
not mena, no turks no persians no nafris.

jews welcome tho

Attached: hala.jpg (326x326, 28.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:



2nd for the levant

Reminder that i can buy the Persian poster with the price of a lays chips (medium size)

النصارى هم زنوج

am i welcome

based thread

I missed you salaleef,
Christian genocide when?

no diaspora

Feel free to take the oil its for you habibi

اميرموت ت


أريد انيخ النصارى لأنني أسود
سأجعلهم أطفالا سود

Am i?

a subhuman rat? yes

>thread made by baljeeki
Yikes. Nvm

thread name is based
turduni is cucked
i'd rather embrace baathism and be chanting "امة عربية واحدة ذات رسالة خالدة" all day instead of seeing niggers from the stone age have the right to even be alive

>من يسكن في حفرة وتكرهه الناس؟
>ب ط ل ال ح ف ر ة
>لونه اسمر و زنجي حساس
>ب ط ل ال ح ف ر ة

Attached: saddam_spider_hole.jpg (307x200, 43.07K)

I only had one slice of quesadilla, and half the salad so it wouldn’t go to waste...

Attached: 814B6358-C36A-4159-9988-4E345F076CCA.png (500x499, 125.83K)

I was the dubs and you didn’t listen to me

i do not fear corona...

it's just my daily incel life to be quarantined. nothing has changed.

Attached: 1552347580363.jpg (858x1038, 210.08K)

not baljeeki urduni, sorry thought u were the proxy mutt.

Bost some songs guys, i'm bored asf

Attached: 1569263432642.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

you're pathetic, sort yourself out.

بقيلولة الضهر حلمت اني عم نيك امو لسلليف، حدا من الاخوة و الاصدقاء هون بيفهم بتفسير الاحلام ؟



Attached: 1584367103121.jpg (255x199, 9.5K)


كيف فيني احصل عحبيبة؟

Attached: 1535118952972.png (1000x1500, 55.44K)

الظاهر ان سلليف بvل فمن شدة غيرتك حلمت فيه


موقف مخصي

nice proxy dutch diaspoo

Attached: ohnonononononono.png (2410x1566, 1.31M)

بس لحوشك يا حلبي يا ديوث لبلّعك الثريد كلو




خرا بهذا الموقع

You are based.


Attached: 24442122.jpg (687x759, 112.78K)

I’m not obliged to, and you didn’t adhere to the rules.

Attached: 341160D4-A66D-4C6F-91DE-64D3595FEC2F.jpg (834x1112, 78.45K)

ما قصدي الاساءة لشخصه الكريم بس انا هيك اجاني بالمنام

Are you a tranny or an actual female?

im bigger and stronger than you cunt.

Attached: 09acf77131bc59a1e528f405a009d9f2c170c63bb714f64153faad18ae9491f9.jpg (647x721, 129.22K)

هذه تعني يا اخي الكريم ان الرئيس الخالد الماجد الواجد سينتصر على اعدائه
دمتم و دام بشار

iyytraneet kh*mmie pls

Attached: 123.jpg (480x480, 18.76K)

Attached: talkintome.png (229x220, 6.63K)

Attached: 1536422990377.jpg (1080x1080, 517.17K)

What do you guys think of our national animal?
I fucking hate him
Look at thisnfucking monster

Attached: image.jpg (474x315, 42K)

اريد انيچ بلچيكي المنيوچ

unlike you i have irl friends, in a real fight you'd get outnumbered and beaten the shit out of
تحية عربية معطرة بالمقاومة و الانتماء مني لك اخي الكريم
عشتم و عاشت سوريا الأسِد

He can even raise those things at his back

Attached: image.jpg (474x252, 24.9K)

>What do you guys think of our national animal?
the lebanese , oh i hate them, very dirty very smelly, extermination programs should be put into place.

r8 ours

Attached: download (10).jpg (263x191, 9.41K)

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Attached: tumblr_ps6y3jX6PR1xwi2z1o1_1280.png (1280x932, 545.07K)

Why are you so rude?

Attached: image.jpg (400x209, 41.24K)

Looks inbred

you two would get along well

Cute! Cute!
How does it taste?

Attached: image.jpg (474x314, 42.76K)

كل خرى صرصوري

Not our national animal but we have it

Attached: 483ED7B9-1E05-4B2B-88AC-5D0E05075AC5.jpg (700x368, 37.07K)

Post your national animal.

Attached: image.jpg (474x355, 32.13K)


>someone actually made that picture

Attached: OHNONONO.jpg (1280x720, 69.55K)

this is your national animal, fuckboi

Attached: 155784396884693400.jpg (855x495, 62.96K)

even the most subhuman syrian female get to have attention and orbiters from cuck males like this guy >120309707

Attached: 1552984679399.jpg (400x300, 21.49K)

Why are Lebanese and Iranians constantly seething about Wahhabism, they destroy tombs, if you hate Al Saud hate on Al Saud not the based shirk destroyers

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes, if I’m living in a very traditionally conservative catholic family, and im made to do almost every single chore in the house, as well as all of the cooking with either my mom or my aunt, because these are things I should know well for the comfort of my handpicked future spouse, thus denying me my freedom and personal choice about what the fuck I want to be in my life, what would that make me????

someone who’s constantly harassed by pathetic incel vermin whose heightened sense of toxic masculinity made them think with their tiny overjerked dicks instead of their brains into sharing nudes, that’s fucking who.

fuck you, go blow your own brains out. worthless piece of shit.

What is its name?
Also cute!

Attached: image.jpg (600x524, 42.57K)

Yes, you look inbred because you ARE inbred.

because they destro tombs you stupid bitch
those tombs are our imams
i actually don't hate al saud, they are the septic tank cover keeping wahabbis in check

But it looks tasty.

Because majoos need someone to blame for their subhumanity.

Based wahhabists don't give a hovering fuck about your imams

Attached: PKK-3.jpg (603x350, 37.05K)

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes, if I’m living in a very traditionally conservative catholic family, and im made to do almost every single chore in the house, as well as all of the cooking with either my mom or my aunt, because these are things I should know well for the comfort of my handpicked future spouse, thus denying me my freedom and personal choice about what the fuck I want to be in my life, what would that make me????

someone who’s constantly harassed by pathetic incel vermin whose heightened sense of toxic masculinity made them think with their tiny overjerked dicks instead of their brains into sharing nudes, that’s fucking who.

fuck you, go blow your own brains out. worthless piece of shit.


Calm down tumblrina i was just curious. It’s really nice that you do chores with your family you’d make a great housewife if you weren’t lgbt

islam is the only way to put whores in their place, kitchen

Attached: 6.jpg (400x400, 58.59K)

Attached: یوزپلنگ ایرانی.jpg (512x320, 53.31K)

i spit on you majoosi mushrik

Attached: shiaretards.webm (480x480, 2.8M)

you wouldn't say that to my face

kill yourself so you don’t become a disgusting wifebeater

the sole fact that you are from aleppo is more than enough to invalidate your opinion

>ذات رسالة خالدة
what is that message ive always wondered
perhaps the quran?

Nice and cute.
Better than the monster that we have.
I fucking hate Hyaenas


By Allah, if you don't change you will have the same fate as Dina Ali Lasloom, now behave woman before I am forced to use my belt

صراحةً كس ام البيعرف شو هي

based andalusi umayyad bvll

Attached: andalus.jpg (1200x675, 119.16K)

shitposting aside i would fucking rip your head off

It’s so rare I don’t even know what we call it I think it lives in the southern regions.

No one will beat you stop being dramatic

could you imagine if the based mujahideen kept control of south france, british isles would be islamic by now.

>noo you cant just blow up that saints shrine!!!

Attached: soy_nooo.png (261x215, 19.13K)

i would rip your asshole apart

If only they won this battle... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tours
Only France could've stopped them at that time

its called a sand cat bro come on...

soon brothers...

Attached: 2050_europe_map.png (415x914, 201.13K)