Why do prime women prefer left than right?

Why do prime women prefer left than right?

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Because that's what's popular now

It's artistic

Not true

Pretty sure the one on the right is a fag

Women like cute things

left is what faggots and trannies of Yas Forums prefer

thots can have the boy on the left, I'll take the man on the right

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Have you heard of tiktok?

21 year old woman here, I'd love to see two versions of the left make out and fuck eachother

no one cares about your genitals if it's not a cute dick

based fujoshi

ethots don't count.
If you go outside, right is more popular unless left actually has personality, then it's a bit of a personality match with the woman in question, although around here, right is still more preferable. That said, I'm in SC.

Women only care about money

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akshually women do not prefer because they cant prefer
women are things
its your job to go and take them, their preference does not matter because they are women

ill take right :)

Can faggots of Yas Forums explain to me
Left is how bottoms (those who take in the ass) faggots ysually look like, they are more femine and act as stereotypical fags
Right is how Top (those who fuck in the ass) look like, they act more as a normal man
Is this correct?

there are plenty of guys that take dick and look like right

>think it's not true
>remember only post wall women want right in this country
>remember there are no prime women in this country

life is paid

It doesn't matter.
They will both end up being trannies. I've had enough of it.

The real cowboys are all dead.

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Disgusting body. Those hips are fucking terrible.

thats a cope
they dont likz either of those
women prefer pic related

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Shut up tranny

or this

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Shut up fat

women prefer young, "pretty" looking men like the one on the left but without the pink hair and feminine stuff
Baldcels, gymcels, manlets, uglycels, etc have deluded themselves into thinking that women like the hyper masculine type, which is just cope

Left could be straight. Right is 1000% homo. Dont forget homos are men attracted to men, masculinity. Homos dont like femininity. At least that is the fashion now

she was probably poor and never had well fitting jeans

Women arent a collective, they have varying taste

>homos dont like femininity
>but also work as make up artists and home designers
ok explain this

>Why prime women also like young prime men?

he said prime

name of pink hair nigga

Literally no chick is dating the left, left is popular amongst tween girls due to media only. And even THEN it's not normal for them. Most guys on tv look like this, a balance between masc and pretty

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Are you a liberal Iraqi or something

The one on the right gives me power bottom vibes

You're not in touch with reality lmfao

I am in touch, and for the record. "prime girls" were obsessing over this months ago. And posting him and lusting after his nude leaks for weeks on social media. Just fucking lol listening to teenagers

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Prime woman (assuming your "prime" 16-22) always prefer cute young male, chad, twink or boyband type doesnt matter as long as cute and under 24.

What "prime girls" are currently obsessed with and posting all over social media.

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The one in the right is gay.

Liking things women like is not the same as liking feminine partners. Google gay man on google images. Most are masculine looking but they add feminine stuff to them for the media sometimes to make it obvious for the normies they are fags

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imagine those two having hot sweaty gay sex ahah
noen eubanks

Teen girls like what's promoted to them. All of twitter thots were inlove with this netflix nigga months ago

Attached: Netflix -NOAH_CENTINEO-115.jpg (1071x602, 59.65K)

>its because media told em!
>media producer totally not research what coonsumer like!
>if i promote my muscular 42 year old uncle/brother as new popstar they will change their preference!

No lol, very right wing actually, not your right wing tho

the one on the right somehow manages to look like an even bigger homosexual

Because the right one is pretty gay

Would be funny as fuck if they spammed some bald boomer fuck until every girl were brainwashed into liking sloppy dadbod dads

this lmao

Ok, so according to teen girls this is peak

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lol now watch all the "fag is in" incels disagree despite no other men being as hyped by tweens as BTS currently is.

teen girls who are koreeaboos are femcels who don't wash their vaginas

women only like 2D men

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don't exist


Why prime? I think the left one is for some little girls and retarded fat art hoes.
Most girls don't like the right one but the left one is too faggy for them.

Pic related is what my 17 yo gf finds attractive. Her taste is like she is 14 yo girl from 2010.

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ok retard

Koreaboo has nothing to do with it, as no other korean men have reached their status in the hearts of tweens. Like it or not, this is ideal male.

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Most tween girls still aren’t into kpop slaves

Cope they not only got more western tween thots than Bieber or Mendes ever did, they got all the asian tween thots too


This is the future.

Do american teen like them now?

They just look like they wash their asses, it just sucks that any other man that looks like they wash their ass also takes it up there

>women prefer young, "pretty" looking men like the one on the left
They keep those types as beta cuckold providers, not as lovers/breeders.

this whole thread just consists of no one really knowing what women like

Ascended basedness

no one knows that. not even women.

>this is ideal male.
to women who don't wash their vaginas

youre not a real female, troon. go dilate

its over brocel

from his insta, enjoy my fujo sister

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