Corona edition
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we did it lads
sick of batty bastards
China must be punished after all of this
seethe on rorke
the scran
>tfw it's only been 2 days of quarantine, but it feels like 2 months
When will this end? Jesus.
>wasted 2 hours
>shouted/swore at a bank employee
>almost cried in front of police officers
How has your day been so far?
It's amazing that Japan up until the 20th century was unconquered.
They went to war with Mongolian/British hordes in their prime and easily shredded them.
Portugal was one of the largest powers in the 17th century and they shit themselves at the prospect of invading Japan.
China (Ming/Qing) never even attempted to land on their shores and when Japan took the fight to them it was completely one sided.
How ?
Wtf the Irish are swarthy as fuck
Not a ginger in sight
business idea: become, no, dare I say, EVOLVE into a virus
Légion d'honneur pour tout ceux qui combattent le virus, dans les hôpitaux, les médecins ainsi que les pompiers et ambulanciers mobilisés. #COVID19 #SoutienAuxSoignants
Could somebody please post that graph showing death trajectories for European countries by day all on one graph or tell me where to get it?
Me so saweee! Me throw in extra pron crakas into yooa meel!
Kin've just struck me that this is an old photo and not a still from a movie
It's funny to see how Europeans didn't really give much of a shit about China aside from pillaging it but they absolutely fell head over heels in love with everything Japanese.
Japan is honorary, 100%.
Britain needs a new machine.
have some respect for your own kind you betraying scum
pédophile de merde, pends toi
I've found that manlets are usually super belligerent and compensate for their shortcomings (heh) by being very aggressive and violent
Haven't played Red Dead 2 yet
Will it entertain me throughout this lockdown?
I enjoyed the first one back when it came out
Drank too much last night now I think I’m retarded
what did you do with are finlad
Yes it will.
prince charles has coronavirus
it insists upon itself
>lockdowns across the world
>financial markets suffering loses unseen since the Great Depression in the 30s
>Drumpf threatens to cancel lockdown early and send million back to work, potentially indirectly killing thousands and thousands
>S&P +11%
mmm yes...capitalism....very impressive.....
Nah dude. 17th and 18th century Europeans loved the shit out of China.
Sinophobia came around in the 19th century with the sharp decline of the Qing, look at Einsteins journals. all they do is shit on Chinese who were in the middle of a civil war while sucking off Japs.
Don't think it's a height thing
Manlets: Samurai
Lanklets: Vikings
Averagelets: Nazis
Ahahaha hey there Doug
Lockdowns are just down to reddit soys demanding to be locked in their houses because they don't understand statistics.
how many times do we need to repeat they’re honorary aryans by the grace of god?
remember that one time the mongols tried to invade them and a giant storm sent them to the bottom?
lol @ all the racists who would kick this succulent chinese woman out of their bed
Very chuffed about that get, I must say.
>out of their bed
more like id kick her straight in her face until its mush
>out of their bed
more like id kick her straight in her face until its mush
The girlfriend market is a perfectly competitive market. All girlfriends are the same with no product differentiation. Thus, there is no advertising. There are no substitutes (being single or gay are absolutely out of the question).
Thanks to this, women are a boyfriend taker. They must take the boyfriend that the market gives them.
t. radcen
Italy has around 22,000 deaths every flu season that last around 4 months per year.
Don't follow history beyond the 19th century if I'm being honest
she's like 50 now and would still absolutely get it
good lad
went out to buy groceries. mission completed
did the man repeat the numbers?
I'm interested in Lucy doing a split but I also don't want to watch a video with a nigger in it
I'd spray it with insect repellent
Glad I'm not Italy and in the stone age
bojo is going to go down as the man who killed are chuck
aye, you just did
hip hip! wahey!
Quintessentially based.
this is a man isn't it
listening to oxbow lads
aha :)
listening to oxbow lads
aha :)
Economy is just astrology for autists
right youve done this to me twice now, stop it yeh?