What is the most soulful Norwegian city?
What is the most soulful Norwegian city?
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there is no soul in snownigger subhuman lands with no sun
if there was soul then god of sun would visitt more often
Paris of the north
stop it with this retarded meaningless meme
Sun god? We praise the moon here in the north
Soulless post
it's unironically bergen
avoid oslo like the plage
Did you know that Norwegian women clap after sex? But only if they are satisfied
>but I fucked a norwegian tourist in Málaga and she didn't clap after sex
Sorry, Carlos, but she wasn't satisfied
Bergen, without a doubt
Why, it's so small and it's dying due to Moa.
he'll never stop
Thought Bergen was terribly overrated
There’s none that are soulless though Oslo is a bit ugly in parts but cities are definitely not Norway’s strong suit
It’s a country you shouldn’t visit unless you rent a car tbqh
Bergen (not the churches tho)
I heard about those destroyed stave churches when I was a boy, I was both sad, and shocked.
music and rhythm is in the soul of every Bergen Chad and Stacy youtube.com
the only way to travel is crammed into a sedan with 7 other Norwegians
>It’s a country you shouldn’t visit unless you rent a car tbqh
This, same can be said about the United States.
You will never be crammed into a sedan with 7 blonde girls with double d's.... Feels bad man
Why yes, that would be Oslo - city of light, city of magic.
*Stabs you*
nothing personel potet
Let's sing a traditional Norwegian song during the roadtrip
Se torsken, se torsken, se torsken
En feit og fin og norsk en,
En norsk en, en norsk en
Torsken kommer nå
Uten den kan verden ei bestå
Det fins ei en eneste fisk
Som er bedre enn torsken faktisk
Det er da sant og visst (Sant og visst)
Torsken fosser inn
Se så blank og feit og fin
På bankene legger vi by
Så kaster vi garnene i
Og etterpå fester vi (fester vi)
Og torsken, og torsken, og torsken
Og vær en ekte norsken
Ei torsken, men norsk en
Og får du en på kroken
På kroken, på kroken
Så må du holde koken
Ja, koken. Ja, koken.
Torsken er vår venn (er vår venn)
Rører hjerte selv hos sterke menn
Vi håver den inn uten stopp
Så spretter vi bukene opp
Alt er på to-håhå-pp
Ja heisann og hå-håhå-pp
For torsken. Ja, torsken. Ja, torsken
Den ligner ei på frosken
På frosken, gjør torsken
Den kommer ifra havet
Fra havet, fra havet
Og havner i din mave
Ja, mave. Ja, mave.
Torsken kommer nå
Uten den kan verden ei bestå (ring-ring)
Stopp, stopp, stopp
Jeg må ta telefonen her
Stopp, stopp.
Det er en som ringer her
Jeg må ta telefonen et øyeblikk
"Ja, hallo?"
"Hva sa De?"
"Dempe oss?"
"Jamen vi jobber!"
"Ja, vi joberr også, ja nemlig!"
"Ne-hehe-i, ikke tale om"
"Ha! Nehei, farvel, hæ!"
Hva var det for no?
Åh, det var bare han nye naboen som har fløtte innom, han derre obersten.
Han ba oss om å dempe oss.
Dempe oss?
Ja, haha, har du hørt på makan?
En oberst?
Erre verste jeg har hørt
Ja, nei.
Kjør på! Kom igjen!
Kjør opp play-backen
Full guffe.
Kom igjen, full guffe, stå på nå!
Kom igjen
Det skal nemlig sterke krutt til å stoppe oss, hahaha.
Havet, det er havet.
Erre havet?
Fra havet
Og havner ifra havet
Fra havet, fra havet
Og havner i din mave
Ja, mave. Ja, *PANG
What's the best strök in Oslo?
>aker brygge
fucking tourist
No idea I don't live there
I just want to annoy OP
t. poor
Bygdøy, Holmenkollen og Frogner har historisk vært bra
Tjuvholmen er også et av byens beste strøk
do you still encounter Norwegian-American tourists or is that not really a thing anymore
I’d imagine most Americans who care about that sort of stuff are in retirement homes or graves by now
you should do a bit more discovering and a lot less imagining
alesund, bergen have nothing on it lol
What a gay little answer
Be quiet
I’ve been to Norway twice already
You be quiet you dunce.
>alesund, bergen have nothing on it lol
Yes it has. Ålesund is small even by nordic standards, that's how small it is. This Bergen suburb is as big as Ålesund
We do encounter tourist's from the United States regularly, and sometimes they do mention that their ancestors came from Norway. I love tourists from the US, they think that between 15-25% tip is "mandatory" here too
user, Paris is a shithole
I think Tromsø deserves better
shockingly this is paris
that’s a man or a woman sucking the dick?
please, this is important
>Paris is a shithole
Seething irrelevant provincial
What are your thoughts on trondheim?
>those shoulders
Such soul... how can poor Bergen even begin to compete with this?
The beauty of the Oslovian street must not perish from the earth.
No, that's a shitty suburb
Noisy Le Grand is what happens when you let all the shitty architects have a city to themselves, i've been there once and i was shocked by the ugliness of literally every structure there. It's like they made the place ugly on purpose
post some true norvégienne tradwives
you didnt say theres a population limit
You could tell me that is any country in western europe and I'd believe you
based and true. Oslo haters are jelly, delusional, or they havent wandered far from the central station.
Oslo has the best weather in Norway during summers so the city has something going for it
what is the most degenerate city in Norway?
St. Hanshaugen, Torshov, Grünerløkka, Kampen, og ellers en gate her og der.
>Tjuvholmen bra strøk
Sjukeste jeg har hørt.
Kristiansand. So many bible fags there
I'd say Bergen. Oslo obviously has more degeneracy overall, but Bergen just seems utterly saturated with alcoholism and heroin abuse
It's median income is comparable to my county. It must be quite based.
Norwegians always seemed like really bitter, antisocial swedes.
it’s just swedish are idiots
well you obviously dont know what that word means.
Exhibit a
>10 floor high rise commieblocks in Norway
I suppose they are inhabited mostly by sandniggers and Lithuanians.