Norf Africa is not jarab
Norf Africa is not jarab
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Arab or not, you're only glorious because of Islam.
Hold firmly the rope of Allah.
A christian Morocco's EU membership application would have been approved.
In an alternate world, Morocco kept being Latin and Christian, and eventually was able to colonize America
Just imagine
my amazigh brothers
Based. So are arabs and all muslims
>Morocco kept being Latin and Christian
Amazingh on the left Spaniard on the right
Arabs never were glorious, you always were subhuman monkeys using stolen technology, stolen wealth, stolen houses, stolen cities, everything of Arabs is defined by theft, you stole the Jews religion.
And sisters ;)
>you're only glorious because of Islam
>you're only glorious
i wish
Morocco was part of the Roman Empire
>Arabs never were glorious, you always were subhuman monkeys using stolen technology, stolen wealth, stolen houses, stolen cities, everything of Arabs is defined by theft, you stole the Jews religion.
North Africa was largely independant and left to native rule as it was unurvanized nomadic and poor.
Why does the truth make you caravan raiders seethe do much?
The truth hurts more than fiction?
Nah twas quite comfy I think
I'm an Indian Muslim but I will die to defend Saudi Arabia.
We descend from the Indus Valley, Gandharans, Mughals, Vedic Aryans, Harappans, Bactrians and Dravidian BVLLs.
I wished, but you have been utterly cucked and dominated by arabs.
Never again will the great berber race throw off the shackles of Pisslam and rejoin civilisation.
this was actually a real possibility in the 60s in regards to language, wasn't it (tho in reality, everyone would start to speak French instead)? But all the gov's in the region wisely chose to take peninsular money instead.
>I'm an Indian Muslim but I will die to defend Saudi Arabia.
yup yup, of course
>I'm an Indian Muslim but I will die to defend Saudi Arabia.
Yes, you will eventually die defending Saudis.
Only place in all of Mena which was a threat to Rome and faced more measures of direct rule was tunisia and Egypt probably
So it’s cuckold when arabs do it but not when it’s romans? What did berbers achieve during roman rule anyway?
The French and Spaniards are not LARPing as Romans to this day, unlike Nafris who are LARPing as Jarabs
>What did berbers achieve during roman rule anyway?
Everything they had from Roman times till I dustrial age along with the rest of the Muslims using Roman roads aqueducts and infastructure.
>Morocco was part of the Roman Empire
So? By that logic half of the world was Mongolian.
Actually many of our systems mesopotamian and persian roots
In the Middle East**
>Actually many of our systems mesopotamian and persian roots
Roman engineers built stone arch or stone pillar bridges over all major rivers of their Imperium, save two: the Euphrates which lay at the frontier to the rival Persian empires, and the Nile, the longest river in the world, which was 'bridged' as late as 1902 by the British Old Aswan Dam.[15]
The largest rivers to be spanned by solid bridges by the Romans were the Danube and the Rhine, the two largest European rivers west of the Eurasian Steppe. The lower Danube was crossed by least two (Trajan's Bridge, Constantine's Bridge) and the middle and lower Rhine by four different bridges (Roman Bridge at Mainz, Caesar's Rhine bridges, Roman Bridge at Koblenz, Roman Bridge at Cologne). For rivers with strong currents and to allow swift army movements, pontoon bridges were also routinely employed.[16] Going from the distinct lack of records of pre-modern solid bridges spanning larger rivers,[17] the Roman feat appears to be unsurpassed anywhere in the world until into the 19th century.
When will Bretons and Corsicans become independent of France? When will Basque and Catalonia become independent? Why do europeans always promote meme independence movements and linguistic/cultural seccession in Arab countries but refuse the same rights to citizens of their own countries? fucking european hypocrites
christianisme appeard in north africa before 99% of european regions and for most of its time latin script was used ,actually till today coz derija is written in latin not arabic letters)
Eh?? Literally lots of Christian theologists from Northern Africa. Islam is just another semitic religion anyway
Nafri countries are already independent. There's nothing to be independent of retard
>I'm an Indian Muslim but I will die to defend Saudi Arabia.
I'm so proud of you. The arabs desperately need more of you to clean those pesky toilets. As a bonus you get to poo in the loo as well.
both french and ottmans were responsible for the lingusitic arabisation of maghreb
>ywn live in a timeline where the Maghreb uses Amazigh Alphabet
God has cursed us with this shitty timeline
nah european pieces of shit always agitate for the erasure of the arab identity of north african countries and push for the berber meme identity to receive equal billing
No you're delusional Europe isn't even a monolith we have different branches of Christianity preserving one doesn't extinguish the other
>Literally lots of Christian theologists from Northern Africa.
So Christianity was factually the dominant religion in North Africa before Islam? Hmm, were they Catholic or Orthodox?
West North Africa was wealthy, and Egypt was literally the breadbasket of the Empire
On a side note I obviously know about the Copts of Egpyt. I’m referring to the the Maghreb.
Yes it was a defining place for the development of Christian theology and northern African Popes as well. Catholic
Saint Augustine of Hippo is one example of a Berber.
Western North Africa was Catholic (Saint Augustine was from present day Algeria)
Eastern North Africa (Egypt) was Orthodox
Yes the Maghreb of all was a hotspot for Christianity in Northern Africa
then why did so many berber harkis fight for france against algerian independence, dumbass?
when I say Europe I mean the big players like France, I don't mean kosovo or croatia or whatever.
Interesting.. How come they failed to preserve a sizable Christian minority like Egypt?
>in Arab countries
North Africa is not Arab, stop being delusional
it was the arabs that fought for french and all major leaders against the french were berber. and the first battle that started the whole revolution started in a still berberophone region now so is the 1st histroical state and the 3rd historical state
1400 years of rule does that to anybody.
Apparently, had Roman North Africa survived, it would be just like Sardinia
The only wealthy part of north Africa was Tunisia and Egypt the rest largely provided nothing and were nomadic tribesmen
Yeah Germany for example has a sizeable Protestant majority if I'm not mistaken
I don't know why
>it would be just like Sardinia
Not a single north African alive without foreign mixture is remotely similar to a Sardinian.
I mean you should know being an anglo flag
Dude shut the fuck up, being "Arab" is literally the biggest meme identity I can think of. Moroccans share their culture with Yemen as much as they do with Bangladesh
Absolutely deluded. And guess what, when your shithole was agitating for independence, who supported you? Was it your beloved europeans? No it was Arab countries like Iraq and Egypt and Syria. When the French protested against Bourguiba being given a platform to speak at the United Nations, the Iraqi delegations were the ones who gave Bourguiba a platform to speak on their behalf at the UN. And all so that pathetic shitheads like you can lie and curse arabs today.
Germany is majorly protestant yes, though most of former east germany is irreligious. catholcis are mostly in the south.
okay indian foreign worker I can see why you are seething eternally at an Arab identity.
>Achaea, Epirus, Macedonia
>considerably less income than Italia
And they'd still waste their money on sex and booze, making them even poorer. a hindsight nothing really changed, did it?
>beloved europeans
arabs are the europeans and americans cocksuckers so those who identify with arabs
berber moto is africa for africans neither for arabs or europeans now screw of
Because the Almoravids and Almohads genocided the Christians. They were like medieval ISIS
كل خرا
Alhamdulillah brown brother :)
Why do you self insert in this as if we're spewing propaganda when it's literally history no one is claiming anything or turning this into a crusade over anything
Yes and what about Australia? Is Australia Protestant??
كم سنة أنت بالإمارات؟ خلف الله عليك تعلمت شوية عربي
Why are jarabs so insecure about us wanting to preserve and be proud of our unique ethnic identity instead of LARPing as something we literally are not?
Largest religious denomination in Australia is Catholic because most Anglicans have abandoned their religion and there is a large Irish, Italian and Lebanese diaspora here. Also i think second largest denomination is either Anglican or non-religious if that counts.
Dumbass many of the early christianity theology and shit like that was made by berbers, for example Arianism and Donatism.
Mahgreb is West, abandon shitlam, berber brothers
The only meme is the arab meme you iraqi rapebaby
Also I am Catholic
Yes he was