The absolute state of G-6 cucks
The absolute state of G-6 cucks
>ignore virus for 2 months
>when it finally hits you throw a hissy fit at the name
What's the US endgame here?
What the fuck are you fat retards doing?
Everyone calls it the Coronavirus, why is US adamant to call it Wuhan virus? Is this one of those things where mutts are special and calls leftists liberals while rest of the world uses the proper terminology?
Only if they rename Spanish flu as Tennessee flu in history books.
Losing their position as the worlds sole superpower through sheer incompetence.
I agree it should be called the Wuhan virus, but it's still embarassing to demand it like this.
I was talking with an America about coronavirus and out of nowhere he called me politically correct and an SJW for calling it coronavirus instead of wuhan virus, we weren't even discussing the name of the virus. Why are they like this?
Holy shit, how petty can you be?
Sounds like a boomer
>proper terminology
The unwashed masses calling it "the coronavirus" are retarded toddlers, it's like calling the 1918 pandemic "the influenza" or HIV "the lentivirus"
When I was young I thought that the whole "lol americans r dumb" stuff I was hearing in urban legends, the TV, random dudes etc was just cope and that Americans are among the smartest people in the world.
Then I discovered Yas Forums, goddammit the legends were actually right. Americans are so retarded they actually made me hate America.
>then I discovered Yas Forums
A bastion of intelligence.
>NOOOOOOOOO that's so petty and insulting! Don't you Chinese people have F-E-E-L-I-N-G-S??
Holy shit how based can you be?
this chinese virus nonsense seems like deflection from the administration
Just noticed the space between corona and virus. Its actually Coronavirus.
This, but unironicly.
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can’t just make china take responsibility for causing the third strain of the same pandemic disease in a 20-year period DAS RACISS!!!!!!
That's a pretty sad cope even by American standards. Every day it gets harder to defend you retards.
Are they aware that this would mean the H1N1 becomes the american virus?
Also, why would you call something that is not related to influenza a "flu"? Is this because americans are retarded and do not believe in evolution?
yeah but exceptionalism, the members of trump
s cabinet are either deluded or nostalgic
Cringe. It's clear y'all use it as a coping mechanism for losing the trade war. Really pathetic tbqh.
Part of the American identity game.
"The Chinese Virus" is racist, but so was "The Spanish Flu". I demand reparations.
Neither of them is racist and neither was the "german measels" racist. kys
Trump actually changed from calling it "Chinese Virus" to "Wuhan Virus" because Chinese-Americans were getting beaten up in the US for being Chinese and associated with that virus. A few of them were critically hospitalized as well.
I wish he'd double down on calling it Chinese Virus and incite more hatred and racial tensions.
It's an desperate attempt at distracting the people from the fact that American health care is a huge mess
Way to betray your mongol blood, pekka.
So it's all part of the great American cultural war / identity politics?
shut the fuck up cracker
Calling corona Chinese virus would be fine if yanks haven't forced it so hard.
Why don't we go back to calling AIDS the "Gay Plague"? Or is it "New York Butthole Sex Disease" now?
Problem isn't that "Chinese/Wuhan virus" is racist, it's that it's a ridiculously transparent effort by the US to point fingers and divert attention from their own failures in dealing with the pandemic. Everybody either calls it the novel coronavirus or COVID-19. You have to either be seething or have ulterior motives to insist on calling it something 99% people don't.
This, but unironicly.
The fuck you even on, fatso? Always acting like you're special. Well, you're not, princess.
This. I wouldn't really consider calling it the china virus racist. But the fact that right wingers in America are so fucking insistent on calling it the china virus shows me that it's just a deflection tactic to divert the blame from Trump's horrible response to the outbreak.
So that's the power of world leaders...
I think has it right.
The US and South Korea had the 1st case at the same time. South Korea reacted right away. Had quarantine and made everyone wear masks. Then they started production on masks right away along with ventilators. So by the time cases ramped up the next month, they had all the supplies ready.
The US did nothing for 3 months. By the time there were 10,000 cases, shut down was too late. People were getting too sick and they ran out of ventilators. They barely had mask to begin with, and now have to get mask from construction companies to make do. But even that's not enough. If the US had started 3 months ago with the first case, they would have had millions of masks and thousands of ventilators.
Gotta pin the fault elsewhere to make your administration look good. I mean, it IS an election year.
>right wingers
Daily reminder that Trump is a liberal.
i like how everytime a republican is elected american stupidity goes on full display
u mad
I still don't get it.
Why is he so racist?
"Chinese Virus" would work in every country except the US. Terming it like that, people would assume only the Chinese could get it. Back in February, you see a ton of black people on Twitter tweeting about how they don't give a shit about the virus because they're black and they can't get it. Even medical professionals had to come out and say that the virus ignores race and everybody CAN get it.
Tbh, everyone except Korea and Japan acted retarded. You could already see this coming in early January if you bothered to look at what chinese doctors were leaking.
European healthcare is just as fucked because of Corona
>Daily reminder that Trump is a liberal.
Well everyone in power in western countries is a liberal. Socialists and fascists don't have much say.
The French literally made 1776 possible in the first place
>not testing so your numbers look low isn't acting retarded
dumb weeb
By the end of April it will look more like this
Ok, then ONLY Korea did things right.
Japan tested 32,000 times, but only 16,000 people because a lot of them were repeats. Japanese cases went up after the Olympics were cancelled. I think they'll have more cases now. I don't think it'll be bad, but the cases will go up.
Taiwan did pretty good as well. I think the gold medal in retardism has to go to Mark Rutte though.
Is Ben Garrison gay for Trump or just thinks he’s a demigod?
it's called the kung flu, wuflu or the flumanchu
he knows that he can milk magatards and boomers with retarded trump comics
Crashing with no survivors
>Not calling it Roman Fever
Ol' Beegee's gone off the deep end since Trump became prez.
Hong Kong + Taiwan did things well too. They closed borders right away. And I believe Hong Kong was the first country to give out money to its citizens. They quarantined right away and gave citizens $1,200. Doing it right away means they can get back to work right away after the virus had passed. Both are fairly large nations and even after 3 full months they're under 500 cases.
Then it looks like he'll be out of a job real soon.
Hong Kong never closed all borders. They're not allowed to do such a thing.
>be libertarian
>support policies that go completely against your ideology just because trump supports them