The antigermanism on this board makes me sad

the antigermanism on this board makes me sad

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shut up kraut

It's just jealousy, germbro

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My parents immigrated here from east germany, the one thing they tried to drill into me is that I was American not german.
They refused to speak german around me, wouldn't talk about anything german, and they refused to acknowledge even Oktoberfest

Why do germans hate themselves/ their country?

Ignore the haters be proud of your german heritage

germans are subhuman people

t. kurd

>germans are subhuman people

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t*rks aren't even people

g*rmans are the t*rks of white people

>they refused to acknowledge even Oktoberfest

Because they arent from Bavaria retard, your parents were right you are american not german.

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Americans make no distinction between German and Bavarian
Someone could have great great great grandparents from schleswig-holstein and they would celebrate Oktoberfest

It's just banter bro

Why do you care? Being germans you're better than the vast majority of the world.
Really, the only people that can compete with you in sheer genius are the french.

ay lmaoo seriously?
Btw your parents being german themselves should know the difference

they are based, you are cringe

>Americans make no distinction between German and Bavarian
Someone could have great great great grandparents from schleswig-holstein and they would celebrate Oktoberfest

Wich is exactly what makes you americans not german. If you like Oktoberfest fine but stop the larp.


they hate because he told the truth

feels bad to be hated. sry fren :(

turk diaspora
turk proxy

In that case americans can stop larping as german already.


unfortunately a large amount of americans have german ancestry

cope germanigger-american

keep producing fine wheat beers and I will always love you germanon

>unfortunately a large amount of americans have german ancestry

Self reported german ancestry. Aka larp.

Schnurre zue, Gummihals!

im not even German I am CHI. but I hate turks more so I defend Germans

Don't pretend like Oktoberfest isn't celebrated all across Germany.

dubs of truth sponsored by hitler

>sub"""human""" """people"""

Lmao eat shit kraut Germans are the most hateful towards Americans

Its really isnt though, maybe to a small degree if you search you might find some stuff. But its not big outside Bavaria.
Our local Schützenfeste are more important in my area.

For a good reason mutt.

they are people

And what is that reason

remember when they firebombed women and children in dresden? me neither

>ruins Germany´s victory in WW1
>wow why are they so mad at us?

It could be worse
If one doesnt like you here, you have something good they are jealous of
Then there are americans, which are bullied on purpose to try and pop a bubble majority of them live in, which can result in a school shooting but they cant shoot here so they will shoot up a bus station irl and reinforce stereotype
Then, there could be the worse, you could be loved and worshipped, which is boring af
I personally cant stand it

you start shit with us all the time
i hate you


that's because we love peace while you love war

No, FSB trolls start shit with you vut we do it for free to make their job cheaper so they lose their shit and their bosses see that they arent useful anymore.
Youre too retarded and fat to see these kind of things

>looks at post
>looks at flag

Are you sure about this one?

jews literally raped your country more than twice, and you blame gentile americans for it. fucking retards

wow......... and i thought people in america were retarded brainlets. i guess if i went to germany, it would feel like home

>muh ebil russia
Don't bring Russia into this. It is a German/American divide. It is not a bad thing maybe Germans will wake up and realize their country is being occupied.

why are you so retarded? and you cant even use the most overused word, "literally", correctly.

we haven't been at war for 75 years
can you say the same, burger?


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At least you are not irrelevant

>Bosnia and Herzegovina
Like you have the faintest idea of what life is like here.

ask the jewish lobby about that, not me.

Shut up fat

The people on /deutsch/ aren't very nice either. Quite hostile.

Because you were castrated and had both your legs mashed to bits by the Soviets and Amerikangs, don't act so pious because you lack all offensive capability

Real recognize real.

It's mostly seething non-whites

It's celebrated in Hamburg.

It's celebrated everywhere.

>we haven't been at war for 75 years
>can you say the same, burger?

You haven't had a war, but not by choice. Everyone knows germans are bloodthirsty killers at heart.

Ablablabalbloobloovloo shut the fuck up mutt shart everyone is laughing their asses off at your mutt colony demise as you shart atm not knowing what is happening and everyone likes it
Come in 10 days here if you still have internet or if you aent in a camp to help you concentrate

You are still a gay boy who is a shame to Islam and your people.