/brit /

Sumerians Edition

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my favourite sumerian? sargon of akkad

the cheapest one

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> The picture in Spain is grim. Soldiers have discovered dead bodies abandoned in nursing homes. The capital, Madrid, has turned an ice-skating rink into a morgue. Spanish television has broadcast images of sickened patients sleeping in hospital corridors, while staff complain that medical supplies are so low they’ve been forced to use plastic garbage bags as protection instead of gowns.

>it’s just a flu bro

it's just the floo bro
just bee yourself bro

If coronavirus spreads so quickly then how did it take four months to arrive in the UK. Someone please explain thanks.

are off-licenses, corner shops, garages and paki shops still open?
i really need some cigs and im a bit worried i won't be able to get any today

absolutely rattling through the threads since corona

>The Sumerian city-state was governed by a king, the Lugal (literally “big man”) who oversaw the cultivation of the land, among many other responsibilities, and was bound to the gods to ensure their will was done on earth.

>Off-licences added to list of 'essential' retailers

redpill me on these guys

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Guess the new number of UK cases. I guess 1581.

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this t b h

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64...
600, 1200, 2400, 4800

Funny fact : could actually be a footage from the american state of New York

johnnie walker black

can only imagine how fucking annoying clogwog is in person
all his mates probably talk shit behind his back


he's going to be King by next year isn't he

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The worst part of nationwide self-isolation is the return of all the tripfags and other stale gimmick spammers such as Tom
Hardy nonce

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He tried to warn us

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he seems nice enough

It’s probably been here since November.

good. very good. they are very genuinely extremely essential tbf, there's lots of old people who can't travel miles to get to a supermarket and there's people who don't have cars who'd be forced to take public transport to get to a supermarket.

Need plot ideas for a Knex movie

samsung or apple for the next phone?

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Wearing an FFP2 mask right now lads

>they’ve been forced to use plastic garbage bags as protection instead of gowns.

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fuck want a drink so badly
promised myself i shan't though

king of the ashes


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My guess is 1300-ish in total.

A lot of people recommend me this but I have to say, I'm honestly not that keen. Got pleb taste I guess.

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First confirmed case was on January 31st though so that's barely over 2 months

>tfw I have a neighbor from the UK

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I need her to break the record
I can't let her come this close and then fall

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mental how the stock market seems to be in its own world

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Everyone I knew growing up had mega drives
literally knew 2 kids who had a super nintendo and one was my cousin


>breaking their necks and leaving them to wriggle for hours on end before eating them alive
>letting them drown to death in soy sauce
Bit grim ngl

dont care

it's all fun and games when they're kicking up a fuss over toilets

also, why the fuck are students segregated by sex during a potentially fatal emergency?

>it’s a she ignores my WhatsApp only to make an insta story post episode


honestly not worth reading into tho

one girl went on a night out with me only to get into a literal threesome with three black lads that night, I didn’t like her or anything, a very trashy girl. But the week later she declared her ‘love’ for me.

Moral of the story: never judge a girl for their actions, they don’t even know what they’re thinking.

my permanent retainer broke in two. long shot but does anyone know how i can remove it at home?

Dead cat or what?

the boys are used as shields to protect the girls

>wah wah neat spirits hurt my throaty woaty!

Easiest way to spot a literal child

Whiskey is simply shit

Gin however, that’s the ticket

To minimise the threat of sexual assault

>sargon of AKKAD
Nice bait

only virgins use android

?? the rfid chip will be able to call and receive calls, smartphones will be outdated, pollution stuff etc.

using slightly more toilet paper than is conventional in order to flaunt my depth of supplies in front of pensionerberg

you try getting around the world in under 90 days with these airport restrictions

the economy is bullshit

cheeky new
cheeky cheeky

not a mathematician but i think a threesome is between 3 people and not 4

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based. picky eaters are annoying cunts.


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wasnt akkad a sumerian city state?

>middle school tranny freak
arrest the parents



*gets $1200 for free while everyone else gets nothing*
yes this is british culture related since it's banter

HTC, Sony or LG

Why wont God just give me a gf

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>According to Equality Stafford, a local LGBTQ-rights group, the trans student was prevented from entering either the boys or girls locker room with her peers during the drill while teachers debated where she should go.

>“The student was forced to watch the adults charged with her care, debate the safest place (for the other students) to have her shelter,” the group wrote on its Facebook page. “During this debate, she was instructed to sit in the gym with a teacher until the drill was complete, away from her peers and identified as different.”

>“After some additional debate, she was made to sit in the locker room hall way, by the door away from her peers,” the post continued. "This happened because the child, in addition to being a model student, also happens to be transgender."

stimulus la
time to take a break from brit and read the news

its not about protecting kids its security theatre to wash their hands of accountability for their actions and the environment they subject students to.


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heard allah will give you 7

My whole family had it over Christmas.


because you don't talk to anyone and give him an opportunity

Good job so far, keep it mate

>wah wah neat gasoline hurt my throaty woaty

Easiest way to spot a literal amateur

Its not related to british culture since I dont care. FOY in all fields

less than 100 today

not that funny

>a literal threesome with three black lads
didn't happen and neither did the rest of your story. also, aren't you actually 170cm? why do you lie?

the arrogance of picky eaters is astounding

I don’t really drink often. I just dont like hard liquor. My dad likes whiskey so once in a blue moon ill have a shot of that but I dont like it.

um, BASED!?!?!?!

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cheers will do

got bored of washing my hands
at the stage now where i'm just scratching my arsehole and smelling my finger

*spits in your face*

Skull looks structurally Nordic

no you don't
be quiet


seethe on UBI-let
reckon I'm the only person in /brit/ that will get the money since all the other yanks are spergs who don't pay taxes


currently fapping to this

He invaded Sumeria, Akkadians are semites. Tho Akkadians were influenced and ruled over by Sumerians at points in history

>stimulus package
>aka loan from china that will see you pat 8 trillion back on a borrowed 6 billion
lol mad how they actually try to give it a cool name to deflect from the reality, cannot wait for this tax hike

lol based

you haven't earned it yet

>reads into it
>i-it's not worth reading into right?!

A rino?


Funny how those with mental or physical disabilities din't make his list.

Guy makes some good music but he's such a fucking child.

he meant to say rhino, like hes so strong like a rhino

>willard mitt

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i'll crack your fucking skull

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republican in name only
ironically trump is this more than mitt lol, mitt represents the establishment GOP very well


Republican In Name Only

>I am entitled to a girlfriend
the incel delusion. you will be minced for protein to sustain the shaggers post-collapse, make my fucking words

milk has arrived

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Republican In Name Only. Ironic since they would call their idol (Reagan) a RINO

FOY because you havent even been keeping up with /brit/ let alone british politics to know we all get paid our full wage for staying at home you whiny little reject fuck off


What the fuck is a "RINO"?

willy mittens

and not only one

Lone wolf loot is shite and pointless. Save the books and begin a new civilisation

republican in name only

you know them big horses with horns

waheyyy haha there it is

willard's huge throbbing romney

yeah cause it's 0

slash his tyres lad

yeah your full wage from packing bags in some northern shithole grocery store

when does the purge/rape start?

you're not one of them here democRATS
are ya boy?

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Fucking hell, ventilations becoming such a massive problem, oxygen itself is doing advertisements on Spotify.

*gets up and screams at my chair*

Obviously that’s the part the yank is interested in

Post apocalypse French boys will be sissified to provide gf's to the surviving male population.

dont do that mate

you're talking to the trank

looooool good post

Still chortling at this

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stroking my williard mitt

when the time comes the heads of the rich will come off quickly and orderly.

care to explain why you think we should "turret gun the niggers"?

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Looks like Joan Fontaine, she died nearly 7 years ago at 96. Never made up with her living 103 year old big sister Olivia de Havilland. Great shame that is. They're still the only sisters if not siblings who've both won an Oscar

Dixie are against all forms of federal government you mong.

>tfw homeless and not gonna get a Coof bonus


is that really your guess?

Making my way towards straya

And Lenin is young once again


actually just witnessed racism outside Yas Forums

because he’s an idiot

god hes so frickin based

Racist AND nonce is it? Dear oh dear

Capitalism bad

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not a bad idea

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