Do Italians really?

Do Italians really?

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nooo not the hecking dilaterino

That’s how you get cancer



>Do Italians really?

fake news, there are no trannies here

this must be the authentic italian cuisine i heard so much about


>no trannies

Attached: fake-news-trump-cke.jpg (630x300, 47.18K)

This is obviously fake, retards.

italy is just like the rest of western europe when it comes to tranny lgbt degeneracy stop coping

>Transgender people have been allowed to legally change their gender since 1982

Sacchetto di plastica
Uma delicia

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the only trannies in italy are brazilian prostitutes

and the guys posting in /ita/ of course

We had the first trans Minister in the world, see him in the picture with the brown dress

Attached: unnamed (5).jpg (512x288, 58.76K)

Based Davido

Absolutely based


believe me or not, I have yet to see a tranny irl

A lot of people are doing this in London

nobody has

Same here. I've seen crossdresser fags but not trans.

maybe they've just passed so well you haven't noticed it...

It's fucking expensive and not covered by social welfare.

You don’t have mirrors?

I'm sure most of those female hormones just work like homeopathy.

>That flag
>That profile pic
Hello geunonfag. I hope you die in your sleep.


Attached: IMG_20200325_214110.jpg (662x420, 45.83K)

>Press X to doubt

Attached: images - 2020-03-25T215055.850.jpg (462x664, 31.45K)

there lives on in my city, he only comes out to go to a sex club to get dicked down by pakis

I did, once on a train to B*logna
South-american version of Gigachad wearing a wig. No self-awareness whatsoever.

La belle vie kek

isn't having sex with another man haram?

Saw one coming out the train station
>Tall, must've been about 6ft
>Wearing fucking high heeled boots so looked even bigger
>40 or so years old
>Wearing a pink crop top (yes really) and a skirt

i heard that gays have to become women aka "transgenders" in muslim countries to stay being gay
he looks like a man in wig though, he's 6,4 ft tall, I have seen him a couple of times

What the heck, who and where? and why

>el humor de los aztecos

Attached: transphobes_kys.jpg (738x720, 90.09K)

post the one with the male suicide rate lmao

>no trannies here
I Want To Believe

Pinko Tgirls shot by Andrea Nobili proves that is a lie.

How do they determine a supportive parent? If the person is mentally ill, wouldn't they call everyone "non-supportive" regardless of the objective support given. This chart doesn't seem to have any meaningful data.

>If the person is mentally ill, wouldn't they call everyone "non-supportive" regardless of the objective support given.

Hes saying mentally ill people are not the best source of accurate information on how others treat or may reprieve them (or most people in general). Which is why he is questioning the method

If someone's depressed/has a negative view on the world, their answers will be more negative than a positive person's.

>Gallant thinks his Mom making him chicken tenders is "Very supportive"
>Base, thinks it's a normal meal, not special, but a kind gesture
>Goofus thinks his Mom making him chicken tenders is a bad meal, and his parents aren't doing enough to support him

>Gallant reports on his quiz not being depressed
>Goofus reports severe depression, and subsequently kills himself

What he said.

The nerve to pull the empirical evidence card while simultaneously ishnoring all scholarly study on trans identity and just declaring it mental illness

>I imagine myself as a totally different being demand everyone call me as such, chop off my genitals and several other parts of my body and take drugs that totally mess with the chemistry of my body and mental state to feel happy as who I think I am
>Why would anyone think that I have any problems? I'm totally normal and everybody else is the bigot who should be shunned and arrested for refusing to accept a 30 year old seven foot man as a 12 year old little girl.

>im going to use my callous, feelings-based interpretation of a group of people that i dont even know personally, much less learned about scholarly, as if i were being scientific
>all to justify my hatred towards an already oppressed group
now reply with dilate and go away

Actually Europe's human trafficking imports all the best prostitutes in the world, including trannies. It's so sad.

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more like transitalian

Do you have any pictures of cute Italian traps?

Do italians in quarantine really?


If it ain't broke don't fix it. Behind every change lies a driver of the change. There has to be some form of motive. I won't say all trans people are mentally ill, but it goes without saying that people who are content with their lives are less likely to kill themselves.

>I won't say all trans people are mentally ill,
...but they are

that seems unbelievably dangerous
although maybe it's not i'm not a scientist


That goes without saying, people who dont want to be fat do things to slim down, and cis and trans people alike do things to better fit their gender
Cis woman shaves her legs its just her decision, trans woman does the same and now "tHeRe MUST Be sOme MoTiVe"
>but it goes without saying people content with themselves are less likely to suicide
Sure, but youre approaching it in the wrong way
With the sheer volume and frequency of open discrimination and antagonism faced online and in person, being harrassed and told to kys online or literally getting murdered irl it becomes really comical to insist the suicidal pressure comes mostly within, and not without