Latins vs Germanics
Latins: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Romania, and their former colonies
Germanics: Germans and their southern derivatives. Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark
Latins vs Germanics
Latins: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Romania, and their former colonies
Germanics: Germans and their southern derivatives. Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark
germanics number 1
Sweden should be pashtun
Personally I feel like they form a symbiotic relationship. Latins are more creative and passionate. They dominate anything that is geared more towards the Humanities. Their gastronomy, music and stories are beautiful.
While the Germanics are more stable, productive and sensible. They place order above a lot of things, they're geared more towards the technical aspects of a topic. An Italian will describe a car in vivid and almost palpable detail while the Dane will list the materials used to build the machine and the value of each material.
Both groups need each other.
The Latins are the heart, the Germanics are the brain
France and Romania aren't Latin. Neither are the trirracials dwelling in the New World.
>France and Romania aren't Latin.
>Neither are the trirracials dwelling in the New World.
Absolutely based.
very original take
France is predominantly latin. There is no chance anyone is going to call it latino-celtic or some shit lmao
Norwegians is an Asian people living in Europe
You're all shitskins, and thus your opinions don't count. Now shut up darkies, the white man is talking now.
Excuse me, but the correct gender-inclusive term is latinx, please educate yourself more racist bigot
>You're all shitskins, and thus your opinions don't count. Now shut up darkies, the white man is talking now.
France is celto-germanic
I was talking to the subhumans, but referring to you as such would be a misnomer. "Monkey" or "slave" or "abomination" would be better addressed to you.
>I was talking to the subhumans, but referring to you as such would be a misnomer. "Monkey" or "slave" or "abomination" would be better addressed to you.
are you just on a quest to get 56% faces? kys
Go back to Mexico, you clearly aren't white like your average American.
The famous Brazilian brain on display.
Historically France alone could be all of them at the same time.
If they're not latin, then no one except a few Latium inhabitants are latins.
Spain for example are just a bunch of tribesmen that got beaten by Rome and forced to grow their wheat
Elsace and German Belgium are Germanic
>The Latins are the heart, the Germanics are the brain
like I'd let autists think for me.
Shush monkey. I'll give you a banana if you behave.
Silence muslims.
the average american isnt white anymore you delusional paco
Fuck off spic. I didn't ask for your opinion.
Motherfucker just because I don't such Sven's cock I'm not white? You're right, I'm not. You and your retarded American sensibilities can exit through out that door because people aren't grouped by literal fucking colour stupid faggot, also stop using English. Wait you can use English, just restrict yourself to two or three letter germanic derived words lmao
>Silence muslims.
Take your meds schizo
>The Latins are the heart, the Germanics are the brain
Boy if we all had this spirit in EU
Too irrelevant too count
Has 56% become 49.9% now?
Go back to Africa.
You can stay. How's the nonna?
>Go back to Africa.
You first
Another thread destroyed by the new world abominantions like usa.mutts or brazilians.
Spaniards are white, Mexican natives are brown, Mestizos are either and in between.
She's ok. For now.
I'm pure white, from an unbroken line of pure aryans since 1453. You don't qualify to speak to me.
More like improved. Now shoo little roach.
Whatever you say Muttoid
How fucking dare you call me a mutt you Muslim piece of shit?
mutt nigger
I've been in the same white family ever since they arrived in 1453 to escape the king of Europe. I'm de-facto whiter than you and have been since Europe fell to Islam in 1632.
Hand the computer back to the zookeeper.
t. Mutt
>Europe fell to Islam in 1632
Praise Allah
As is a nigger's nature. Glad they're over there and not over here.
>implying "Allah" isn't just the Arabic word for the same Abrahamic God
You need to learn to love your black side or your self-hatred will burn you up
I know, just playing with the Yankee.
I told you multiple times that you're not white and your opinion doesn't matter.
People rarely call themselves white here. Here people use the term Swedish, Norwegian, German, Italian, Estonian etc.
Stop projecting and learn to accept yourself
>Swedish, Norwegian, German, Italian, Estonian etc.
These are separate races there are no white people left in Europe as the left for the US, there are no united "European" or white race in Europe, each nationality is at least one race with some European nations having multiple indigenous races Chad Americans are the only place where white people are left
>These are separate races
Only Estonians for they are not Indo-European
>white race
White is a phenotype, not a race
>Chad Americans are the only place where white people are left
Gave me a little kek
You do realize the US is majority German, right?
stfu old world nigger, new worlders have btfo old worlders so many times by now, why do you still think youre better huh?