LARPedonians edition
LARPedonians edition
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Ever since Harambe died the world hasn't been the same
FUCK fags (not literally)
you are cucks if you keep posting here
seems you meant to write reddit instead of Yas Forums in url field just here to remind you dont worry
why am i attracted to this and how do i stop it?
killing yourself is the only option unironically
>Implying I don't browse
We are both too stubborn to write to each other and I got about 1 month window until she gets too horny and I lose her. What do?
Anime-bey sinking in further degeneracy
I think one day you'll become a trap
>australians are rabid shitposters since they live so far away from everyone else and have that extra layer of protection
>fyromians are rabid shitposters because they all have dynamic IPs so it will be impossible to doxx them
made me think
get used to inceldom :)
>impossible to doxx them
implying that's a concern, they post their mother's IDs on here
Harambe is universal, lot's of people talked about him here
but I don't wanna
only ever seen one person use this
i've seen many people use this
TOP korona management na pravitelstvoto. Ne samo v regiona, a mozhe bi i v cqla Evropa nikoi ne se spravi po-dobre.
Tikvata tikvata ama vi eba maikata mai a. Sega ako beshe turbo geq ot Kunev sigurno da imame 4000 zarazeni i 700 zaginali.
tough luck my dude
everyone here uses it
ei begai ot tuka s toq cringe be, kaka moe ste takiva ednokletachni bg politika da obsujdate be, begai si gi govori tiq shitni s piqnicite u kruchmata be
begai ve, nikuv argument nqmash, drunkash si prazni prikazki, FAKTITE sa navsqkude, debatirai si psevdo heita s drugite intelektualci v clubz
beh s tebe dokuto ne kaza shitni
prekaleno mn zoomer priqteli imam deba
you can't
dali vse oshte e na tva mnenie
Serbia suspended mortgage payments
Here they didn't while all the people are on 50% wage or 200 euros minimal, so it means many people will lose their homes (cause of subhuman Zaev)
xpozed ne beshe takuv gei liberal kato vas, pak kritichen kum pravitelstvoto ma v razumni parametri, ne hipster pedal s kraino liberalni vijdaniq
maika ti e hipseter pedal
Kvo namesvash maika mi ve laino
I aide scriblio
>xpozed ne beshe takuv gei liberal kato vas
Do not worry, we will surely fuck something else up
Gei ne v smisula na dumata a mekushav liberalec
ae prai, i vkliuchi maika ti v dumite
ot tuka mai nikoi ne e liberalec
>He also spammed my photos on /tr/
jas sum liberalen covek so tendencii kon totalitaren rezhim kako absoluten lider
nali imashe jena i dete, ili samo larp e bilo?
that's why you don't post pics of yourself here, too many mentally ill people will abuse them
E tova e ot 2017, ovo aktualno
He also LARPs as me...
I won't post my pix anymore, I guess...
>v posledniq moment
ako beshe zatvoril granizata predi 2 meseca shtqha da sa 0
ne vqrvam nikoi da ne e znael
Taka i ne razbrah shto se mahna ot balk, puk postva na drugo mqsto s mnogo po-malko trafik
Your and their posting style was totally different, tho, so it was easy to tell that they were larping
lesson learned the hard way i guess, whiteboy
just because you are a good guy doesn't mean others are, majority of people are pure low IQoid scum
can't even post here
ggl gives me the impossible capchas and they fail every time and if it doesn't then 4 chan says the capcha malfunctioned
why the hell do you still post here
minava ot ednata krainost (ehsbicionizam) v drugata (paranoia) sled alcohol-induced emotional instability
It is OK with Yas Forums X
no it's not
Weird, for me everything is fine. Have you tried posting with other device? Is it the same?
how do you think im posting now
Yes, it was a stupid question, sorry. If you can find another website with captchas and it is the same, then maybe problem is with device or browser or something (For me crap like that can be on one browser and on another it is fine)
Пpocтo нaмepи мoмчe, кoeтo хapecвaш и cи нaпpaви кeфa.
Private mode ли пoлзвaш нa бpayзepa?
ma toi li e verno crossdressera
procheti cqloto
bumpvaite go toq tred chat pat