/brit /

me and de lads edition

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baby sneed

looking forward to spending the next decade paying of the government's expenditure for the next 3 months or so.

comrade sunak

paki shite edition

>to get all this money you have to go through hours of Universal Credit where there's 500000 other people in line and only 10000 staff

well how else would you get it

about to burst out laughing bloke in the blue jumper

very interested in the quran lads
it is a very esoteric book
i feel as though a lot of muslims don't have a clue what a lot of it actually means and just use it for its talismanic value.

I'm happy to see the UK leading the way.

How pozzed is London's with the 'rona

Eat much goat in Britain?


quintessential 2010 Britain tune

blackoids like it

It's an emergency situation. They should just pay everyone £1000 like most other countries are doing.

>tfw 2000 free monies from the donald
get fucked bongs, ausfreaks and leafs

anyone else notice female singers only ever sing about stuff like love and relationships? never about depression, loneliness and hardship

See for yourself.


BBC News - Coronavirus: Record number of Americans file for unemployment

Capitalism has totally failed. Only socialism has ever abolished unemployment.

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greet the darkness
it is a test of your courage

I'd have it if it were common, was nice when I had it in India

and how would would you claim if not via the benefits system

Should've bought a gas mask.

>capitalism has failed because it only took a global pandemic to reduce it to still being better than communism
dunno how communist brains even function tbqh

Florence and the Machine - Hunger

cope harder daddy

the point is socialism doesn’t fail under a pandemic.

the book is very good. Written a bit oddly though, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Just watched the video where Mark tells that woman at Iceland he's got fish odour syndrome

whats the unemployment rate in venezuela right now?

self employed are getting a letter so you can just log in your government gateway account and get them to pay it into your bank

just deleted an abhorrent post

Leech mindset init

yeah it doesn't need one it just fails anyway

Grim, we only have 35 deaths.

Need janny back to end the early news

190 regressing to his arrogant student schtick

shower or nah?


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yeah because its already failed lol

She's right you know

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well that means each staff member only has to do about 50 people, could bang that out in an afternoon

Venezuela says hi

yeah you fucking pong

Is it ever explained what the cause of the fires and earthquakes was?

why'd you delete my post! haha

Its a fact that if Chinese wet markets didnt exist, this wouldnt have happened

Na, they never tell you what caused the apocalypse.

*if it weren't for factory farming, globalised industry and rapid urbanisation
Hypothetical. Subjunctive mood.

It took hours to get through before the pandemic

>food market
nice meme
i bet this shit came from a lab

There is no unemployment in Venezuela.

>Death rates lower than yesterday
>New cases seem to be at their peak

Two weeks and we all go back to toil lads

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Now that the self-employed are getting gibs too, my demographic (recently unemployed who are now unable to get a new job because no fucker is hiring) are the only section of society who aren't getting propped up by the government. 75 bastard pounds per week is all I'm entitled to (not even worth the effort of claiming), and yet I'll be in the same boat as the rest of you when it comes to paying back all of these free gibs with higher taxes and higher consumer prices in future.

Not happy about this. Not happy AT ALL

ah yes factory farming bats

definitely is

Not lazy. The cause of the apocalypse is irrelevant to the story.

Brent mentioned

What solutions is this bint coming up with then? Easy to point the finger and play the blame game.


Socialism needs to be an international movement, the capitalist sanctions posed upon Venezuela by neighbouring countries is the reason why it failed.

The irony is that with arguable but specious exceptions for the last one, all of those things have improved hygiene

I bought a statue of Indian elephant man. I will put him next to my statues of Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed.

I'm glad I'm a student atm and not working. My uni has said there's no need to go back this year, and that exams will be reduced or be online.

[vague and uninspired retort]

maybe you should get a job

What you gonna do about it?

stockpiling pudding

We only have 8 and we got hit harder and sooner
The joys of privatised medical care that commies will never know

Am I the only one who wants to anally sex Beth Rigby?

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mad how nassim taleb pretty much called dominic cummigns an imbecile


Hey guys



Haha the toilfu and my pet rock



Dont care

youre an absolute bed wetter if you moved back home with your parents

got the pangolin factory working double time today lads

dressed like a fallout 4 sexy custom character

nassim taleb is a fraud

Futurama's on Amazon Prime so I'm currently bringing it from start to finish

nah they just didnt think of anything

"G7 injecting $5 trillion into the economy.." means:

"G7 further indebting the toiling masses, half now unemployed, to the tune of $5 trillion, plus interest!"

Can only sing about things that happen to you.

I moved out and I'm renting privately mate, so no I haven't moved back 'home'.

didnt need to, as it's irrelevant to the story

post i

>exams will be reduced or be online.
Waste of time anyway

well thats alright then

Hate life and myself

Shut up incels


t. no skin in the game

Depression, loneliness and hardship fall under the umbrella of love and relationships, you dolt.

Australia is very urbanised so i might sit down and enjoy some wild bat soup with a side of venomous snake and pangolin scales to compliment, all prepared by my friend whos never heard of soap
Takes a nation yknow

Love life and myself

>had a huge pain in my gut
>thought I had a hernia or something
>turns out I just needed to fart
aah yes

Trying but all the jobs I've applied for have put their recruitment on hold due to corona, and I refuse to go back to stocking supermarket shelves. It's more the opportunity cost that's pissing me off, gonna be 2-3 months completely wasted basically

Complain about it on /brit/ a lot whilst enjoying my rent-free accommodation back with mummy (made the sensible decision to move out of London as soon as I left my job) and my £50k in savings

For me its alternating between The Simpsons and Recess on Disney+

>Eat a singular banana
>Stomach in tatters urge to poo overwhelming
IBSberg having its way with me

I thought Vancouver would be far worse on account of the chinamen.

australia is a country


>I refuse to go back to stocking supermarket shelves
>50k in savings
what the fuck are you complaining about

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Can't not blame the opposition in Venezuela for going feral and making the chavistas go full retard but it was still them that went full retard

where do I cop her jumper?

Is it true that Boris nationalised the trains?

What sets you off?

How is loneliness not under the umbrella of relationships?

>complaining about getting £300 a month whilst you have £50k in savings
Insufferable runt

Strange really, because I reckon Taleb is exactly the sort of writer who Cummings would respect. Heard that it's a mistake to believe Cummings is behind the so-called herd immunity strategy and that he's actually been advocating for a tighter lockdown, so that might explain that.


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Complaining is British culture init

well done

Just got off the phone with ScoMo
He's got a big surprise for us tomorrow

what about the recently self-employed? they get nothing because you have to have 3 years of earnings to claim from

Bloody everything apparently, chicken especially though

Can't wait
Might just stay home all day and wait for the news

works finished tomorrow lads

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What are you lot watching on the youtube during this downtime

Elvis songs

I'm pissed because I now need to spend 2-3 months doing fuck all and with no real opportunity to save money towards travels / early retirement. If my company had just extended my contract by one month I'd still be getting my comfy £2.5k through every month courtesy of the taxpayer, but now I've not got the opportunity to get anything like that and it's just wasted time desu

Suppose that's true, poor bastards

fancams of kpop girls

people dancing to latin pop songs


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>not having spotify PREMIUM
oh dearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Frankly I love spending time in the Cuck Box whilst my wife is having fun with Chad

Started watching Steve1989MREInfo

Why would I do that when I can just listen to it on youtube?

will twitch streamers get any coronabux?

Really don't care. So many people are worse off than you. Boo hoo you can't travel. You sound like a woman.


spotify is more convenient


yeah i suspect cummings is probably more behind things like having the two scientist guys flank boris in the briefings and getting the mobile networks to text everyone and making sure the nhs website is straightforward to use.

Shane Dawson

Love his videos. Funny how revolting the PLA rations are, even compared to 50+ year old rations.

You don't get any gibs if you have more than about £20k in savings. But you should be able to survive, this is the type of situation savings are for.

Cannot take girls with nose ring piercing seriously.
Might as well have a turd sitting on your head, just as ridiculous.

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not for me. youtube is more convenient for me.


you can only freeze dry bats in so many ways

the flatmate is coofing, lads

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Mental that we're all being paid to sit here and talk about shite
Fuck NEETs and arrogant students though