What is the American equivalent of Norf?

What is the American equivalent of Norf?

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tha south

Hmm, I'd tend to agree with this, there are similarities between the English North and the American South. They call Yorkshire the Texas of England.

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Closest thing to them may be bikers?

The entire country

deep souf


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Midwest is German.

You’re a generic stock immigrant people

seethe dumb yanks

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>proud of their inferior region
Yep, checks out

I like how they show New England had some from the south and west country as well, because the yellow areas are exactly where my English ancestors came from (with the addition of some Yorkshire (mainly East Riding) as well)

subhuman detected

Still angry that we don't follow your dumb race rules yank?

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Go away hun shew shew

Sherman should've burnt all of d*xie to the ground and executed all the traitors therein



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This. They're responsible for the horseshit that is Y'ALL.

Rust Belt.

those are just nigs uneducated yank


>Europeans hate the USA for mostly the actions of the Washington government
>Americans think that the problem is some hillbillies praying to jebus and eating unhealthy food

1. We have African-Americans too, even areas with high quantities of them are more developed.
2. You brought them there, they're your responsibility. It's not their fault that your enslaved them and then refused to help them better themselves (and actively prevented it)
3. Many of the undeveloped regions, such as Appalachia, are majority white, as is every state.

What the fuck are you talking about dumb angloid

Why don't you go suck Abdul's dick, Klaus?

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Lol the seethe I’m more American than you euro reject

>Why don't you go suck Abdul's dick, Klaus?

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When I'm president I will ban the British from this country forever.

now this is peak anglo delusion

Immigrant cope

Just straight up brain damage is it then nigel?

I identify as Anglo sorry

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>Thread involves Britain and America and the norf south
>German comes charging in to announce that his people are the real mid westerns
>Gets told to fuck off hun
>Hes still confused why his presence is a nuisance
Like I said you really are an immigrant people

>British Irish
>German French

Rape baby detected. You are the genetic cast off of the countless wars between the Breton and Saxon. Your ancestors are spinning in their graves every time you call yourself "Anglo"

>I followed old Marse Robert for four years, near about,
>Got wounded in three places, and starved at Point Lookout
>I cotched the "roomatism" a'campin' in the snow,
>But I killed a chance o' Yankees, and I'd like to kill some mo'

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>shittiest part of England correlates with shittiest part of USA
>most prosperous part of England correlates with most prosperous part of the USA
I'm starting to think that Genetics really are everything

Europeans hate Americans for being racist, fat, ignorant, etc. These are all Southern traits
Also, the South elects the shittiest (albeit it based) governments, numbnuts.

Literally everyone in the UK would be British-Irish. More than 1 million Irish emigrated to England during the Potato famine years, and they fucked a lot too.

>Europeans hate Americans for being racist
most europeans I've met are way more racist than americans.

>talk to middle aged polish guy
>he gets a tan
>"haha I look like a NIGGER"

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>Europeans hate Americans for being racist
>for being racist
Are you Pedro insane?

I talk to people my age, not 60+ year old Baby Boomers. the 21-35 years old crowd are insufferably PC and like to tout their "enlightened culture" as being superior to the "racist Americans"

redpill me on the midlands

Germoid Irish mutts everywhere in the Midwest.

>see thread
>open thread
>anglo makes a retarded statement
>correct anglo
>anglo gets mad
>anglo in his delusional seeth now thinks I am an immigrant for some reason

Firsties are weird.

what will he drink/eat/snort/consume/imbibe/inject/smoke next?

California is the most prosperous. Actually New England isn't that prosperous at all besides certain parts of Boston.

I posted the image showing where the British settlers went to you hun rapebaby

seething inbred freak

saying california is the most prosperous would be the same as saying the USA is the most prosperous country. sure we have the top GDP but for per capita or the average citizen it isnt necessarily the best

It also has one of the highest wealth inequality rates in the entire world. Don't let the GDP per capita rates fool you, California is mostly a shithole.

Coping immigrant ran out of arguments

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am i a hun or am i an immigrant

make up your mind nigel

you tried to claim the midwest was anglo with your infographic but it is not

please dont tell me you actually believe that

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You’re both and also retarded. Scroll up and look at the image again retard it has an arrow with a name of the place in America. It doesn’t say anything about the mid west or Germans just leave and stop digging this hole

>You’re both
confirmed brain damage

The midwest isn’t German anyway you showed your inferiorty complex. Why would you be proud of your people being immigrants to all our colonies and south america

southerners are the closest thing, but norf is much more based so it isnt the same

the midwest is 100% more germanic than *nglo

>our colonies
you mean the one that rebelled against you and then made you their vassal state? lmao

Ahh its ‘Germanic’ now is it. Yes our colonies. We being the vassal of our ex colony is less humiliating than you being the vassal of our ex colony. Not too sharp are you

I moved and now live in Kentucky and use to be embarrassed by it but I’ve come to love being a mongoloid honestly. Much to my upper middle class WASP-y parents horror I pretty much LARP as a redneck now

EU countries are defacto not US vassals

unlike someone else who is gonna be giving up their food standards and a lot more for a trade deal they so desperately require

>Someone states facts that make the south look bad
>Muh nigs
like fucking clockwork

If the EU gets bullied by Turkey then it certainly is the vassal of America lol

>user wouldn't betray the """American""" government
You're the one who should be burned

Aren't UK Norfeners more urban while the American South is rural? Doesn't the US have urban white trash?

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americans are not in the least bit racist, and this is really just an internet meme, and reactionary outlook

Pennsylvania is the Welsh state

>those are just nigs uneducated yank
but southoids ARE nigs, you stupid clown.