Traditionalist edition
Other urls found in this thread:
what's for lunch, cobbers
This autist still has not made a Balt vid
I am having an odd one today - fired strips of ham with bell peppers, onions and teriyaki sauce + fired potatters.
mint + cucumber vodka and tonic water
Tere kommikast my komrads
my throat is slightly parched no matter how much water drink, what could be the cause of this?
>mfw mum found out i never use soap when washing my hands
Finnish women are made for American bbc
Life is difficult sometimes
Hate people like you
Drinking game:
Get several bottles of vodka or whisky
Turn on the news
Every time you hear the word "corona" mentioned, take a shot
LOL I would be drunk after first 20 shots
love people like you
very hot, want to see all fertile finnish women like pic get creampied by the biggest, blackest men around. married or not, willing or not, all held down and came in.
makes my gordon genes sing.
So bbc or not?
Jesus captcha is raping me every single time
Literally have to solve like 10 pics before each post
Only happens on Kuroba to me.
Says to find hills - I check fire hydrants = solved, for some reason
have you been having nasty thoughts about our lord and saviour chinkmoot?
Do audio captcha. Type the first two words correctly then type nigger as your third word. Works everytime
>government ordered 2 million FFP2 masks for 400k yuros
>refused to make the 50% deposit
>the seller already sold the masks to Latvia and Lithuania
>nurses and docs are gonna get infected now
Can't make this shit up.
What was your saying about an Estonian's favorite food being another Estonian?
I got banned for 3 days in /balt/ thread for posting news article. Why the hell would I post article in my language on Yas Forums?
>What was your saying about an Estonian's favorite food being another Estonian?
We literally stole that saying...same we did with dem face masks
dont tell ur mum
if you're on mobile then do the audio one anyway, easier
Does this general have a local mod monitoring these threads for free?
How does your goverment manage to be more incompetent than ours?
local jannitor is just a russian man who doesn't like his former colonies insulting him
I suspect Russian Janny hangs out in here
We used to rack dubs like sick goons, Jannies have SEETHED ever since
Cute pic op
she's so beaut lads
Yeah, during certain hours anything negative you say about russians just gets your posts deleted. He seems VERY toasty.
Well, he fixed the fucked off tooth... but I guess he just put in a piece of chewing gum, because it's obviously bigger than his other teeth.
mind... and
Fuck me, you really do have zillions of random combinations of everything
not only that but we have spooks on real payroll too
i'll take a picture, it really is a refreshing and great mix
Dudes, the timed captcha (where pics have to fade in) is literally the most autistic shit in the Basedtics
Thank you, dear boomerang wielding samurai of the great isle :)
If I get those - I just not post
Thoughts on gerda bieliauskaite?
that redhead's hairline is awful, most likely a tranny
>wait few minutes until shit stops fading out
>it still fails
I just refresh if I get that one.
i fapped to her once
at least its friday tomorrow
just submit and fail it so it gives you a proper one
The Russian janny on here is legit...
He not only deletes posts he doesn't like, if he sees any reason to even attempt a ban - he'll go for it. Someone did a joke "roll" post recently and gota couple of replies - everyone was banned fast.
He's prob. the one that does in the Estons to KaPo as well? :DD
I wonder why is he this way... I wonder what's that man's story.
Did he get roasted and freestyled on at school every day by Latvian rappers?
Well, maybe it was something less sinister than that.
literally who?
Saw it, but... it works for the time shit too? So the receive timing is the same and isn't delayed a bit(before the fade in) and it's just a front-end ruse? Jeez
Prisimenu vieninteli ziureta jos live-stream video(as ziurejau irasa). Kazkas ja palygino su kita ltu streamer'e, tai ta pradejo psichuot "SU KUO TU CIA MANE LYGINI?! AS TAU I JA PANASI?! BLET AS SAVO PUTKOS BABAJAM DEL PINIGU INTERNETE NERODZIAU, NES MAN TO NEREIKIA. NELYGINK MANES SU TA KURVA"
Tiek ir paziurejau. Oh those zoomers nowadays.
no worries t-55 driving, 70% of bodyweight vodka having, tribal euro man of the great east.
Jannies can't ban, so he's either a mod or he reports everything to mods.
Even has lime. Well shit. "Just add soda"? Explain O_o
Also, do you calculate alco percentages differently from us, like in USA?
Reports fo sho. Bans came hours later. I'm suuure he'd love to be able to ban himself tho. It would like like Rainiai massacre in here.
OH. That's in fact autistically brilliant O.o
I like pigs.
Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you. Give me a pig! He looks you in the eye and treats you as an equal
the image that saved the world
He looks like a fella I know.
Seent him on TV
>Just add soda
means just add soda water (carbonated water), guess it's simpler to rework the meaning of the american word soda rather than 'flavourless fizzy drink' or 'softest drink'.
>calculate percentages differently?
never knew you guys did, what do you do? we go for alcohol % per total volume. do you fellas have standard drinks?
World is a fuck
Džons x-DD
Deleted it
Saw it had 5% alcohol and felt stupid for posting that
Its okay user. No one is perfect.