

da, we are latin

It's not about blaming the EU, but about creating a more integrated Europe and act with greater trust and friendship between nations

you're gypsies larping as latin-slavs

you incompetent retards infected europe, you're just as responsible as china for this situation

You are not part of it. You are occupied like Japan.

>are we in? :(
niet :^)

Mis hermanos :)

>those countries
>shared intelligence alliance
probably 90 iq at most

>you incompetent retards infected europe, you're just as responsible as china for this situation
Yes, and what are you gonna do about it?

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you're denser than lead

continue to make your economy and people suffer bit by bit by being part of the eurozone while having zero useful exports

Fuck off. Enjoy being alone, when EU will fall.

enjoy your worthless ruble, slavscum

We are leaving, Otto.
And we're bringing the rest of the South with us.

Pfff says occupied loser.

This. our countries need a purge mass expulsion of immigrants (from africa, arabs and brazilians)

delusional pastanigger

>other people pay for our defense
>EU protects us from US trade jewry
sounds like a winning play to me

>moortugal wants to expell moors
strange times these

>sounds like a winning play to me
Not in this situation, man, It's goes to shitter now. And you don't even have nukes.

within an hour of nukes being used 90% of the planet is dead, including 99% of the first and second world.

fuck yes

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say thanks to americans that you're still a country and not part of russia kraut, bomber harris was based and he should've hit your country harder
european friendship doesnt really exist, most EU countries hate eachother, with the exception of a few, think about all the wars in the past, irish killing brits, germans killing poles, italians killing germans, romanians killing hungarians, swedes killing finns etc

It depends, if only Germany will be nuked, and world will be fine.

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brits killing irish*

a shame more of your people didn't end up on trains, you're the worst country in europe and every single country hates your filthy diaspora

you are correct however that most euro countries hate each other, hate when people larp as if this isn't the case.

You forget those barbarians tried to imitate the Roman Empire for centuries

I'll just leave this here

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>implying they're my people
thats like saying turks and syrians are your people
nobody in EE considers gypsies their people, countries like bulgaria, hungary and slovakia will agree with me

Which side are you on?
I think this time the Eurobonds will be implemented. With the UK out and France-Italy-Spain on the same side it could happen

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