I just gathered enough courage to leave the house and go buy one of these holy motherfuckers. God, I've missed you so...

I just gathered enough courage to leave the house and go buy one of these holy motherfuckers. God, I've missed you so. Two weeks.

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now mage some meme's :DDD

Noo... I gave this shit up 2 months ago and now I feel like relapsing.

Do it. It's great.

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enjoy corona

is this europe's boomer monster?

ive tried a bunch of energy drinks and the flavor i like is the original monster

Top tier taste, way better than overpriced junk like monster.

Energy drinks should taste like battery acid and sugar.

At least I will die in the company of my one true friend

I gave in.

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>euro shopper energy drink
>cheap vodka
>some ice

Perfect drink.

ES is truly the nectar of the gods. Thank you Hollanti.

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why is the top yellow

Damn, you guys are making me want to pick up on an energy drink when I go out to buy my darts.

Is that the Spanish flag?

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I'm guessing Euro Shopper doesn't exist in Canada? Too bad if that's the case. It's simply the best energy drink available.

This man knows what's up.

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Oh yes.

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The only ones they have at the local store here are monster, red bull and rockstar. I will never know the joy of euro drinks.

Aw.. If you ever come to northern Europe, or Sweden I'll buy you a can.

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I wanted to post something rude about you mixing your whiskey, but a peated energy drink actually sounds quite nice.

Es is ok, but monster and ED are better

Euroshopper is the best thing that has come out of the Netherlands. What you see is what you get. Sadly we don't have Euroshopper anymore, the name has changed to AH Basic.

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Its just the way EuroShopper highlight the price in Britain.

Boomers don't drink energy drinks here. And ES was the youngsters choise because being the cheapest one until "Megaforce" got that title. idk what is the situation now.

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It sounds like the ultimate zoomer drink but it's actually damn good. I'm nearing 30 and suffer from the annoying problem that alcohol puts me to sleep. So energy drink + alcohol is the savior for me. And Euro Shopper is the best energy drink hands down. That coming from a boomer that started out with Jolt Cola and have tried everything from Red Bull to Monster (including 100+ euro energy drinks) .

Honestly why do people like energy drink so much? It taste like garbage.

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I thought so at first as well but then something just clicked after the third or fourth one. Probably some chemical in it fucked my brain.

Can confirm ES + whisky is surprisingly good

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Yeah. And all the boomer meme don't make sense to us Brazilians because boomers here don't drink energy drink, young people do.
Boomers here drink cachaça/aguardente.

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>come one user, i know you want to drink me ;)

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Do energy drinks really give you a boost


The sugar mostly.

No, Hans.

>not es
I'll pass

Sugar makes u sleepy

>Boomers don't drink energy drinks here.
they don't really here either; im just wondering if its THE meme energy drink of choice like a white monster is in the US

This. Is it like Kong Strong?

They changed the design?


>why yes i drink energy drinks, how could you tell?

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It's been almost a week and I haven't left the house except for a daily beer run. The last time I went to work was Friday. I am bored as fuck and starting to feel a bit unhinged, is this what being a NEET is like?

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Mmm ES :DDDDD fuggin delishius
The only euro shopper item my local store still sells is es energy.
So good

I just have coronaparties lmao

Yes... yes... come to the introvert side... but not too close!

I drink this shit almost everyday. How soon I will die?

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Mega_force is superior

What went wrong with Euroshopper? I've not seen their noodles for years, just the energy drink.

I bought a 30 pack of chicken noodles last week at Willys, it's all Euro Shopper.

you're not the target demographic for this meme

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whoa mama