But seriously now, do americans REALLY?

but seriously now, do americans REALLY?

Attached: LOL.png (982x826, 1.17M)

Why the fuck is the tv right in front of the window

God the way some people live makes me seethe

he'll get his tv back when tyrone gets out of jail, she'll forget all about animal crossing

We call them amerimutts


All that money spent on nerd shit & guns yet they can't be arsed to get the new one?

>morbidly obese wife
>pop culture

Yup, kill all redditors

Is that the average american woman?

>Several rifles on the wall
Okay, wouldn't have them out in the open, but to each their own.
>soy toys
Fucking Hell
>fat wife

This is definitely not the category of burger that buys guns FYI

All bought on credit

Apart from the guns in the picture?

Fuck nevermind just checked the walls lmao


The rifles and shotgun actually set him apart.

Why do you browse Reddit

No they don’t. All of these limp wristed, pale skinned fatasses get into guns to compensate for their dire lack of masculinity. Being “into guns” is frankly embarrassing and outs you as a complete faggot in 90% of cases.

Why do americans do this?

Attached: 1583632958105.webm (270x480, 2.94M)

I can tell you've never lived in a bad neighborhood

Is it weird that i don't give a shit about stuff like this? Like i mean anything about

Cause better culture you souless chink

>omg my neighbor was so hardcore

Like normal people lol, americans have a knick for getting mad and reproaching anyone they don't approve of solely based on the first impression

Yup I've seen multiple people get shot, not taking my chances

Thanks, feel good to know that i'm not the only one

Because apparently there is no nearby Walmart, so the roof of a car will just have to do.

This is why white supremacy does to the marginaled poc community. Maybe you shouldn’t be such a bigot next time? Your preferences are shaped by white colonial attitudes.

Carrying a handgun to protect yourself in the ghetto is different than being a soymale who collects obscure guns and posts about it online.

Same bro, sane people still exist


>No they don’t. All of these limp wristed, pale skinned fatasses get into guns to compensate for their dire lack of masculinity.

You've clearly never been to reddit. The average user on that site would treat a gun like a coiled, venomous snake. They're terrified of guns and want them banned.

The average gun enthusiast.

Attached: 1566503623638.webm (852x480, 998.54K)

bet one of those rifles has a hot chamber just waiting to drop and accidently shoot

poltard soibois destroyed

Betsy Ross flag + rifles (if real) are the only redeeming factors about this photo

Not likely, as those look like old military rifles, which are designed with drop safety in mind

Fuck you, American. That is how all Americans are, especially in the south and republican voters.

quintessentially american picture
I thought it was a guy before I read the text

No dude, they’re fat white faggots like you who think owning guns makes them “badass”. The same type of people post on /k/ about how they can’t wait for SHTF yet cant do ten pushups.

Our the guns on the wall this issue??? Unironic QRD?????

Attached: 1512212363677.gif (171x172, 961.68K)

I literally couldn’t name one canadian political party lol. Keep being obsessed.

Seems like kind of a sad existence (I peg him as a working class flyover state peasant that will live and die without knowing any other mode of existence), but probably he and his wife enjoy their life and each other. Sort of like how the faveloids in Brazil seem happier than your average Norwegian; simple pleasures and all that.

I collect obscure watches and cares
Is that soy now?

liberal party
dumb american

I think these people have bigger problems.

Most hardcore gun enthusiasts are pathetic losers who own them because it gives them a sense of power. This does include proles and redneck chads to who own hunting weapons.

If only you knew this was posted by the Australian user with the BBW fetish

literally an ape

>No dude, they’re fat white faggots like you who think owning guns makes them “badass”. The same type of people post on /k/ about how they can’t wait for SHTF yet cant do ten pushups.

Real men used those rifles at war, not to shoot some defenseless beaver like you fatasses.It's just cringeworthy stolen valor.

>carpeted floor

Attached: 1573359026668.png (377x330, 6.79K)

No, it doesn’t have the undertone of compensating. Its just a little autistic.

>not listening to the infinitely wise words of chairman mao

never gonna make it lmao


Attached: gun shooters.png (1455x959, 2.53M)

Go look at /k/ now. They literally have threads about buying military clothes so they can play dressup while running around in the woods like children. /lgbt/ posters are more masculine than them.

Oh lord, what have you done to this world?

me with the avengers tee

It seems more like you're projecting dude, why do you give a shit? Also, not just whites have guns Nestor, get out sometime.

>defenseless beaver
Beavers are usually trapped here for their pelts, how do you know anything about the history of those rifles?

This IS badass though.....

Attached: 43586767774_06b73015d3_3k.jpg (2048x3072, 1.26M)

>Real men used those rifles at war
More likely they sat in storage

Its a pattern I’ve noticed. “Gun enthusiasts” are fags with low T who lead pathetic lives. You guys want to prove your masculinity but are afraid to do anything dangerous or difficult like martial arts so you order some product online to point at your mirror and feel cool about.

probably to cause the least amount of glare

If you live in a bad neighborhood you buy a cheap .380 revolver you keep in your nightstand, not a rack to display five WWII-era rifles in your living room


Is that a water hose??

Attached: girls laughing2.jpg (460x288, 24.68K)


Attached: jim carries loaded AR through Airport.jpg (2400x1600, 442.86K)

Those guns are probably family heirlooms and passed down from his non-soy parents/grandparents


>You guys
Sadly, you're not even shit posting, your projection is genuine. I just like long guns and shit dude, I don't get pussy because you like rap or whatever you like.