Koreans lynch kid for being half white

Why are they so racist and cruel?
>Russians in Korea are upset and bitter after a gang of teenagers allegedly lynched to death an Incheon boy, 14, whose mother was Russian and father Korean.
>Maria, who moved to Korea 13 years ago with her son, 5, said her son had also experienced bullying from his friends and tried to befriend them by giving them money. She added that he tried to speak Korean better than Russian, eat kimchi better and played computer games with them, but they continued harassing him.
>"In Russia, we never discriminated Korean-Russians because we knew that regardless of their origin they were same human," Maria said. "Schools and teachers in Korea, however, don't seem to teach such lesson at all."


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>half white
That is a bait, Mehmet. The victim’s mother was an ethnic Korean (Koryosaram) who immigrated fron Russia.

>no international outrage

Korean inner problems, I guess. This chick decided to live with her kid in this first world racist shithole, she got unlucky in the end. I feel nothing.


Russian women need to understand that they have no value and their children are 2nd class citizens everywhere. No one cares about Russians, if they die, we laugh.

lynched like hung him?

doubt any of the parties were hung

Boys will be boys. Only white people can be racist, sweaty.

It's just an average day for Asians living in the west.

No Pablo, they gave hime lunch.

Black men rules the streets of the USA, everyone knows this.

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It's not because of trump.
It's not even necessarily because of the virus.
Black teenagers have a real problem with sucker punching people.
Asians are the flavor of the week.

Gotta nip those Elliot Rodgers in the bud, m8

WTF I love Korea now

KFC target audience is a swarm of violent spastics, there's no reason to it besides them being violent spastics.

But I thought russo-koreans were based

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Asians cannot become racist.

Why? Because you are born racists?

do your women still crave white cock???

>No one cares about Russians, if they die, we laugh.
Who 'we'? Monkeys?

lol it’s always black Americans fucking up random Asians minding their own business

We, the developed world. We see Russians as expendable, made to be used.

is this why cops shoot nigger kids all the time

being half white is what every asian dreams off. imagine how much you save on plastic surgery

Shame Japan couldn't have kept Korea after WW2

>Innocent white children

>black men rules the stree-


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why are you including Brazil in the developed world?

whites are nigger tier in east asia. this kid was being raised by her single russian mom

Your words doesn't compute. Brazilians aren't developed. Truly developed nation doesn't look on others as expendables. Therefore you are just a cheap troll.

I only interact with wypipo through le interwebz and most of them suck desu

>Being whiteboo
>Dream being half instead of full

>Half white
>Russian and korean parents

other races are looked down in East Asia but whites are looked upon higher than blacks or Indians or Asians not from the country in question (Koreans in Japan for example)

>I feel nothing
You don't need to tell us with that flag

As a half Korean guy these stories stick with me and make me have existential crises. I also think of multiple suicide stories of WMAF and AMWF hapas that went to school in Korea. Where do mixed race people fit in the world? Nowhere...

Brazil, Hawaii

>Where do mixed race people fit in the world?


cringe nobody likes me faggot
even those "acceptance bubbles" are fractured and everyone hates each other over there, the only person that you have is yourself so suck it up

find a good group of people who accept you for you, and look beyond your ethnic origins

there will always be assholes

Genuinely asking is it really that bad in Korea and the West?

>Dindus beat up random Asian dude
>People blame Blumpf

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Russia is more developed than you

In Russia mixed people fits just ok. I was studying together with jews, armenians, georgians, yakuts, siberian russians, western russians, koreans, tatars and with people whose ethnicity you won't grasp form a single glance (truly several bloods mixed in). And never anyone was bullied because of skin color or nationality.
Only small, closed-mind nations are racists.

run a translator on this article

why do russian women go to practicly every country to get maried ?

Because they're surrounded by Russian men

they somehow find a way to blame trump and not the actal apes doing the violence

Defective women, defective genetics, defective relationships.

There's lots of beautiful women in Russia, so roastie leftovers cant compete and have to try in east or West where everyone is goblohomo

based. fuck those banana traitors

time to go back to khaza or larp as a turk they are the original hapa you will fit well

California. I was literally blown away by the sheer quantity of WMAF couples walking around the Los Angeles area.

Nah, it's not. Roads in Russia don't even have pavement.

It's soulless koreans; what did you expect?

blacks kill more cops

go back to r azn identity ricecel

wtf poland i thought we were frens

why did he didnt bring a knife or something ?

the filthy beasts of this world naturally lash out and destroy that which they know they will never be

Why are they so xenophobic? This should be shown to all those kpop fan girls.