/balt/ + /ausnz/

Pure 'tism edition

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Why I hate this so much?
Maybe cause of the Nigg

Mult kielletty Kuva postaus nyt., Uusimaa Finland.

Mä rupe teille rahvast Eesto tulla ja nättä paikka

the list is nothing special, i do that all the time, except in my head, but the rat story is hilarious

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low teesti high eestrogeni boypussy

That city is just like other Russian cities, I guess. Crime is very common among young population, roads suck etc.

says Gaythuania

Oh, forgot to tell you about corona. Every educational facility is closed because of covid, but there were no cases of it in our city, or I haven't heard about them. When European countries closed borders people here rushed to markets to buy as much food as they can.

do you guys even have testing?

>Crime is very common among young population
Interesting. I would say that criminals here usually are 30+
>roads suck
the same in Latvia. I just hate how shit they are


good night boys

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I don't think so :---DDD

Not organised crime, just groups of youngsters that roam streets and beat or take stuff from other youngsters that don't know how to talk with them and show signs of fear. Even guys as young as eight join them.

>just groups of youngsters that roam streets and beat or take stuff from other youngsters that don't know how to talk with them and show signs of fear. Even guys as young as eight join them.
sounds like the 90's all over again, what the fuck
sick dreams, cunt

>tfw when junk food doesn't bring me joy anymore
Is it time to get Yas Forums?

sleep tight, fag

>90s all over again
Yep, maybe. I think 90s were worse that that, because young gopniks usually roam poor areas where they live. One of these poor areas is called "Czechia" among them. I live in good area, so I don't see them that much.

>Is it time to get Yas Forums?
no, but it is time to stop eating junk food

you know
living sucks

just stop thinking bro

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im trying



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Well, all he can do is to write you a ticket for open bottle of beer or loud party.
It's not like he is a policeman

a russian muslim?

>pea inspektor
what exactly is he inspecting them for?

head inspector of the municipal police in lasnamäe

Could be
Could also be from Balkans

>head inspector

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Yea, the guy could be former Ex-SU.
I guess it marginally better if he was from the fickifickis

why do people care about his ethnicity?

because we're kinda racist around here

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Nice try

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why not

Oh god you are one based baltic

yeah i'm racist

gonna go have a smoke, can you people promise to behave while I'm gone?

unbased and bluepilled

arent you worried that your discrimination could make you miss out on something?

wtf, you cant smoke inside?

only thing i miss out on IS KICKING A NIGGER SKULL IN

wouldn't being racist only make that more likely?

Can't get /balt/ + /ausnz/ outta my head!

Welcome to Jurassic Park

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will finish Return of the King today boys. Sundering of the Shire chapter has been kino so far

high class

daily reminder that I hold deep loathing towards most of you, especially , have sex and stop embarrassing me please

No I will not have sex,
No I will not stop embarrassing you,
Yes I will keep being racist.

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what are you smoking

i dont care what some incel on Yas Forums thinks of me

>wtf, you cant smoke inside?
landorlds rules, also everyone 2-3 stories above me can smell WHAT I'm smoking
OG kush

Remember messing around in Zoo Tycoon 2 with Dino mods, always felt that the map size was just too small

I have a 19/15cm penis but I will never be able to put it inside a woman because I'm ugly, balding manlet

muidu olen rõõmus aga sauna lähen vihaga

>I'm ugly, balding
ahhh, that's not that ba...

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These some oldfriend memes

i thought marijuana was legal there?