He just singlehandedly forced a provision into the stimulus bill that gets laid off workers 100% of their salaries. Without him, millions of Americans would be facing eviction and/or death.
He just singlehandedly forced a provision into the stimulus bill that gets laid off workers 100% of their salaries...
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God he's so fucking based
It's a shame he doesn't have the balls to call out Biden for being the dementia ridden crook motherfucker that he is.
If he could show the American populace how mentally degraded Biden is he might have a shot at the nomination.
We still have a chance to elect this chad as our president
He's desperately trying to keep the masses from tearing the throat of the leaders like the old dude in the last wagon in the movie Snowpiercer, even if he won the election he's either going to die like JFK or forced out like Bill. Worst case scenario is being Obama 2.0 and trample on his promises during his campaign.
why is creepshow joe so scared to debate based bernie?
You’re lying. He wanted to stop the bill because other senators wanted cuts to the unemployement. He did not add anything on
Joelester can't handle the bern.
>Yas Forums is doing Bernie math now
Lmao, sad
Fuck this communist socialist. Fucking faggot giving my tax dollars away.
Unless Trump does it! Then he's epic baserino!
>Nate Helium
>Forced out like Bill
Clinton did the full 8 terms, "impeachment" was just drama for donors
Based and MAGApilled, my fellow kekistani!
Bernie is too good for americans, hope that virus kills you all.
>mutts would UNIRONICALLY vote against free healthcare, higher salaries, lower student debt just because muh communism
uhhhh Yikes!
>Delegates remaining: 1.775
bernie thrives of this image of persecuted saviour knowing full and well his policies would devastate the US. Conservative neoliberal policies make the whole world go round so at least come up with a viable alternative
You should know better, you lived under Tito's terror regime. There's a reason the utmost majority of former Yugoslavians won't even utter Tito's name.
Based and true
The descriptions Ben Garrison writes for these comics are kino.
>“Obviously I am not a communist,” Sanders likes to proclaim. We beg to differ.
>Recently, Bernie has proclaimed his love for communists such as Castro.
>He spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union. He expressed admiration for the communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua. He spouts communists clichés such as ‘our struggle,’ uniting workers, and talks about revolution. He wants to transform the Democrat Party into the Socialist Party. Some would say that has already happened.
>Sanders wants to install the final communist planks in America. Some are already here, such as a graduated income tax and the centralization of credit via central banking, but Bernie wants state-run, ‘free’ health care, free college education, and control over industries, which will be shut down in the name of his ridiculous ‘climate change.’ Count on Bernie to keep flying on private jets and enjoying his three homes.
>Combining free stuff with open borders will mean even higher taxes. Bernie wants to steal the fruit of our labor and redistribute it as he sees fit
>Bernie will greatly bloat and centralize a government that will be filled with communist bureaucrats who will be ready to micromanage our lives. He guarantees jobs for all and higher wages while he wages war on capitalism and Christianity. He will eventually abolish private property, which will be the final communist nail in our national coffin.
>Bernie needs to be kept far, far away from the levers of power.
—Ben Garrison
its broader than that, its preservation of a sustainable model of politics vs socialist delusions
life is inherently inequal, deal with it
What is that picture supposed to convey?
Yes that heinous tyrant that stopped them from massacring eachother for 50 years.
Wow bernie sounds gigabased
>Tito's terror regime
Yes, they're so grateful we funded Croatian fascists and Bosnian jihadists to destroy Yugoslavia, fucking kek
I understood that the bed is communism after reading the description but who are all these people Ben? You need to write their names down people can't deduce that.
There's something seriously wrong with American conservatives.
t. never been on the other side of that inequality
i singlehandedly won a government contract through my insights, my father only made a small donation but I multiplied it 13 fold after
yeah its so much fucking better now with all the corrupt politicians selling all of our coasts, industries to germans or just killing them entirely with how corrupt they are (look up uljanik) and spending that money not to better the economy but rather buy new model mercedes
a german asshole licking paradise is what this country is and its shameful
Neoliberalism isn’t viable
>life is inherently inequal, deal with it
Not in my country. We are all equal, economy is good (or was good before Corona, but that hits laissez faire economies too) and I get NEET bux from the wagies, life is good and fun. :^)
socialism isn't about equality you gigantic brainlet nigger
no system will ever be long-term viable, inequality is a prerequisite of any economic policy in a resource scarce world. I'd rather accept that inevitability and work towards floating on my own
>no definite parameters meme
okay lower standards so it'll definitely work this time lol
>You need to write their names down
Unironically true for some of these. I would have no idea who the person on the right is without the name written.
>no system will ever be long-term viable
You retards say this kind of shit as if our countries invented free healthcare yesterday and are still waiting to see the "long-term" results
>no system will ever be long-term viable
Well yes, ultimately entropy wins. But in the mean time why not make life as good as possible for as many people as possible?
>resource scarce world
Automation and sustainable development means that more people have the ability to be good to one other and chill. And once the riches of the solar system is within humanity's grasp we don't have to care about dwindling resources either. Luxury space communism and all that.
equal access to healthcare will lead to the deterioration of its quality, come on you know this
automation will lead to further wage depression and unemployment
>But in the mean time why not make life as good as possible for as many people as possible?
capitalism has proven to be the most apt for this
>automation will lead to further wage depression and unemployment
... under a capitalist system, yes.
>equal access to healthcare will lead to the deterioration of its quality
any healthcare that isn't accessable to all people is of poor quality by definition
>automation will lead to further wage depression and unemployment
No it will lead to UBI and more efficient use of human resources. Well it may lead to wage depression and 50 % unemployment rates but that will lead to a revolution with robot owners getting the chop and another attempt at real socialism. Maybe it would work out better this time, I dunno.
>capitalism has proven to be the most apt for this
Moderated capitalism and free markets are a good thing and increase efficiency, but the key word here is moderated. European social democracies are the happiest places in the world because of that. Like I said, life is good in my country where inequality isn't taken as a natural state of things but to be combated.
okay produce a single successful socialist model that isn't a watered down version of capitalism
>any healthcare that isn't accessable to all people is of poor quality by definition
and crappy universal care that concede basic medical standards the same
europe's socialist democratic systems are only viable because of capitalism and even without migrants they were under severe strain
So this is the power of the fabled Ben Shapiro....
>europe's socialist democratic systems are only viable because of capitalism
Yes? That is what I said, that capitalism and free markets are good. Modern social democracies are a fusion of capitalistic system and the attempt to answer the social question.
>they were under severe strain
Not any more than more laissez faire systems with boom/bust cycles. In fact social democracies are better equipped at handling crises of capitalism (or exogenous issues like corona, but even in America, the arch capitalist Trump is taking interventionist methods in combating it). And that is a good thing, because moderated capitalism is pretty swell system!
>equal access to healthcare will lead to the deterioration of its quality, come on you know this
No, i really don't know this, we have very efficient hospitals without the need to bleed our bank accounts dry in case we need an ambulance. And what's the point of these systems if the populance has no access to them?
Has this been linked yet? youtube.com
glad we can be in partial agreement, but I need more capitalist influence to ensure competition and quality
the onus is upon you to make enough to receive healthcare, your contribution to the economy earns you the privilege of quality healthcare
haha. based and redpilled. praise kek. shadilay.
get your lol on at 4channel.org/pol/
>your contribution to the economy earns you the privilege of quality healthcare
Yeah, it's called taxes you damn imbecile
lower income strata should contribute something equal with their level of healthcare
>By inheriting my families fortune i have contributed to the economy so i earned the privilege of healthcare
in a proper capitalist system, any entrepreneur has the ability to achieve consistent success. this is a cope for poors who fail to make proper life decisions
just 5 retards, names dont matter
Can non-Americans explain to me what people have against Bernie?
The only thing I dislike about him is unvetted immigration and money/healthcare for refugees.
>The only thing I dislike about him is unvetted immigration and money/healthcare for refugees.
also he's currently the senator with the highest approval rating so it's not like people hate him
I just can't get over the fact that every single dem candidate backed mentally deficient biden over him, the absoute state of the democratic party
>Can non-Americans explain to me what people have against Bernie?
It's not really the non-Americans you should ask
All the states that remain are staunchly in it for Biden. Bernie is underperforming his 2016 numbers by double digits, having lost in Michigan and Washington state
>It's not really the non-Americans you should ask
I know. But most Americans are retarded and give the same meme answers. I which issues non-Americans have with him.