I like Belgium. Do you like Belgium?

I like Belgium. Do you like Belgium?

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not really

Belgians are cool, but their country is not.

I would personally murder every resident.

They should pay reparations to the Congo

Why? It was the Congolese who were actually doing all the dirty work of cutting off hands. The Belgians weren't encouraging it, they just neglected to do anything about it.

Yes, they make good beer

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no, Flanders must be independant

based and truthpilled though, When you learn about The Congo of Leopold II, you realise they where really very little at fault, with their only crime being honoring their promise for total free trade and giving companies total control for most of north Congo, where all the rubber plantations are. Leopold voiced multiple times his concern for the conditions of the congo, since he was afraid the international community would take his colony away. but he could not reduce production, since he pretty much used all his fortune into the colony and was on the brink of bankruptcy more than 2 times. The cutting off hands thing also was not something the Belgians invented, but was a practice done long before they arived.


They seem a bit snobbish for a non-country

altough belgium is a non-country, true. i don't wanna hear that from """"North-Macedonia""""

You are proving me right with this post.


> every country better than mine who admits they are better than my country are snobs
Saying my country is better than some East-bloc country is not being snobbish, its just the truth. blatantly saying we would be superior than Switzerland, that would be snobbish.

Brussels might be the most blatantly Islamic capital in Europe


not realy, at least its funny

I don't live in an eastern european country. Learn geography.

>nederlandse TV

geographic lines are completly arbitrary most of the times and have nothing to do with geography. from certain perspective, calling you an eastern European is not wrong, neither is calling you a Southern European wrong.

>, calling you an eastern European is not wrong
It's wrong and I am very offended

its not wrong, is poland central or Eastern European? Polands would say central, just as the czechs probably would, but most Western Europeans would still classify them as Eastern European. In the end, as i said, these lines are very arbritrary can cannot be confined to high-school levels of geography.

My only friend in europe is belgian

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Everyone here views themselves as Balkan not east or south europe. Second identity is the ex-yu and third might be southeastern europe.

Autistic borders and regions named by americans mean shit

Belgians are cool but their country isn't real

come and try it chink

What's it like?

well, how you view yourself might not always be absolutly correct. naming yourself balkan, ex-yugo or south-eastern european is completly valid (i even think the last one is probably the most acurate). But by example, Greeks would never call themeselfs part of the balkan, altough they are very clearly part of the balkan peninsula. Just as you just clearly opposed being associated with the term Eastern European. its these kind of cultural preferences which are rooted in historical contexts that make these "geographical" lines debatable. geographical lines are more cultural points of view than anything else.

My frendo is from Belgium, gonna visit him when Corona-chan goes away

Idk how many greeks you've met but they absolutely call themselves Balkan. The only fags who want to "escape" the balkan tag are slovenians.

Can confirm! I love my polish frens.

boring to a certain degree, but thats not necessarily. its a good place to go on vacation to if you want to really relax. Visit a comfy city, look at some historical stuff, and you will still have plenty of time to sit down a order a couple of beers in the squares. you are not running around like a tourist idiot desperate to see every hotspot.

not necessarily a bad thing*

>mcdonalds? The only burger I need is bicky

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Aren't they your greatest ally since they have the Eu capital and built your roads and gibs?

absolutly based, nothing is better than that.

I actually do like Belgium because their objectively factual existence as a sovereign state seems to annoy Europeans very much, which is always a good thing. I just wish they hadn't beat us in that gay semen slurping sport that doesn't matter anyway.

>not eating Quick

How is Quick tbqh? Unless Bicky is slang for Quick or something.

Yes i do, I love their proud and noble African history


Sounds perfect. Whenever I visit a city, I'm interested in history and everything but I get bored after some time. I went to Florence and I was amazed but I got tired after exploring all of the city center, I sat down and had a beer.
What's Belgian beer like?

Quick is rapidly declining here, being replaced by Burger kings. i never really see their places full like mcdonalds and burger king, Also they always seem to be understaffed.

Bicky are the hamburgers you get in the local Fries places, and are absolute master pieces.

I see, thank you for the useful information Wim.

Not after Dutroux

it's not bad if you like high fermenting beers

Bicky is a branch of burger that is solely sold in belgian snackbars. Its fucking good and most belgians prefer going to a snackbar than mccrap or burger king.

true, fries are better too

I hate how Flanders claim our own beautiful cities like Ghent, Bruges and Antwerp. It is just a weird country, you have a french and a dutch part but the dutch part does not go to the Netherlands and the french part does not go to france instead they form one country? whahahah

> What's Belgian beer like?

Your cities? I live in Bruges, we want nothing to do with you.

Okay and? It is a Dutch.city though, you speak Dutch in bruges right? Wjy do you speak Dutch? Because it is Dutch.

you sound like a 12 year old. every Dutch person with even the slightest common knowledge of the shared history of the Southern Netherlands and the Netherlands itself, should be able to explain that. thats like stuff you learn when you are 15 or 16

Yes. I give it a lot of shit but honestly it's home and I'm grateful for the comfy architecture, flemish I speak, great chocolate and even better beer.

also the trans healthcare is very good

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But what do you call a quarter pounder with cheese? :^)

A double royal cheese

the same as you lol, a quarter pounder with cheese, don't know about the french speaking part of belgium

We are Flemish, our tongue is different from yours, and historically we have been more apart than together. Even geneticallly we are different. Bruges and Ghent is heartland Flanders, the original county. In fact, the southern part of NL is our legitimare clay. So stay were you are, swamp pirates.

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