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Anime and FOY

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baseball seems like great fun. who doesnt like hoofing balls as far as you can with a bat.
loved rounders during school.

a reminder of my essential reading post from last thread:

in the past 3 months:
20,000 coronavirus deaths
62,000 firearm related deaths
330,000 car crash deaths
190,000 drug related deaths
200,000 suicide deaths
825,000 alcohol related deaths
2,500,000 cancer deaths

Imagine raising a little boy to be a strong man and then it ends up as a tranny. Genuinely cannot think of anything worse to do in life.

literally all in here

>rent free

>looks fun
Alright lad, it's time to go back to the land of the free

We’re all going to die

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i also enjoyed cricket for the same reasons.

You will never, ever be a woman

You will always be a mutilated fucking freak, mentally and physically

post your tranner voice please i kind of want to wank to something weird


>Let's destroy the world economy for 20,000 deaths
Sick of this meme illness.

Imagine being some old smarmy brit that broke your back in the acid mines of north, or saw your village and family covered in a coal avalanche, and then as you slowing ebb away the final breaths of your tired life your only son says he's a woman.

Enjoying this Smokin' Cheeba.

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the same thing with cricket, it's not much fun or entertaining to watch, although they're hella rewarding when you sit through the entire game.

whys at least 1 user always on gear in these threads

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Played for 12 years and it’s loads of fun but there’s so much waiting

Waiting for your turn to bat and then having the game end is the worst

But user, you don’t understand. Think of the boomers and the elite.

Planning to tie in my legally mandated run with picking up from the dealer, I just hope a copper doesn't stop me and ask how many runs I've had today


youre welcome

Cricket is fun to play, not to watch.

good thing corona-chan closed down the roads. The quarantine will have saved 350.000 people.

And whenever confronted with this fact you will not be able to say anything other than “seethe” or “cope” because you know you can’t argue against it, you KNOW you’re a fucking freak and you’re constantly having to reassure yourself you’re not

Oh nooo the billionaires will be less well off?

you've blown him the fuck out there lad

*picture of a photogenic woman in her nhs uniform crying about some shite*

Do people on here finally realise it's an excuse for the bourgeoisie to implement police state measures, create panic, stop any opposition to the billions being given to businesses, hold down wages, sack toiler, ramp up pressure for war with China and further impoverish the masses?

the sound of cricket on the telly is very soothing though
almost as much as snooker

They will still be billionaires; however, many people will lose their jobs, homes and livelihoods the longer this goes on.

Boris MUST acknowledge the impact that the American virus is having on black and minority ethnic groups.

Its not America they cant force you to let them search your asshole.

no but all the people told to stay home and the small businesses who employ them will be if governments keep these shut downs going

What are you guys good at?
Batting or Bowling?

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that clip is a perforated septum waiting to happen (if somewhat pure)

This is a national emergency:

I have not had sex or a girlfriend in 21 years

Proves my point I've been saying for days. The NHS is permanently underfunded and understaffed thanks to our parasitic capitalist rulers and flu kills thousands every year because of this.

it's not the billionaires who suffer the most from a destroyed economy, it's the working class
billionaires lose some profits
the working classes lose their jobs, their communities fall into poverty and sometimes their entire industry just vanishes

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Post intriguing gifs (NOT webms)

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so am i

Been saying it from the onset but it seems the majority of you bought the conformist narrative

Yes and I support it 100%. I want a bourgeois dictatorship and war with China. LONG LIVE CAPITAL!

fuck off

Neither I'm awful all round

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I typically try to charge trannies for making me remember they exist

eat the rich

yanks at 61k not lads

how contagious are they? not at all? very good, idiotic post refuted

Some billionaires in biomedical and pharmaceutical industries will make a killing (literally) from the "vaccine", also retailers are utterly loving panic buying.

God, why do you guys even buy guns ffs? just get a claymore or a longbow if you're so worried about defending yourself.

I'm a much better batter than bowler. I have poor aim when bowling.

alri grandad

Hehe...dog drink beer

Thought this was a little horse

ive got a recurve bow


*nasally killers voice*
i'm coming out of my cage
thats a £30 fine

even at peak contagious where the entire population gets coronavirus, we will still see less deaths than cancer. this is a meme illness.

you SHOULD be able to do something better than the other right?

might take some adderall and write a novel
then a few days afterwards read through the nonsense I will have written and then rewrite it to actually make sense

Wow. Prince Charles has coronavirus.

This happened in Syria, where at weddings they all shoot their guns into the air like fucking retards

Im 21

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Even if you took everything billionaires had, it would only run the government for less than a year at most. You retards who are obsessed with the rich need to fuck off and die.


it comes from CHina thats why

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batty boy

are we all mates then?

The poor man is broken, shouting to God and demanding why so much pain upon him

>implying I don’t own a literal crossbow

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Wow, he has to shack up in buckingham palace
poor guy

pay your taxes sweetie x

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I want to go to an arab wedding


no, fuck them. Once they’re gone institute sustainable socialist practices.

>the ios nigger appears

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I do pay all of my taxes.

This is obvious. The fact that BoJo is already sending out test kits in the coming days suggests that he wants to resolve this quickly so they can move to some other phase.

fuck off poo

Stumped myself twice when I last tried to bat so I think bowling but I can barely keep my arm straight the whole time, prefer spending time with the /cric/ lads

>or a literal fuckhuge sword to slay negroes with

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>buckingham palace

I've been it's a shithole

ah yes putin would delay the crucial vote on the constitution for a flu definitely yessir


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Pick one

*nasally voice*
I do pay all of my taxes

Fuck up tranitor

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ok, sustainable socialism.

Sociopathic older brother doesn't give a shit about me lads. Hurts because i always looked up to him loads when growing up
Never attempts any sort of communication unless he wants something, sent him a happy birthday message and asked him how he was because weve not spoken in 3 or 4 months and all I got back was a thumbs up emoji
Meanwhile he's tagging his mates in stuff on Facebook and cracking jokes with them
Makes me feel inadequate because he doesn't see any value in me as a brother
Anyone relate?

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by the looks of your wrists you'll struggle to lift that you femoid


fucking screaming at that trump video
it comes from CHina

when the entire world economy gets gimped new opportunities arise

how long do you lads reckon a /brit/ thread lasts on average?
are we gettin through them quicker cuz of the 'rona?

Wait for the plop

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But they are preventable. How many obesity related deaths do we have per year? And yet we still see adverts for junk food everywhere we look. Is that so different? Is junk food advertising not effectively a way of embedding an idea in your head that is fundamentally damaging to your health? It's undeniable that those who are dying from obesity have been influenced by this advertising... no outrage there.

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

Have strong healthy wrists that’s just a big sword

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he cant afford any of this shit hes 12

He should have dropped a line about how calling it coronavirus damages the Mexican beer industry.

What costume shop did you go to?

20-40 min to 2 hours

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>Anyone that supports this fascist measure needs to rethink their idea about freedom

t. also thinks thousands of civilian deaths to save rich bankers is a good idea


Need this in 64kHD but 0 clothes.

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hard to wank in these times

7 year old girl stabbed to death in Bolton by a Polish woman.

Price of diversity.

Still chuckling at that bat pissing .webm where his face looks like mine when I go for a night piss.

>The United Kingdom in 2030 had we stuck to herd immunity and allowed our economy to thrive while the rest of the world shut down

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just caught car crash off me brother, ffs i'm gonna be ill in bed for a week!!!


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thats what your mum said

Texans are dumb as shit

don't care for gifs

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good post. all the pensioners would've died out as well.

i was very proud of your country for a bit

love girl fights me, very underrated fetish

Rat on any quarantine breakers today?

everyone with half a brain knows this is literally nothing and definitely not worth the farce
i bet bojo knows this but felt he had no choice

the altar of multiculturalism must be bathed in sacrificial blood

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>they think I can’t view webms on iPhone
Not only can I view them, I can post them, I am more powerful than you know

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>neighbour has a bunch of friends over, revving their bikes
>just heard one of them cough
should I call the feds?


Epic bro.