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Being ugly/stupid should be considered a disability

he's watching and he's comin to get you


can't believe we get to live through a global pandemic. absolutely based

To be honest i just want to be a 14th century shepherd

millions will die

proto gf responded

set the anti-drug virges off again

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*forgets swine flu happened*

almost 3 weeks sober me. feels good

watching videos of dogs on anesthesia

Might have a wank
Might not

Household appliances firm Dyson says has received an order from the UK government for 10,000 ventilators

Im in quarantine with a women

the death rate is 2%
it's been 4 months and only 15k people have died
this is the biggest nothingburger in history and the global economy has been torn to shreds for no reason whatsoever
the world health organisation should be taken to the hague for what they did to small business owners and the hospitality industry

Her onlyfans is top tier

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To be fair, swine flu was mostly an Amerishart phenomenon.

The MSM isn't kidding when they say that these kind of lockdowns are unprecedented.

Accurate filename
Rancid trollop

hello lads how we all doing tonight x

business idea: Holy Roman Empire of Africa

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Che McSorley?

*forgets about the horse meat scandal*

Reckon the royals agreed among themselves that they had to appear to be vulnerable so charles was voluntarily smitten or exposed to the virus in order to appear susceptible to the plights of ordinary britons

Except Swineflu literally had an antibiotic cure from the start whilst Coronavirus has literally no cure except

>jus be ur self bro


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What's that

Do they give you robitussin for corona?

just want all yanks dead is that so much to ask for?

You were getting a real battering in there lad

No not bent, girl looks diseased. Rancid trollop

American girls best in the world

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cocaine in the brain

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once you've sucked a willy girls will do nothing for you anymore
speaking from personal experience

Partial to Asians myself

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I agree, but this will still go down in this history books and will probably inform all human culture for the next decade or so.

Methinks we're going to see post 9/11 pessimism make a comeback.

You're estrogenic, its classically männerbund.

t. goes to the pub and asks for water

I don't think women like men

is "odd" a word that you would considered well-known by the population

Reckon i need to start attending church again

playing deus ex

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kissed 5 girls
Kissed 1 boy
Slept in the same bed as 3 separate girls
Had sex 0 times

not bent or owt just got bad anxiety and that

despise taller than average women who wear heels everywhere trying to seem even taller

Wasnt that big of a deal

If you want a real scandal how about the fact that Donald Rumsfeld said there were trillions of unaccounted for funds spent from the budget the day before 9/11 and it was just forgotten

You are bent

Yes. Not sure about ESLs though they always have some gaps


Fucking state of this man

for me it's michele james

bet they look down on you


>not bent
>kissed 1 boy

Who's gonna tell him

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You're gonna burn alright


thanks sherlock

didnt want to kiss the boy but i was drunk and felt sorry for him :/ aha

post the book you're reading now to pass the lockdown

he's an animal abuser and sex offender

What is the most popular style of pizza in the UK?

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idk what ESL means though

You're still bent

So how many of you suspect or know that you've got the corona? And what are/were your symptoms like?

I'm fairly sure I've had it for just under a week or so. For me, it started off as a mild, infrequent cough then I had mild flu-like symptoms (feeling tired all the time, light-headed, weak). The problem is the symptoms were so mild that I didn't even recognize them as symptoms until they got worse so I went out and about when I really should have been self-isolating. I thought I was either stressed or hungover.

Eventually the symptoms got slightly worse to the point that I became sure that I had it. Now I have very slight shortness of breath, I feel weak and light-headed and have an even more persistent cough, but I've had no fever or headache and don't feel like I'm on death's door. Hopefully this is the worst of it.

I don't think it's just a flu or cold. I've literally only had the flu once in my life and rarely get colds. The symptoms don't match with a cold either.

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drinking rum and coke (pepsi max cherry) de lads

You ever gonna have mixed race kids?

Heard of Chris Harper Mercer?
The autistic mixed race guy who shot up his community college?

I can fucking GUARANTEE you when the kikemedia aired his story, they edited the image of him to appear whiter. Remember, you blacks commit more violent gun crime than us whites, but people will say this is because systemic racism or some other horseshit. Mentally ill discord trannies like yourself who larp with a BLM or commie flag, will say "haha us blacks rape kill and pillage you crackaz cuz we is alfa!"

So what is it tranny? So called oppression, or this revered alpha male black behavior on display? Or just a dumb nigger monkey brain that we gracefully allow to exist?

OOH you got "jive" culture and tik tok making kids dance like niggers and shake asses like primates, and fucking ebonics, which caught on with tiktok zoomers, and infected the

You disrupt our peaceful white culture and are no better example of why integration is destructive to humanity.

But kikes must kike on, and convince people whites are evil, mass shooting incels(most of whom were JEWISH BETA MALES) who should be erased from existence and have their history black washed and stolen from them, despite history showing that WHITES have been the most "enslaved by other people" race in history of people being enslaved. And being some of the only people to ever outlaw it.

But you go and enjoy the fruits of white men's labor. Because I've never seen a nigger work. You see, kindness truly is our best and worst quality, and JEWS have tactically used this to get ahead in all countries predominantly WHITE.

You will always be a nigger, stealing our shit, living in ghettos and selling crack. Even your most proud accomplishment, OBAMA, was a literal faggot communist Chinese apologist TRAITOR, guilty of TREASON.


women are only useful for cooking and cleaning

odd question

unironically fake news

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hows that

reading a south american novel

Brave bastards.

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probably pepperoni or a meat feast
quite fond of pineapple, ham, and jalapeno myself

nobody even remembers ebola and that actually had the potential to destroy all human life on the planet 5 years ago unlike this total meme flu
unironic state of anyone who panicked over this

Think I had it a few days ago

English as a second language. Johnny foreigners.

proto gf is taller than me

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Hello spook

oven pizza

We're all Africans when you think about it. It's where our species originated.

Hows iceland marks 4 weeks off the beers going

browsing r/furry_irl again

I had a cold a while ago. Guess that wasn't it.
Maybe it was and all these people are just pussies though.

Partial to fried 'za desu

>Johnny foreigners
this always makes me smile, thanks :)

Need you out of business sunshine

wtf that lad lied to me
pepsi max doesn't have max sugar at all

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so white south africans built the entire nation and all the infrastructure, from what was a barren empty wasteland, and then had to hand control over to the so called "natives"?

are certain guys wearing a mullet ironically these days?

it looms...

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Mad that DR Congo is a real place

can't wait to loot some gregg's shop in croydon with the (foreign) lads

this is what an american norf look like. he is genetically the same but just in a different country

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Just because you were ill it doesn't mean you had it


Again, I think it's the hysterical reaction that's going to be remembered. Millions of lives either ruined or put in limbo just for the sake of a few thousand who probably would have croaked soon anyway.

People are going to be LIVID at the world governments for this once it's all over.

dr congo dr congo
dr congo dr congo!
dr congo dr congo
ohhhh dr congo!

>south africa
It's probably the best land in the entire continent. Very fertile, great for agriculture.
But yes the Anglos, Dutch and Boers pretty much built the country from scratch and had to hand it to the Bantus. Fucking Bantus who aren't even native to the Cape. It'd be different if it were Khoi-San. From what I gather, the Khoi prefer the Boers over the Bantus anyway.

don't recall asking

wonder what sex noises the toilfu makes

>zimbabwe 28,000


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>a fucking cough

turt what does it take to be good with women?

ugly little wog

they need to make a white african ethnostate so all these fuckers can move there and live in peace

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Wanking from home toil in t-8.25 hours

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reminder that '2010s music' is now a thing and within ten years there will be an entire industry dedicated to 2010s nostalgia

Apparently his nephew was burned alive after Mark set the house on fire but don't know if that's true

Mugabe had to keep some of the whites around for some kind of stability.

I look forward to ignoring the nostalgia as I did the authentic version

I should buy some Rhodesia memorabilia.
Saxon Man, awake.

Thanks for your insight,retard. I asked how many of you *suspect* you've had it. They're only testing the most serious cases plus NHS workers so I'd have no way of knowing if I have it for sure.


They wouldn't have much in common outside of skin colour and racism. Angolan Portuguese whites and Namibian German whites are bound to have very different cultures. A "white african ethnostate" would be multicultural.

Tell that to the people in northern Italy you mong

That's what Italian genes look like with an American diet.

Is there a more obvious sign of an incel than saving for a holiday to Japan?

treat them like dogs

He had the final boss of boomers around

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I will. it's a big nothingburger


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Any /suicidalfornoreason/ man in