
the boys on non-essential travel edition

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yer nans piss flags

Drinking miso soup. Feel like a bugman

looks ever so slightly bent desu

I remember when I went travelling and I was with a cute European girl, she said hello to literal chad during a tour guide, like think of the Chad meme, that was exactly him.

Then he wouldn’t stop following us around and raising his voice when he was talking to his friend and I could see how utterly perplexed he was when a pretty boy like myself was with her instead of himself.

Was good feels.

He was a very good looking lad tbf to him tho, surprising people like him exists.

He was so pissed off at the end of tour, he just stamped off in a rush and I was with the gyal yaaaaaaaaas

Reminder to cook plastic bags for estrogen

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That's what I call hetero gays

should spell check the tripe i send out

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Lads turn on bbc news boris just said niggers are fake news

how's it foing

When's he going to take a hint?

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They just cancelled the seasons in the non-leagues

vote fear and loathing please i will offer you nothing in return ok bye x

is /brit/ a noel or liam general

Liam's got money worries
He's acting like this gig isn't going to benefit him in any way

post english slags


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Liam obviously

english slags

>girls do porn
what about the soldier's gf who did it behind is back kek

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whats for tea lads?

sosigs and rice


I want to protect that crooked smile

Any key worker man in?

He turned himself into a pickle lads

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now that was a tune

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hot. I bet her pussy is wonderful
Would impregnate

is he white?


on the tyskies de ladz

>calling moni ugly

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holy pengrim

source that shit up incel

flatmate is off to the doctor now it seems

despise oasis
whiny boring cunts

lock him out NOW

Yeah 404 is one of the best
She has multiple scenes FYI

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The video that brought the CEO of racism to his knees


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For frodo

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le epic brotherly feud though!!!!

kek now check this

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Tex slags are best slags

off for an essential shop lads (buying fags) anyone want owt from the paki shop?

caramac if you'd be so kind

worth a watch?

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All the squaddies I know fuck prozzies all the time when they're on tour, so it's swings and roundabouts really

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having a pie x

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top actor


lol robert peston said oh shit

would smash

>there are people who will read this and think it is real
the only explanation is autism

ah right but you see, estrogen hasn't really done anything here
all he's done is grow his hair to hide his baldness, took up a skincare routine, and he's using a different pose to look "cuter"

I studied abroad...or two.

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There is apparently “apocalyptic panic” at hospitals in New York and they’re bringing in semi trucks to take all the bodies

Well then

yanks are such dramatic people

Yeah absolutely
Narcos Mexico is better imo
He's Brazilian so his Spanish accent becomes grating after a while

any /bisexual/ man in?

thanks for that academic sourcing

>US Jobless Claims
erm, so this is way bigger than 2008 or stagflation in the 70s or anything really

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I enjoyed it, but I'm dumb so who knows really haha

Did the people die because of the virus thingy? Ahhh yess very good

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say i am but im actually just gay

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Only an hour and 3 quarters before I open my window and applaud the NHS

it’s probably real, but why is it in comic sans? i don’t have facebook

>swinging began among American Air Force pilots and their wives during World War II before pilots left for overseas duty. The mortality rate of pilots was so high, as Gould reports, that a close bond arose between pilot families that implied that pilot husbands would care for all the wives as their own – emotionally and sexually – if the husbands were lost.[13] The realities of the demographics and basing of US Army Air Force (USAAF) pilots and crew suggest that this arrangement did not evolve during WWII, instead evolving later. US military personnel in WWII were not accompanied by their families (and many especially in the USAAF, were single) – the giant military bases where families live while accompanying a deployed soldier, sailor, aviator, or Marine are mostly Cold War creations. Though the origins of swinging are contested, it is assumed American swinging was practiced in some American military communities in the 1950s. By the time the Korean War ended, swinging had spread from the military to the suburbs. The media dubbed the phenomenon wife-swapping

It’s beyond anything I can even think of other than the great depression

Yeah but dont bother with the third season

I don't understand the song aint that a kick in the head by dean martin
he's saying a bunch of nice things are a kick in the head

This is all blumphfarts fault

going to firebomb bronglais hospital at 8pm

anyone who actually does this can fuck off

someone needs to tell them it's just a flu

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It's not Comic Sans, it's one of the mongy fonts on Samsungs. Cool Jazz I think it's called.

>open my window and applaud the NHS
First time I heard this, I genuinely belived it was satire.

had something i wanted to ask you lads but the old thread was dying and i went to do some stuff while i was waiting for the new and now ive forgotten fs

Mental that people in /brit/ genuinely hope a lot of people die in America from the virus

Kind of sick really

Speedos are based

I hope they’re keeping clean

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Will be doing it as well mate.

the strong survive and the weak perish

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There's a joke in the military that you can tell who just deployed from your base by which women showed up at the local watering hole

it's just banter lad

The blame lies squarely at the feet of toilet bog fart shitgibbon

so could it be real?

this pandemic will be a grim wakeup call for yanks who think they're the greatest country in the world.

>great depresion
Back then based FDR came in and saved the economy. Now you have Trump lol

Likely to be, yeah


only edgy underage retards

Not hoping, just acknowledging that they will.

Yeah must be exhausting. No wonder half of them snap and shoot up the place

wish I was sat in a field on the verdant rolling hills of England sipping a beer in the Spring sun


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capitalist inhumanity will lead to more deaths via suicide/homelessness/poverty than coronavirus will


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I hope covid-19 can at least mean a new revolution in remote working
There's no reason I can't do my job at home all the time

>*calls you a bad name*
>*kicks your knees*
>*scurries away*

i used that grim font when i had my samsung galaxy s5 back in the day

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Haha they will get the corona

and people will still defend white women


>the police have powers
What? Can they fly or shoot lasers out their arse?
Just regular cunts in a costume init.

yea i do hope americans die
what are you going to do about it moralfag?

I'm sure this happened

Trump is Hoover, Saunders in the new FDR.


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Italian deaths back over 700
UK deaths +115

We are still deep in the shit

Hiking to go drink on a bench really is essential travel for Mark

im more productive

spend most of my time at toil chatting shit to people in the office. at home i can actually get stuff done

it's just a flu bro

this is going straight on r/whitepeopletwitter!

Probably did knowing power tripping pigs

Just got this from reddit lads

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Took 12 days from lockdown for Italian cases to peak, so ours could potentially rise for another week yet.

So we'll do our 3 weeks off, then reopen the pubs and start the epidemic from scratch


kinda regret only get 4 heinekens from der shop
shouldve got more i fancy getting plastered


beep beep

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bit anti-semitic

don't even care if my toil goes out of business

That means nothing. They could all have been existing cases.

someone post the Indian Muslim rejecting a mask and putting on a hat instead

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fedora just wobbled as I looked at this

isn't sanders already defeated by biden?

Israel has done very well in containing this virus

shut the fuck up you snobby little twat

4 beers is completely pointless m8
Either by 2 and drink them slowly to chill
Or buy 8 to get a buzz on. Never buy 4 will just leave you frustrated

Even if we get new cases to 0, then what, as long as the border is open someone will bring the virus back in to the country

Hangs head in white guilt

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*wish I were
Hypothetical. Subjunctive mood


Jews do tend to be smart.

tfw no nice leg gf

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Love a bit of tease and denial 2bh

>implying everyone isn’t already infected and they just don’t know it

Anyway, if Italy continues to level out, it’s good news for us.


its not even cheap, it's one of the more expensive lagers. It is shit though.

Sanders is gonna be killed by the virus. Cap this post.

*curses you with drinking a lukewarm beverage*

Can't wait for Sanders to send all the Japanese to concentration camps and oppose anti-lynching bills

was confuzzled because of the corona precautions
the runt behind the till was like "uhh youve got to stand behind that line so you dont poz the customer in front of you" and it threw me

Also Israel has one of the world's best healthcare system.

WTF!?! my religion is science now.

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6 is my ideal if i'm just drinking in the house at night

don’t get it

those damn white chinks

no idea what this random person with a blue check mark is trying to say

he's right though. praying to the magic man in the sky isn't going to stop corona

i've been drinking a lot less lately and feel tipsy after a couple beers, is weird and kind of annoying

Could drink two slowly one day and then two another day?

Or add the 4 he just bought to 4 he previously bought?

There’s any number of permutations here.

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why aren't you manufacturing your own superior ventilators?
brexit means brexit

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think it's about trump being president and being shit at it, therefore white supremacy led to everyone dying because trump did a bad job

This virus was caused by

I would rather die than relinquish my privileged position in society

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Saira Rao comes from an extremely wealthy indian family

got an air compressor in my boot I've never used
I'll be fine

She's not wrong honestly

right, who ate the fucking bat?

Based EU
Fuck shitain

why was comedy so funny during the Bush years but so shite during the Trump years?
it's as if entertainers lost all their talent, imagination and wit when the orange man arrived

This is how you contain the virus

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very reddit post and very reddit image to accompany it. You need to go back.

ohh mr trips

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Please tell me there’s a fit mixed race bird who’s been cropped out of that picture.

Ivory coast women are grim

im gonna... i-i'm gonna.......

yank comedy has never been funny you little freak jog on to /cum/ you boring sadcase

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older is usually better

Really wasn't expecting /brit/ to be this racist

This is why we need corona

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that's not true you weirdo


Coronavirus: UK deaths rise by more than 100 in a day