
Koala edition

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Cute edycja desu

Damn! They're watching you and controlling your thoughts/actions UwU.
But on a serious note, you're probably doing that while you're 'sleeping' and not really remembering that you've done that in the morning.

A few months ago I was reading about some dead people and my dog started howling at frikking 3am. Some deep, loud, and spine chilling howling.

I will lurk more and try to spot her posts. Are her pictures in the archives?

magyar cigany


I think it's all an elaborate larp but eh

>I will lurk more and try to spot her posts.
That won't help, she deletes them as soon as she can
>Are her pictures in the archives?
Probably yes, but it would be easier to just ask Argie or Fridge to post them since they are obsessed with her

>they are obsessed with her

I think it's a trap.

Ty, lad.

>That won't help, she deletes them as soon as she can
Well; the Pole is probably right and (s)he's LARPing.

Its 1918 all over again

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cute :)

Yes you are and the sooner you admit it the better
She isn't, but the name has become bigger than the person so if anyone makes a post that's even remotely similar to what she posts he gets called Femvak
Can't wait for Czechoslovakia to reunite

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Ikr, that's an engaged owner :3
>yes you are
How so?


I wake up at like whatever hour, then turn on the computer, sit around till I feel like I'm out of the haze (sometimes I sleep for 10-12 hours and then it's like I'm more tired then when I went to sleep, so I need time to come around), get a shower, eat something, sit some more (this is the time for like a coffee, energy drink or some strong tea - like a green one or something to get me going), during that "waking up" I do like w/e some random youtube/chan surfing, then do something productive, like learn or practice something, takes time, have another meal, if I feel sleepy, waste the rest on some more youtube/chan, if not, then more of something productive, when I'm finally tired to the point that I actually can't think anymore then go to sleep. Sleep - again for w/e amount of time, wake up and repeat

>even the fucking cat

Hej, for some people pets are just other family members :3

sounds comfy, wish i could do that too
my family forced me to come to their place though so we "spend these hard times together" and they get pissed if i don't get up by like 12 or something

>they get pissed if i don't get up by like 12 or something
Damn oppressors!

We call the kingdom of Hungary "Uhersko" which is closer to the word "Hungary" that you know and love and I guess it's the same way on this map

damn right
thought you called it madarsko or something, so uhersko is the name specifically for the kingdom yes?

Yes, "Maďarsko" is the republic and "Uhersko" is the kingdom
DO NOT call the kingdom of St.Stephen "Maďarsko" in front of a Slovak nationalist because he will get mad

Broski, I didn't even know that shit is going down up until the day when I called a family member and they were like
>Are you alright?
I'm like
>With what?
>The virus they say someone died in your city
>Take care, watch out
And it was like on the weekend so maybe 4-5 days into the quarantine. That's basically why I came back on chan to check out wtf is going on, because otherwise I had a break with human contact just doing myself + some youtube videos. Well that, and I also watched a whole bunch of VoD on twitch, but that's basically like youtube, but the videos are longer and have archived chat, so like yeah

because he wants slovakia to be included in that term? would've thunk that a slovak nationalist would hate everything related to hungary

kek'd desu famalam

>I had a break with human contact just doing myself + some youtube videos
God I wish that were me, but with vidya instead of yt

More because the modern nation of Hungary is (almost) homogeneous and he wants to point to the fact that a lot of the accomplishments made in the kingdom were made by the minorities (Slovaks)
But n*tionalists are mindless retards who can't really think for themselves and stereotype even their own nation because of their stupidity so I wouldn't really take anything that they say at face value

Fucking good thing thou, because if I went out to get the food during the week and I saw what is happening in the shops without knowing that there is something "habbening" I would probably get seriously confused XD
2bh I still don't know if like the rynki/targi are open or not and I would like to go and get some eggs/fresh veggies and shit because I'm out at this point. If I wake up tomorrow before like 2pm I'm just gonna go and check

thank you for the insight dear Nicevak

Happy to be at your service :)

on one hand I got bored with vidya and started to see a lot of frustration while playing so I basically pretty much dropped it (if I have a serious urge than I install something indie and like easy/fast to finish), on the other hand I also don't have like a very good system to play games so I can't really play any new AAA. I would mos def try out the "new" DOOM that's for sure. Oh well

i've heard that it's tedious as fuck
as in you have to constantly micromanage your ammo because it's in such short supply and you have to constantly switch between all the weapons you have to efficiently take out the right kind of enemy with the right kind of weapon
doesn't sound comfy tb.qh

Sounds challenging thou, I'm an oldschool type of gamer so I like when the games are like that, as long as the gameplay is rewarding and satisfing, and from what I've seen it seems like it.

Iktf, when I get bored I post here or browse some social media gossip and that keeps me entertained, and now I have ebooks too so the lack of pc isnt that painful desu
Still, I wish I could even play some old vidya sometimes ;-;

you should start a gofundme for a laptop

I dont like begging, and there are people with far more important needs, especially now desu

fair enough
sorry for being mean to you sometimes i know i'm an asshole but you're not so bad for a femoid

Kek, thanks anonski, but dont worry, I never take shitposting seriously, neither compliments or insults

That's super cute :3




koala fact: koala fingerprints are so similar to human fingerprints that a forensic scientist wouldn't be able to tell them apart

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I hate koalas I hope they go extinct

they creep me the f out, I just want to empty a mag on those creepy shits

Good morning sunshines :)
Don't forget to be productive today.

I was sleeping argie.

Blessing this thread

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Yes mr. Goldberg, I'll do my best.

I'm not a larp :(

Imagine her arteries

isn't that the woman who sexually harassed multiple people at anime cons then mocked her accusers

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Yes it is

Consider this thread to be blessed by me.

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Fake blessing by copycats dont count

Koalas are literal retard animals with ridiculously small brains.

Your spirit animal :)

I'm not a copycat, I'm a reverse satirist.
I take your joke and make something good out of it.

Yes, I'm retarded and useless like a koala.

but also cute :3

I am an incel.

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I know Darkhanius


There is literally nothing more retarded than "people" arguing about muh Third Rome in the current year.