Please visit Moscow and spend your monies.
We, Kubanoids, pay our taxes which go straight to Moscow so that you, western travelers, could feel comfy here in Russia(Moscow)
Please visit Moscow and spend your monies.
We, Kubanoids, pay our taxes which go straight to Moscow so that you, western travelers, could feel comfy here in Russia(Moscow)
I was in moscow a year ago.
Why is russia so cucked by western corporations?
Thanks to these solutions, the traffic capacity of streets increased by 7%, and the number of accidents decreased by 37%.
But I'm poor and have no mone.
All these measures allowed to increase the number of pedestrians on the reconstructed streets by 2-4 times.
Spend on what? Hookers?
I was actually interested in travelling to Russia this summer but it was fucked up cuz virus.
Now people don 't have to go to Central parks or far out of town to enjoy nature. You can do it on your way back home from work.
This is how Ostozhenka looked just a year ago
Is Kuban the Krasnodar krai? What is the Kubanoid stereotype?
After the reconstruction, the Parking areas are clearly demarcated. Pay attention to the lamppost on the right – road signs have been installed on it! This is a good solution to avoid putting another sign- only post next to it. Unfortunately, a few meters in the middle of the sidewalk stands a post with a sign "Parking" (and the same one on the left ). What for?
A small public space with swinging benches. Here the courtyard turns into a square. Such places enliven the street.
Previously, there would have been Parking, but now there is a well- lit transit area with comfortable benches and bins.
>Is Kuban the Krasnodar krai?
>What is the Kubanoid stereotype?
Muscovites and Pidorsburgians often say we have low IQ. (they're just bantering haha))))
Bumping adv thread
Pls pay me mr putin
>Spend on what? Hookers?
Spending on hookers is ok too (just make sure they're Russians, so that they won't send their monies to Hohland)
most tourists rather go to St. Petersburg, it’s more akin to western cosmopolitan cities
I want to visit moscow too but russian is a difficult language
I don't wanna get killed by an ukrainian.
Russia stronk
Clean Ponds area just a year ago
I can’t leave my house for a month let alone leave the country.
After reconstruction, there are neat squares with benches and greenery in tubs.
I watch a brazilian youtube travell channel and they don't speak russian but visited russia and had no problems usin only english
That dude really likes yellow
You only need Russian if you want to visit Kubanoid regions (everything outside of Moscow), otherwise English will be more than enough to not get lost
For example checkout picrel:
They made a good navigation. In addition to the direction and translation into English, here you can find how long it takes to walk to important places in the area .
Are you sure it's Moscow? WE ARE EUROPEAN NAO! (please come to spend your money)
The profile of the street has completely changed, now it is pleasant to walk along it. A few years ago most streets were designed for car drivers, not pedestrians
looks like Paris in cleaner..
I suggest you all to buy roubles (₽) right now, at the current exchange rate it's a no-brainer. You might come to Russia(Moscow) later, but you will never, I REPEAT NEVER, be able to acquire roubles at such low prices again. Think about it, once you come over to Russia(Moscow) you will be able buy at least 2x more goods and services for the same money if you take my advice seriously.
Thank you so much! The recognition by France (a tourist superpower) means a lot to us (by us I mean Kubanoids who pay for it)
It means our money is not wasted
Where is the most beautiful place in Moscow
are they gonna be okay with it if i start making out with a cute russian boy? ill pay double
Moskwa takaja dorogaja!
>Where is the most beautiful place in Moscow
Not sure 2bh, I'm Kubanoid myself, you should ask some real Muscovite
>paying for anything
I doubt your barbarian shitholes can pay for a single pair of trousers
My hood Kapotnya
>are they gonna be okay
who they? just call me when you're in town, you won't need to pay anything
Wow Russia rich
Do you have skyscrapers?
There are a lot of them. Vorob'ovy Gory probably. Nice park, attractions and always some cultural action around.
In the left corner of picrel
Sure, we have them and also a lot of new transport infrastructure around to see them from different angles.
Cool! I want to be Russian now!
But you have tons of scyscrapers too, you silly Pole! Scyscrapers is an integral paro of Polish culture, did you forget about it?
But I don't want to be poor, dirty Pole... I want to be Russian!
It's a very beautiful place Rusbro. I'll be sure to visit when this corona emergency is over.
I even know some Russian, look:
Moгy ли я cтaть Pyccким? Дaвaй cyкa блядь пaccпopт
Moжeшь. Пepeeзжaй cюдa.
Cпacибo бoльшoe ))))
Fuck Mosque
All Mosquevites are sissy faggots
t. Kubanoid BVLL
nigga border are close
Are Australians welcome in Russia
I am not from Moscow but I find it hard to believe that our government did something good for the people without some underlying sordid interest
ofc, all wealthy first worlders are very welcome, people will treat you nicely and with respect, just don't try to impose traditions and current trends in your society on us
did they put a lot of money into improving the city for the world cup?
Adopt some normal visa requirements and we can talk about it.
Please visit Krasnodar Krai
Rate my village btw