/lang/ - Language Learning General

No one else made a new one edition
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Yas Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
List of trackers for most language learning packs:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Old thread:

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why make a boring edition when you could make a gay edition instead?

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1-5 German
6-10 Japanese
Dubs Dutch
Trips Korean

lets go boys

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Get fucked, /lang/ OP's have no business being unrelated to /lang/. This isn't a country/region-general.

1-5 Read a book
6-0 Study lang

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How do I actually study and not just sit on my ass browsing 4channel all day?

seconding this

the fact that japanese has 3 different alphabets is really discouraging

i hate this, it seems whenever i try to learn a language i find faults with it and give up

German? 3 genders
Japanese? 3 alphabets
Chinese? Good luck memorizing radicals for each different word


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hiragana and katakana arent so bad, look up tofugus guides or use one of the resources on the wiki and you can learn those quickly. kanji takes time though

Does anyone actually know where the Scottish augmentives could have come from?
-um and -o

This sentence is going to end in a comma,


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Damn, German is so fascinating. Even tho I can't say a shit yet

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Have a place and time to do it.

It is almost definitely above my skill level, but I have it downloaded and will probably try to give it a read.

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>duh again a Walloon wi can't speak Dutch
As long as you don't talk to people in French and expect/demand to be answered in French, the vast majority of people will know you're one of 'de goei'.



If English is your TL, then you technically can sit on your ass browsing 4channel all day :)
really makes you think...

Edition: random Yas Forums posts I've copied and pasted without context
>this is America
>What the fuck happens in this place?
>I just want a gf
>Did someone say BOOZE?
>user, you are going to protect me against those barbaric hordes of rapefugees right?
>tfw getting a wagecuck job to fund my gambling addiction/ Any anons know this feel?
>I was born as a Finn in a l*thuanian body/ why is god so cruel?
>Because of coronavirus, Italy, Spain and France will get no tourists/ If they get no tourists, their economies will collapse/ If their economies collapse, we will get fewer gibs/ This is the end, bros. We got too cocky
>I think Russia is a beautiful country. I want to visit there one day and stay for a few weeks to see different parts of Russia, both cities and rural areas. If I visit Russia in the future, what should I see?
>Chinese propaganda, it's a zoonotic disease, how many Italians do you guys know that eat bats or pangolins, or snakes, or dogs, or any of that trash that chinks eat? Plus, any food is under strict regulation in the European Union

should I learn Japanese or Russian
or should I be honest and not bother.
I already started russian but i dont really know why to continue other than the fact i took a class for a year already


>this is America
Dit is Amerika
>What the fuck happens in this place?
Wat de fuck gebeurt in deze plaats
>I just want a gf
Ik wil maar een vriendin
>Did someone say BOOZE?
Zei iemand DRANK?


>>this is America
esto es america
>>What the fuck happens in this place?
que (?) ocurir en este lugar
>>I just want a gf
yo solo quiero una novia
>>Did someone say BOOZE?
un personaje le dijio booze?
>>user, you are going to protect me against those barbaric hordes of rapefugees right?
user, ir a me protectar (?) los (?) refugiados barbaros verdad?
>>tfw getting a wagecuck job to fund my gambling addiction/ Any anons know this feel?
tfw obtiendo un trabajo wagecuck para (?) mi adiccion (?)/ unos anons saben este sentimiento?
>>I was born as a Finn in a l*thuanian body/ why is god so cruel?
yo naci un finn en cuerpo l*thuanian. por que dios es tan cruel?
i dont know how order people with verbs i forgot
estoy enfermo y intentando dormir
>>Because of coronavirus, Italy, Spain and France will get no tourists/ If they get no tourists, their economies will collapse/ If their economies collapse, we will get fewer gibs/ This is the end, bros. We got too cocky
>>I think Russia is a beautiful country. I want to visit there one day and stay for a few weeks to see different parts of Russia, both cities and rural areas. If I visit Russia in the future, what should I see?
>>Chinese propaganda, it's a zoonotic disease, how many Italians do you guys know that eat bats or pangolins, or snakes, or dogs, or any of that trash that chinks eat? Plus, any food is under strict regulation in the European Union
not even trying these

Attached: tomato slain.png (1500x1480, 574.2K)

What scandi language I should learn to understand most of the other speaking ones? I know a tiny bit of Islandic and Norwegian but not enough to hold a full on conversation

>Wat de fuck gebeurt
Wat de fuck gebeurt er
or if you don't want to sound like a teenager, 'Wat gebeurt er in godsnaam'
>in deze plaats
op deze plaats
or just 'hier', when combined with the previous suggestion 'wat gebeurt er hier in godsnaam?', although I think in this sentence the Dutch would drop the 'er' again
>Ik wil maar een vriendin
Ik wil gewoon een vriendin (if someone asks why you're feeling down and you say "I just want a girlfriend, man") / ik wil alleen maar een vriendin (it's the only thing you want)

Norwegians definitely understand danes and sweeds better than they can understand the other two. Swedish and Norwegian sounds the most similar, and written Norwegian is pretty much written Danish, whereas written Swedish is not the same as written Danish

try reading or watching stuff in your target language instead of "studying" it. this should be fun so you shouldnt have trouble doing it. you cant acquire a language without massive input anyways.

>>this is America
Haec est America
>>What the fuck happens in this place?
Mehercule, quid acciditur hic?
>>I just want a gf
Amicam habere volo.
>>Did someone say BOOZE?
Dixutne aliquis VINVM?
>>user, you are going to protect me against those barbaric hordes of rapefugees right?
Oh anonyme, esne me servaturus e barbaris illis violatorexulibus?
>>tfw getting a wagecuck job to fund my gambling addiction/ Any anons know this feel?
I was born as a Finn in a l*thuanian body/ why is god so cruel?
Natus sum Finnicus in corpore Lithuano. Cur tam crudelis Deus est?
>>Because of coronavirus, Italy, Spain and France will get no tourists/ If they get no tourists, their economies will collapse/ If their economies collapse, we will get fewer gibs/ This is the end, bros. We got too cocky
Coronaviri causā Italia, Hispania, Galliaque nullos visitatores accipient/ si autem visitatores non habebunt, aerarium suum destruentur/ et si aerarium destruentur, paucissima accipiemus dona/ Ecce finis, fratres. Superbi fuimus.

When I think about all those loser weebs who have succeeded in learning a hard language like Japanese I get motivated to study because I cant lose to them.

Thanks for the corrections. I'm struggling at bit with the 'er's, they're fine in sentences like "there is a problem", but I find them tricky in "gebeurt er" situation.
Are you sure its vuurwerk and not vuurwerken? or is vuurwerk already plural?

I honestly have no idea how the Dutch use 'er'. They never use it when I expect it to be there. It's probably the single hardest aspect of the whole language.
'Vuurwerk' is a collective noun, just like all other compound words with 'werk', even though it isn't 'work' in the literal sense.

I've been in Germany for 5 fucking months now and all I've learnt is "genau" and "ich bin ein cop, ohne ausweg"

Ah ok so kinda like groente?

Edição: postos aleatórios que eu copiei e colei sem contexto
>Isto é América
>Que merda acontece neste lugar
>Só quero uma namorada
>Alguém disse ÁLCOOL?
>Anão, vais me proteger contra aquelas hordas bárbaras de estupro refugiados certo?
>Aquele sentimento quando estou a arranjar um emprego de "cuck de salário" para financiar o meu vício de apostas/ algumas outras danones conhecem este sentimento?
>Eu fui nascido um Finlandês num corpo lituano/ porque é que o Deus é tão cruel?
>Por causa do Coronavírus, Itália, Espanha e França não vão receber turistas/ se eles receberem nenhum turista, suas economias vão cair/ se suas economias caírem, vamos receber menos dinheiro/ isto é o fim, amigos. Ficávamos demasiado pretensioso
>Acho Rússia um país bonito. Quero o visitar um dia e ficar por algumas semanas para visitar partes diferentes da Rússia, ambas cidades e áreas rurais. Se eu visitar Rússia no futuro, que é que eu deveria ver?
>Propaganda chinesa, é uma doença zoonótica, quantos italianos vocês conhecem que comem morcegos ou pangolins, ou cobras, ou cães, ou qualquer merda que aqueles asiáticos comem? Mais, qualquer comida têm regulação estrito na União Europeia

Sort of, you can still use 'groenten/groentes' as a plural, though not in all contexts.

no girl at tandem talks to me, what a shitty app

So much for immersion.

Getting input through conversation with native speakers is fine once you're able to actually comprehend what they're saying since comprehensible input is what's useful. Just having someone speak a language you dont understand at or around you won't do anything. You need many many hours of reading and listening under your belt before it'll be useful. If you do that and then move to the country where the language is spoken it will definitely be very beneficial.

why dont they have attic greek on duolingo but they have fucking klingon and high valyrian?

이건 미국이지!
여긴 뭔 곳이냐 ㅆ발
단지 여친을 갖고 싶음.
맥주라고?? [이건 뉘앙스 못맞출거같다]
아논아, 레이피스트난민들로부터 날 지켜줄거지?
도박중독을 위해 노예알바 찾는 그 느낌... 공감하실 수 있는 분
핀란드영혼있는 ㅈ투아니아인으로 태어났다 / 하나님이 왤케 잔인하시냐...
불꽃놀이 그만하라고!!
몸이 아픈데 잠을 자려고...... (뉘앙스 표현 못할거같다)
러시아는 너무 아름다운 나라인 거 같아여. 몇주 동안 러시아 여행하면 좋겠다. 도시부분 보고 시골부분도 보고... 혹시 미래에 러시아를 여행하게 된다면 [어디를 구경해볼까요? / 어디를 봐야겠을까요? / 어디 가면좋겠나요?]

because nerds/geeks are mindless sheep.

What happened to the Italian user that made Latin challenges?

Thanks for the bit of insight might be working in your country for few months for an internship when this epidemic is over and would like to speak to people in their language

Dead by Corona

I am going to beat the shit out of you.

Is duolingo a meme or will it actually help with learning?

it is alright as a side tool but you shouldnt use it as youre main learning tool

What's the point in learning Russian?
Do the people in this thread even ask themselves WHY they are learning their TL?

i can't tell if you trying to help him come to a conclusion or saying russian is useless

My post had 'or Japanese' in it but I guess it got eaten.

where do you think we are?

he probably wants to speak or read or write russian

>actually kinda curious as to why it's 'make so. smile' in English; could it be because 'make so. laugh' has negative connotations?
If you look at the history of the whole thing (that is, the concept of smiles and laughter as it was perceived by medieval cultures), it gets a bit complicated.
The simple answer is that smiling and laughing are different but related things.
If used literally both are neutral, and can have positive or negative connotations
>He somehow manages to make her laugh whenever she gets upset
>The acts of kindness I've seen today make me smile
>His clumsiness always makes them laugh at him
>It makes him smile whenever another banker loses his job
Smiles are more strongly associated with straightforward happiness (even though sinister and sad smiles exist) while laughter can be slightly more ambiguous (are you laughing with me or at me?)
As for why that is so: it's complicated.

>is this sentence ambiguous?
Wouldn't say so. By and large it means you want to see the person again at a further point in time with an emphasis on a greater quantity of time, either more frequently or for longer stretches of time, so in most cases "more often/more times" is the connotation. I'm honestly having trouble seeing what the difference between "more often" and "more times" is to you, unless you're making a split between something habitual and something non habitual.
Same with "further" and "again" because in this specific sentence. "further" is basically a synonym of "more" and all connotations implicitly state that you want to see the person "again" anyway.
A rare exception in a specific context is this:
>"I want to see you"
>"I want to see you more"
Where the reply is implying "I want to see you more than you want to see me"

Does anyone know what happens to downloaded duolingo courses when your plus subscription runs out? Do I keep them still?
I'd check the forums myself but it doesn't work on mobile.

Russian has a lot of literature and arts
Even though a lot of more popular writers like Tolstoy or Pasternak have English translations, it's much easier to find their books in Russian

what if i dont read

I don't know, but it is probably like Spotify's drm where the downloads expire the next time you go online and require you to go online every 30 days or the downloads expire automatically.

*next time you go online after your subscription ends

Oh god, why did I choose to learn french now I-I-je-je suis en train de transformer en une grenouille ! Non !!!

Attached: oh putain de merde !.png (600x525, 140.86K)

Das ist Amerika.
Was zum Fick hat mit diesen Ort geschehen.
Ich will nur eine Freundin haben.
Hat jemand ALKO gesagt?
Bernd, du wirst mir gegen diesen barbarischen Flüchtlingverwaltigerhorden verteidigen?