F-France are you okay?

F-France are you okay?

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lmao they must really desperate for calling the bundeswehr for help

That's fine no? They're both on the EU. And they're the two most powerful european countries today.
It makes sense for them to help each other


>haha fuck the EU they did nothing to help against the virus
>EU countries helping each other? how could this happen?

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we already helping france by taking a lot of infected people and treat them here. they would have died in france already.

old habbit

the german army has a history of saving France in her most dire hours

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helping for what, actually? Apart from some material or logistic to set up a new military hospital, I don't really see what they can do.

Fun fact, it's to help Alsace Lorraine.
For some reason most of the cases are here and the other regions can't take them, so we send them in Germany.

they will simply shoot every frenchmen to prevent the disease from spreading. very cool france

Wh-what are you up to again?

Maybe army medics, or NBC equipment. Here the army is helping with its medics civilian hospitals

according to the spiegel:
>Helicopters are urgently needed to transfer corona patients from particularly affected regions to other parts of the country, as well as support in the care of sick patients, which is currently pushing the healthcare system to its capacity limits.

"The EU" isn't stronger than the members wants it to be.

Either you're out or you work for a better integration. There's no in between.

Why would they do that

tfw Germany will sent army experts to France and not to Italy, even if France has not even 1/5 of the infected

fun how the tables have turned. Back in the 1920 it was germany imploring france for help and France acting arrongant and shit and actually asking for more sanctions

not only did they surrender but now they beg to be invaded

>For some reason

It's because the fucking evangelists had one of those large-scale meeting where they keep hugging each others in Mulhouse. Then they left and scattered everywhere in the country. That's why Haut-Rhin is the département with the most cases and why Mulhouse's hospital is the most overwhelmed and is sending patients everywhere around.

Europe can't possibly be managing the virus worse than us, what the fuck is happening

They've been transferring Alsatian patients to the Loire region to treat them

Well, you are China buttbuddy now, so it's not like we can do anything about that.

we're trying to save everyone, so the hospitals are overwhelmed
soon we'll have to do like Italy: let the 70+ years old die

Shit dude

We take Italians to Germany instead.

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Isn't china helping italy because europe wouldn't?

Ah yes I remember that. Nothing more stupid than a bigot.

Pensions problem : solved.

>implying that the Bundeswehr still has airworthy helicopters

5D chess

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but we need the gestapo to forbid ppl from going out


italy couldn't

>forbid ppl from going out
kek, that doesn't work here either. especially boomers who are like the only ones threatened by the virus don't give a fuck

Same here, the only people I see around without a mask are 70+

boomers are unironically retarded. I had to basically beg my grandparents to let me do their shopping

we have 47 people from your country here right now, and everyday more coming here.

they interviewed a finnish 70+ year old boomer why he didn't stay at home, but went out to meet friends in a cafe, and he literally said he doesn't care if he dies and believes that it's fate who decides

I say we let them all die
take money from the pension funds and save the young
I think respirator treatment shouldn't be allowed for anyone over 70

Our IC's will reach their maximum capacity within a few days yet the peak is only next week, but our government for some reason keeps saying it will be fine.
Like how the fuck will it be fine if we run out of beds in 4 days or so?

>and France acting arrongant and shit and actually asking for more sanctions
yes its not like they were invaded by this country just a few years prior in the most devastating war on french soil its fine please someone think of the poor germans
come on man be realistic at that time the french really didnt give a shit about the germans they were bitter af
this happened literally a century ago and today the two countries are more than just allies
stop being stupid

>I think respirator treatment shouldn't be allowed for anyone over 70
They already do that in some hospitals.

we are already helping you too

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Based friendly Fritz

this is what the chinese don't want you to see

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since when do we have working helicopters?

We already have taken patients from France because they lack the capabilities. Seems they are in real trouble.

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Third world country doing thirdie things
If only you knew how bad things really are

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>The french health system is reaching its limits due to the spread of the coronavirus

With 50% more population than us, more beds per capita than us and most importantly, half our number of cases. Really makes you think.

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Where the fuck are >our helicopters though? All in Mali?

Are they transporting a T-Virus patient?

desloe mec, mais ils sont de la merde de toute façon, t'inquiete pas

>70+ years old die
No, not the boomers.

>Not just letting the virus burn through your country and let the weaklings die

It's like you don't want herd immunity

Sweden is honestly an alien planet at this point. They live by blue and orange morality.

We're not crazy, one day you'll see that we were right. I can't wait for Sweden to become a shining beacon of civilization as the world around us crumbles because you morons decided to throw your economy down the shitter to save some boomers

Sweden expects to survive this meltdown with no serious military how?

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What do we need the amry for? Are other countries going to invade out of jealousy?

Uhhh... yeah? If things got as bad as you project.

1814,1871, 1918, 1940, 1993...

Most of our neighbours will be too busy with petty infighting to really care about us. What we could do is to let them ((borrow)) some money to rebuild with a "generous" interest. At last Sweden shall dominate not only Europe but the rest of the world. You better be a good boy start your Swedish course on duolingo