Well, Yas Forums? What are you doing with your free $1200 from the government?

Well, Yas Forums? What are you doing with your free $1200 from the government?

You are getting your $1200 right?

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What a smug, ugly frog

gas money

getting a new phone, laptop, or maybe just saving for august

What’s in August?

i start grad school

I'm not getting any right now, but if I do I'm saving that shit up

>$1200 is half a year's minimum wage salary here
fuck you guys

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sorry man. didn't mean to bum you out

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All going towards new sex toys like dildos and such

it will be wagyu coupon
thanks our idiot government

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I get 900€ every month from the government for free

gonna use it to buy cigs or vapes or something which i'll then resell to children for like 25% more or something

>1200 in a phone
>Laptops are worthless

Build a respectable desktop fag

gods I hate this fucking life lottery so much

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don't worry bro, I need 700€ for living so I only get to save up 200€ a month. I can't get a new pc more than once a year.

Theres gonna be so much seethe on this website when americans start posting their trumpchex

I get free 10000$ from your government every month

I seriously don’t even know what to do with it

Save for japan in a couple years, build a new AR, buy a rising art table

>receiving $1200 in a country with average salary >$3000
Will you at least pay for one month of rent with it?

mate I get 0 (zero) €, I'm forced to live with my parents at 25 until the time I get a public job, which is looking harder everyday that passes with this new coronavirus shit

if I had 900€ every month I would never ever work seriously, I could survive with 200-250€ for food I would cook, 100€ to pay bills, water/electricity and the rest I could use it for w/e I wanted, mostly investing

I am a NEET who lives with my parents, wagie, these are funbux

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Nigga this wont be over until we find a vaccine and that wont be in august

my wife and I exceed the cap so we're only getting 600$ a piece


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Are you another loser white with an asian fetish?

maybe pick up a VR rig for HL Alyx

>I have my eye on a few Funko Pops

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If I get the check I'd help you out. If you help me find a place to live in Russia.

>if I had 900€ every month I would never ever work seriously
yeah me neither lmao
> I could survive with 200-250€ for food
surprising, I use half as much

Rent then into my savings. I'm probably gonna get some UI alongside with the $1200 stimulus because I'm literally out of the job until this pandemic thing blows over

Luckily my rent is relatively low for my area and I only made about 1200 a month anyways

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Maybe some switch games. Probably save most of it to invest when the market crashes in a few months.

you're not getting it then

Not for long, Moishe

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Yes I am


Stay seethin chinkcel

extremely based, not gonna lie

I know that grass always looks greener on the other side, but fuck, I really envy not being born in scandinavia

All calls baby

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I was eligible for like $600 with the bill that democrats blocked. I'm not sure exactly how this one breaks down now. Hoping it'll be more. Does anyone know how this version breaks down?

You literally don't get anything unless you have a job and make over (or under) a certain amount.

they get the records from tax records. you're not even in the system lul

>when the market crashes in a few months

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What if you work twice a month?

who exactly is getting it?

That's just another average month for me. It's the norm in developed nations. Enjoy the occasion while it lasts.

Bitcoin for me

Yeah and you’re a gay fag who lives in a depressing country with nothing but forest and you’re forced into military service bitch

>LARP 6 months with guns
>get free money for the rest of your life
>get $1200 once
>die anyway because leaders want to force everyone to go back to work

You get “free money” by faking some mental condition to a social worker every month and receive just enough money to eke out an existence equivalent to a mcdonalds worker in your depressing, frozen shithole of a country. Please enjoy.

>You get “free money” by faking some mental condition to a social worker every month
nope, I just don't get a job
also I save up 200€ every month so I travel once a year or buy luxury stuff, it's pretty comfy

If you make enough to meet whatever the cutoff is doing that, sure.

>Just $1200? I'm getting 2k a month for 4 months

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You get more free money if you fake a condition here. The ~1000-1200€/month is the standard, onto which you can apply for more, for stuff like any and all of your medical bills, transportation costs, anything healthcare related really (like new perscription glasses once every 2 years) etc. The 1200€/month is baseline income guaranteed to every finn without own income regardless of conditions, starting from the day you turn 18.

you're kinda overselling it, it's only 1200€ if your rent is very high

It says 1000-1200€, you would've noticed if you weren't illiterate. That condition pushes you way beyond the minimum though, pretty sure you get something around 300-500€/month extra just for that. Also depends on your running bills like electricity, heating etc. which can push it way beyond the 1200€ too. Pic related.

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After taxes, paying a month's rent.

Have they said whether it’s a one time payment or a monthly payment?

I don't do taxes so I won't get any aha

Maybe we won't get any money but we can sleep well knowing large financial stimulus for our struggling companies are on their way.
The money is going to end up in our pockets at some point anyway, right?

Uhhhh bros....

Fucking gay

1 time, they may negotiate another payment in may


That system can't possibly be sustainable.

Probably a one time thing. To be very clear no country is going to keep the workforce at home for over 2 months, they rather see 10k deaths

Who qualifies? I've made 22K year to date, am I in?

that'll cost 2+ trillion too? we can't go on like that wtf

300 million * $1000 is 300 billion.
Those trillions is what the federal reserve managed to vaporize on the stock market within a few hours

the trumpbux aren't taxed

cant believe they arent paying neets bros im gonna apply for refugee status to somewhere gernerous like sweden or finland

If you don't blown up everything on prostitutes you have serious mental problems

>cant believe they arent paying neets

they will pay your parents tho, just ask for their check

Boomers are serving about the stock market now though. Some might start asking their kids to fork over the checks.

How does anyone have an incentive to work in Finland with this welfare?


I'm not getting extra money, but I am working less than 50% for 100% pay, so that's pretty sweet.