Scientists can't explain this, but I can.
Coronavirus is a German bioweapon engineered to be ineffective against ethnic Germans.
Scientists can't explain this, but I can.
Coronavirus is a German bioweapon engineered to be ineffective against ethnic Germans.
Other urls found in this thread:
germans (sneaky and crafty, very evil) arent doing postmortem testing
USA will be #1 soon
theyre going to pass italy today at this rate
Even China
>hurrrrr everyone else does everything 100% correct and Germans do everything 100% wrong, that'S the only explanatioooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>t. Chinese-Italian-Iranian Canadian
but isnt "ethnic german" evil racist socialconstruct taboo topic you are not even allowed to mention in german academia? like you instantly get gulag'd the milisecond you mention or consider race at all over there?
i doubt anyone in the neowest can develop such things anymore
Krauts lied, people died
Aren't Northern Italians supposed to be ethnic Germans? I thought that is the whole reason for the North vs South divide
Ethnicity and race are not the same thing.
Note also the relatively low death toll in America.
That ratio would make more sense if the virus was aimed AT ethnic Germans.
THIS, my muslim brother. nazis still thinking they own us with wh*te supremacy. Ottoman 2.0 when?
Well we do have like 6 times the population
holy shit super ironic Yas Forumstards are so fucking cringe
wow it's true
Does that mean we are more Germanic than Denmark?
Germans are incredibly powerful.
How can you kill that which has no soul?
Flawed logic
We have shit leadership
ask the virus not us
If we did that, we wouldn't make it extra lethal for our Dutch Bros :(
Agreed, we should have just let it spread
Could lower our obesity rates and might save our social security
Lmao lanklets BTFO.
Now we know why it's called an AIRborne illness.
Might be impressive, if Slavs didn't already have lowest deathrates, with some like Russia having zero. German superiority in question again just like WW2
yes but unironically my germanic brother :)
>actually believing russian official statistics
>arent doing postmortem testing
Except we do and we even count secondary and tertiary cause of death and count in this statistic anyone who died while having the virus.
They've been confirmed by who and they've done the most testing,SEETHING.
WHO is an even bigger joke than Russian official statistics, and that's saying something.
Well it makes sense, R1a and I1 is physically the strongest halpogroup in Europe. R1b faggots weak as piss.
Notice the trend between countries suffering the most and those who are not. Why are r1b systems so weak?
More evidence:
Given that the number of infected people largely depends on the number of tested people which in turn depends on population size, the logic is valid.
Are unironically the Dutch letting them die?
german pharmaceutical industries created the virus to sell a shitton of vaccines.
>those recovery numbers
Why do Protestants never heal?
Most countries are not competent enough to properly track it after it explodes past a certain threshold. Going by projections based on more controlled areas, Americas actual infected is around 170 000 and the UK is somewhere between 70-80k.
Oy vey the Zyklon C
Thats because if you have diabetes in germany and you get corona, your diabetes killed you not corona
this cant be real
this is something pol made up isnt it??
>Flawed logic
how is it flawed
Who was the good guy in that conflict?
India has 4 times population yet cases confirmed are still lower than US by far
Okay how is that relevant to the USA vs Italy discussion pea brain
talking about that population matters in your brain, period.
it matters when comparing two different countries. Again, how does the population of India relate to Italy vs the USA?
No ita real, but the wiki page as a extremly generous idea of "supported by".
Its true though that the Soviet Union and UK supported Nigeria and France Biafra.
do you know anything about israeli involvement in africa? i find it curious
for example israel was working on a nuclear program with apartheid south africa, an openly racist government until... 80s?
at the same time so many of these jewish intellectuals all over the globe were preaching racial equality in every institution
>it matters when comparing two different countries
not again, it doesn't. trump uttered "I don't take responsibility" for coronavirus finally when he realized it's no use to handle it with any means he gave.
>do you know anything about israeli involvement in africa? i find it curious
I don't think there is anything particularly curious about it. Israel supported the major african countries in the hopes to keep them from siding with Egypt in future wars. That they did so hypocritically is just par of the course for Israel.
>apartheid south africa, an openly racist government
Israel is literally a fascist apartheid state itself.
At least South Africa didn't force population control drugs on africans.
>no it doesn't because I said so
You've already proven you're dumb as fuck this is just funny now. I bet you're a gimp behind a proxy too
Every major country is a hypocrite and does business with regimes that represent the opposite of their public 'values'
well said, burger. here's proof where another American meant to correct your point
Corona was engineered by Turks and it's ineffective against Turkic people. Same reason why so few cases in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Not him, but if you dig deep enough you will find some traces. The only things I know are the Israel-South African-Taiwanese cooperation in muh-nukes, Israel supporting the Derg in Ethiopia against the Eritreans, since the independence movement of the latter had some Arab influence and leadership and for whatever reason a obsession of Cameroonians with Israel.
>at the same time so many of these jewish intellectuals all over the globe were preaching racial equality in every institution
it's almost like... jews aren't a hivemind
y u so mad lol