White boy worship thread

White boy worship thread

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more like black BULL worship

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Honestly I'd let them both have their way with me (no homo)

This is one of the most based opinion of them all.


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I would worship this boy's cock!
I would worship this boy's ass!
I would clean all his house and polish his shoes!
I would bow down to him and obey every order!
For me he is like a God!


dude's got some weird eyebrows

You can see that the white admixture is what’s making him handsome. A genomic struggle between nigger pudge and honky chisel.

Seething ethnic incels shitskins.

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Aight, this is based.

Post average looking people instead, i can't relate to this, good looking people are like strangers to me :(

>tfw white twink

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hope i do not offend you for saying this, but you're extremely hot >.

God I wish this was my body

God I wish I were white

dumma homse

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be straight with me boys, is it REALLY all that gay to want to lick those abs and suck his cock?

Seethe håkan

What are you?

Nah it's perfectly straight, I'm straight and would do it too.

post more :3

Lol it's just a prank bro

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God I want to step on it


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thank goodness I was worried that wanting to drain his semen out of his cock directly into my eager mouth while massaging his balls and his abs would make me some kind of faggot haha

post even more :3

Always happy to help a bro out, wouldn't want you thinking you were a faggot.

I need to suckle on your penis wenis my negus

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always appreciate the help bro, next time I give one of my bros a handie I'll make sure I let him know it's not gay.

made for swedish cock

>it's that brazilian cuck spammer posting cringe coomer shit again

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So why is Yas Forums so fucking gay?

Nothing gay about male bonding bro, now come here

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why do chads of all races have the same face shape?

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It's all dependent on the chin.

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Because bones are all that matter.

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Should I get surgery guys

*smoochie smooch*

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Depends on how fucked up your jawline is, mine got fixed with braces

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nothing gay about sniffing the nape of your bro's neck

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Unless you want to be full Bogmode, no.

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Is this a before and after surgery pic or photochop?

Sorry but nothing competes with the MIXED BVLL

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Oh shit! He's got a gun!

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The average brazilian (the 5/10 br) exhaling all the tropical blood of years of perfect mixing

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Why would you do something like this bro are you drunk?

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Asian handsome boy

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you got some 'splaining to do!

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all water under the bridge bro, now come here

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bro how many times do I have to say it, nothing gay about a bit of tongue action with your boys

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bro what's in this catnip

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