Why do Americans love sports cars so much?

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it go vroom vroom very fastly

I fucking love sports cars
Wish I weren't a poorfag, maybe like a millionaire in London or Zurich and just drive around in my porsche

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>Why do Americans love sports cars so much?.
>sports cars
Explain this meme to me

>haha engine go vrooom

Because its based
i dont even consider you a man if you dont like sports cars
you are basically a women

Only low t soyboys, beta men and women hate sports cars

sports cars are the epitome of Chad

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you can get a used porsche boxer for relatively cheap, can't you? I hear they aren't that bad to keep up.

God i hate that soy fag so much

is this possible to have a quad exhaust on a gt3
i dont like the center dual tips
try to drive a sport car at 200 mph or doing a 7 min lap in the nurburgring
you faggot

Watching his review of my car really pissed me off

nigga we make $1300 in this bitch
and cars pretty much the same as in the us

>try to drive a sport car at 200 mph or doing a 7 min lap in the nurburgring
There's nothing sportive about that.

911s are better

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I like them

you can buy one of these for around $7,000
not super fast, but can be modded

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obviously, but what is the cheapest 911 you can buy? You can get a boxster for around 10k, maybe less

Too expensive
I'd go for a cayman though. 25k for a 14 year old one with 60k miles isnt bad

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Seethe more poorfag

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spending 300 thousand on a car won't make your hair grow back lol

no you are delusional fag

you will shit yourself if you do that

i dont think I've ever seen a lotus in real life

bread on hood

>obsessed with hairlines
You know they are people who buy sports car because they like sports cars ?

Why not? I could never afford one but it's at the end of the day a hobby with an adrenaline rush, it's like a more practical cocaine habit.

i actually find its the opposite desu
I live right next to a hospital, and most of the cars there are cheap SUVs and Hondas.
theres two teslas, a few audis in the mix, one doctor had a porsche macan but that's about it as far as cars go.
lots of wealthy people don't show how wealthy they are here.

depends what you want. I recently bought an mr2 spyder for 3700 dollars, obviously not the fastest in a straight line, but a damn fun car.


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many of them also have small dicks
99% of them can't drive them at all and only go 50kmh in some city to showoff

It puts a lot of stress on the body. Formula 1 drivers have a whole physical training regime to deal with things like g forces on the neck.

It helps if you know how to work on them.
My dad buys cars that need a little work, he fixes them, drives them a while and then sells them.

poorfag cope

Damn, now that's gorgeous.

I fucking wish I could buy a C3 hereā€¦

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drivelet cope

I found a C3 Corvette that needed a motor for $4,500. I put a 350 from a 1970 Chevelle in it.
Can you import cars there?
I don't think it costs very much to get one shipped over.

who said that i drive bad ?
i think its projection form you

some guy on o broke down his costs once, it was about 3 grand to import his car iirc.

hairlet cope

everyone says that and you know it
le projecting meme isnt gonna save you everytime mate, find another skirt to hide in


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>french car loving girls post on Yas Forums
my dream, realized.

hmm, might not be worth it for a $5,000 car, it depends on how bad they want it
I know a guy that ships cars to Germany to sell, but they are all around $25,000

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im a man

I'll probably be fucked by the customs.
But honestly I like the idea, I'll look into it
What websites should I use to search for a car btw?

Gotta love Spyker. NEDERLAND STRONK

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fucking jew kikes. first they did 9/11, now this

well, you still have long hair and bedroom eyes. Would sodomize.

This guy is so annoying to watch. He talks too much, his voice cracks three time every sentence and he never shows the whole car. He'd spend 10 minutes talking about the car's window system and then show the back of the car for 1 second.

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Your best bet would be to speak to an exporter already in the US.
That will be 100 times more of a nightmare than actually finding a vehicle.
I know there are japanese exporters who will do everything, from finding the car, to getting exportation sorted, maybe we have them in the US too


This one has the most listings, also check ebay

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Kys fag

>speak to an exporter already in the US
good idea, they already know how to ship and might have inventory

not all sellers will know how to ship cars

For car enthuastiasts
Watch davide cironi
He is kino


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Okay, once I get things sorted with my life I'll have a look into that.
Thanks a lot you guys!

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That's very insensitive towards the victims and their families

little penis lol

Oh no no

I'm actually latin america in size :)

911 arent that dangerrous

Pourquoi quelqu'un irait-il mentir sur le Internet ?

Anyone the opposite since childhood? Loved efficiency not sports cars, sensible practical cars with manuals so you can milk the rev counter slowly

Imo for me i like cars that can handle fine in a foot of snow or can tow shit.

buy a manual sports car then
pour se la peter

Based 911

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