Yes I am Walloon

Yes I am Walloon
Yes I will vote on extreme leftist parties
Yes I will leech off flemish taxes and social security contributions
Yes I am a NEET
Yes I will migrate to Brussels and further frenchify the region

No, I wont learn Dutch/flemish
No, I wont support flemish independence
No, I wont find a job

Attached: 1580239091288.png (420x420, 37.37K)

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wasn't Wallonia the first place outside of Britain to be industrialized?
why have they fallen behind?

>thinking votes have any value

OK, c'est basé.

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>yes we have the shittiest city in the entire western Europe
parasites the lot of them


Attached: just.jpg (374x363, 24.09K)

t. most western part of eastern europe

as a dutch person i would like to thank you. you are doing gods work.

relying on coal mines post 1970 and several retarded investments

>implying you're doing those things by choice rather than being forced into it by your lack of noteworthy skills/intellect

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Walloon politicians are just leeching off of flanders by leading people like OP into making them vote extreme left wing for communistic practises

>Yes I will vote on extreme leftist parties
uhhhhhhhhh based department?

still buttmad because we closed the borders?

Attached: hollanders niet welkom 3.jpg (1179x565, 121.22K)

What are you talking about? That was the single best decision Belgium made since declaring independence.


Who is paying for the wall and is it high enough that drug bags being thrown over won't knock out a border patrol guard?

I don't know about drug bags but at least it keeps the Fl*mmish out

belgian "wall" and drugs are allowed in

seething cope

>Who is paying for the wall

Stay mad

we're keeping the frogs out too
it's like a dream come true

Attached: fransozen buiten 2.jpg (763x509, 102.59K)

Yes I am Walloon
Yes I live a happy life in a small town in the Ardennes
Yes I have no worries at all
Yes Flemish people are jealous of me, because I live the best comfy life while not having a job
Yes Flanders is basically the Netherlands but poorer, uglier and worse language

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i like to point out that you're the one who started insulting

Damn Paris under water
Vive le changement climatique

okay, this is beyond basedness

>worse language
topkek, Flemish absolutely > Hollands m8

>voor mij ne cervela special
>nee gene friet kben op dieet

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Feel free to show me 1 (ONE) post in which I insulted you, inhabitant of the entity known as Belgium.
Unless you consider Belgium and/or Flanders in itself as an insult, in which case touché.


I merely applied a slight profanity filter.
Or should've I known better than to call people that live in the Southern Wastes by their self designated names?

Attached: gekke Belgen.png (1035x467, 152.01K)

stay mad behind the cucktainer

Gladly, as long as you promise to not to remove them anytime soon.

>Flemish independance
Doesn't this just mean splitting Belgium in half
Also who would get Brussels?

Belgium is just a country that England made up to fuck with Germany

>Trinidad and Tobago

Brussels would get Brussels

We can donate it to the EU no worries

>Doesn't this just mean splitting Belgium in half
Nah don't want that. Walloons don't feel like losing flemish gibs
>Also who would get Brussels?
Walloons are migrating en masse to Brussels. When the they comes that they will split up, they will have a stronger claims because of this even though Brussels is technicaly in the middle of flemish soil.
Hence the reference in OPs post
>Yes I will migrate to Brussels and further frenchify the region

>Serbia and-
Oh wait.

existed way before as the Southern Netherlands. Also Spanish Netherlands, Austrian Netherlands and Burgundian Duchy (our finest hour btw)

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Burgundy was super based indeedée
Oh and why not:

those were the glory days, they are still celebrated across the country each year

Attached: gouden boomstoet.jpg (1280x720, 253.3K)

average Walloon in his natural habitat:

Attached: baraki carolo.jpg (480x360, 14.32K)


Please colonize my cunt taureau wallon

Mora maakt de beste frikandellen, snap niet waarom dit ter discussie wordt gesteld.

Based, I literally live there. <
No neighbours, and the area the least touched by Corona-chan in Belgium.

Attached: hérou.jpg (1229x816, 636.84K)

Ardennes are so comfy. When sea levels rise, it will be our new home :)

Looks comfy. Im going to improve my french rn so I can have a comfy life in the Ardennes one day

based af

>Im going to improve my french
what? we should settle there when the sea levels rise, and immediately demand language facilities ;^)

Nice picture. What town is it?

Not him but it's def somewhere in the Ardennes. Extremely comfy region.

It's La Roche en Ardennes

Nice town but it should be part of Luxembourg. So I'm afraid you guys won't be able to go there when Belgium finally collapses.

mind your own business mutt